3: Cupped

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POV: Switching, back and forth then ending in no one's.

Trigger Warning: Near anxiety attack, PTSD(?, Tell me if I'm wrong) (possibly, I don't want to write things down and just put any random warnings)

POV: Edric

It was wrong, it was really, really wrong. Oh my titan, what if I made him uncomfortable?!, My gaze landing on the somewhat shorter boy in a white cape, gold right shoulder armer and a golden owl bird looking mask. When he had turned my way I didn't know how red I was but I had turned away for just a split second before seeing him running off Infront of everybody with his Artificial Magic staff yelling "BYYYEEEEEE!" And running away, deeper in the caves. Everybody had gone still, after processing what happened, Amity was the first who had shot up "C'mon! We can't lose him!" She called while our palisman had turned into staffs, watching a little red bird whiz off to follow the Golden Guard.

After everyone got situated, we set off at a speed to find the 'genius teen prodigy', I got lost in my thoughts before Em had snapped her fingers in my face before giving me an unsure look. I just had to give her a reassuring look back.

"We can't loose him! Quickly!" Luz had yelled to everyone with Eda sitting behind her with King on her shoulders latching on. "He's probably at the lake!" Amity spoke up. "I think he's down here" someone had called again. Don't know who this time. Finally, we reached the center of the caverns and to the Eclipse Lake, problem is. It's dry and crumbly, almost nothing was alive inside except for the teen prodigy to be in the middle of the lake Digging a hole. I had jumped off my staff but the avian keeping that form, so had everyone else.

I watched as my little sister slowly made her way to the mumbling dude in the empty lake. Soon being close enough she then stopped and acted confused?

POV: No One's

Amity had found herself looking at the Golden Guard digging a hole and mumbling to himself "uh, what,, are you doing?" She asked watching the other flinch. Hunter looked at her with a tired look, beautiful magenta pink eyes that had dark circles under them. Not surprised, he looks like that everyday. He had pointed his pointer finger up before pointing it at the hole "this is my grave" he spoke before flopping face down in the dirt.

Amity had called everyone over, when Hunter could feel rascal tug at his cape to get up he was only shooed away by Hunter being told "leave me I deserve to die" Hunters breath hitched. "Eda and me will search around here for any coven guards and try find an easy way out"Luz spoke setting King down "eh?!" He spoke "stay here with them King" she said. Getting on her staff along with Eda before flying off into another tunnel.

"Emira! Help me look for the blood, it can't be that empty" Amity called out pointing to the ground before digging, Her sister joining not to long after.

Edric watched everyone leave, well sorta. Before looking at Hunter, What was up? Emperor Belo's gets almost everything he wants every hour of the day. Why was he so messed up about it?. Noticing the boys mask was on the ground, he grabbed it before walking over to him, "u-uhm. Hey, you dropped this" he spoke handing it to him. Hunter looking up at the other before sneering and looking away, "I.. woah.. y-your eyes are-" he tried to speak up before being cut off "what.. freaky?" Hunter interrupted before standing and facing Edric. "No, just, I've never seen eyes like yours, I think their.. well.. really c- I-I mean Pretty! Yeah pretty!" He stammered before stuffing the Golden mask into Hunters hands. In all honesty, The boy just looked confused.

Edric looked at the ash-blonde before smirking, he had taken a step forward causing Hunter to step back as reflex. Soon circling the shorter (Hunters as tall as Amity and the twins are seemingly taller in my POV) He watched as the Blight circled him, a bead of sweat dropping down Hunters face. A slight nervous look on him before feeling his breathing quicken again, standing still and holding his mask up and closer to his chest he felt something grab his face, it was rough at first but that only caused him to panic more.

Near panic attack.

Hunter had a blurry vision so he couldn't tell who it was. Which only made things worse. He already had tears in his eyes, causing his eye sight to jump him, he had turned Shakey, going pale all he knew was that his head was slightly tilted up with fading out words "I- I'm srr- sorry" he choked up, tears beginning to spill "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, ple-please, ill- d-do better.. I" he sobbed.

He could feel tears being wiped away from his face, quiet cooing such as "shhhh, shh, it's okay", "calm down" "whatever it was it's not your fault" little things like that.

!Warning over!

Edric had taken Hunters face a little to roughly, he didn't know such movements could do such a thing to a person. He had watched the other suddenly just go weak, tears welling in his eyes, Edric was taken back, listening to Hunter stammer, choke and sob out words he could barely even understand. Cupping the others face in his hands, he began shushing him, He could feel him loosely latch onto his wrists before Edric had slowly moved to his knees along with hunter to give him better support on the ground. Still back at wiping tears he began cooing at him. Shushing, and telling him to calm down, He only got the other to calm down with the crying, little hiccups every now and then. An arrow had shot through Edrics heart, seeing Hunters Pretty pink colored eyes having glimmering tears in them, having a bit of a low glow in his face in the dim light.

His cheeks and ears, which were lowered, only just to be a little red. Edric lost in a trance of Hunters soft features, "shh.." he tried finishing.

{1055 words, how's the story? Any errors?}

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