13: New Friend?

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{okay, My OC Felony the Ferret will be in this, Their only to watch Hunter, not become lovers or any of that, Just to be friends, their a past Palisman, Their my TOH character. Please understand and don't say rude things, Their only to be friends and that's it, they'll rarely interact is all.}


Trigger Warning: N/A

Hunter couldn't stop bouncing his legs, his hands trembling in fear, his pink, red eyes slightly open wide. There he was, on the sofa of The Owl House,  slouched/leaning over his bouncing legs, his hands gripping his hair, beads of sweat rolling down his face, quivering lips, only him biting his bottom one non-stop.  

'It's been a month.. A bloody hell month...' He shut his eyes, questions rolling into their mind and starting to spin. 'What if I'm called a traitor? or if I'm found and taken back to the coven and questioned with no time to explain myself? I could be killed..?' Hunter had began to build up anger and anxiety over the past few days. He remembered last night Luz let him sleep in her room but only cause he seemed weary of his surroundings and where he was. King was starting to call him paranoid over nothing and that he needs to learn how to chill. "That's not true.." He muttered to himself, thoughts of 'What if's' and Emperor Belos might do this or that' letting out a pained groan Hunter had stood up. 

It was a Sunday mid-morning, it was Friday when Hunter got the hickey from Edric, it was half way faded, you could still see bits of the bite mark, but he could patch it up and just say that when King was crawling up him he had poked his claw there and left a scratch. 'yeah.. that'll be fine..' he reasured himself about the idea.

The blonde let out a sigh,  "Y'know, thinking of ideas like that can cause you to end up sickened by anxiety, it'll take days just to make you feel sure about yourself" A voice had spoken up, Hunter turned to it, it was Eda. "You'll have a new watcher, Edric said that his mother's getting suspicious of him going out every weekend just to watch you while me and the others are gone." She said, "They'll be here soon" She spoke up, "What's their name?" Hunter softly asked, "Felony" Eda Smiled, "Oh aannd.. Their an animal." She chuckled. "Wait.. An animal? Is that even possible here?" Hunter asked, looking confused. Staring up at the tall woman, a worried somewhat confused expression written all over his face. "Uh, yeah. Do you not see King everyday?" She retorted back at him unamused now. "O-oh..right..." He stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck.  The silence held between the both of them, There was a sudden soft knock on the rough door then a 'Hoot!' "That was hooty, they must be here already." Eda said walking up to it, Hooty had opened the door, "OH! EDA! DID YOU KNOW TH-" Hooty yelled out cheerfully but only to be cut off by the lady "Shut it Hootsifer" Eda put a finger to the door bird's beak to tell him to zip it.

All of a sudden the owls face had gone all sad and droopy.  "Ah~.. You must be Felony!~" Eda spoke cheerfully, holding out a hand to the tall, slim but seemingly Fluffy? shillouette. A small soft chuckle  had came from them, Hunter standing in the back-ground fiddling with his fingers, a nervouse look on him.

"Why yes! You must be Eda!~" They spoke back, "Come in. Hunter's been waiting for you." Eda spoke moving out of the way for them to step in. They were taller then Eda! They had to bend their head down a little just to fit through the door frame. "I hope you don't mind but King doesn't want to come with us, he said that he would rather stay here and see how things go. " Eda said slamming the door with Hooty yelling "OW!" in the background. A tall, lean but slim creature stood there in The Owl House, a dark but light grey-ish cream of some sort colored fur, black paw toes, and around their wrist were two gapped black rings around them, round, fluffy ears with white fluffy insides. A long otter looking tail, It looked as if they were wearing a black mask like a raccoon from the human realm, Luz had showed Hunter pictures of them from when she was in and out of this world and from hers. A left golden colored eye, and the right a bright blue. A black like button-up, sleeveless vest that only stopped at their chest on them, and a brown satchel around one shoulder. Large fluffy neck and chest fur with a big red bow tied around their neck and in the back of it.  "Hunter, This is Felony, Luz said from the looks of them they look like an otter, But their a black-footed ferret. They said they used to be a palismen!" Eda seemingly whispered the last part excitedly, "I- Wow.. Your really tall.." Hunter spoke kinda having to look up at them, "Y-yeah.. I get that alot." Felony chuckled. 

"I'm here to watch you for a couple ours, which'll be how long?" They asked, looking at Eda, But the door was wide open, "Come on Luz! we've got training!" And that was when Luz and Lillith were out the door, King hopping down the stairs. "Ookaaayyy then.. Looks like it's all day then?" Felony nervously chuckled. Hunter just staring at them, Confused of how they were an actual animal and not a demon like King. "Your an actual palisman?!" Hunter exclaimed, taking a step back. "Well, yeah. Used to be, I remember being someone's palisman before being given to someone else and turned into this." They spoke, mentioning their form. "Can you do magic?" Hunter questioned, sitting on the couch, King jumping up next to them and sitting down, "You're a really big animal. -Gasp- ARE YOU A KING TOO?!" The small demon asked as stars lit up in his eyes, "Okay, okay slow down. No I cannot do magic, I only make potions for battle or for the ones in need. Like herbal mixing, or for the ones going to fight" They waved their hands, before using their paws to make an air drawing of a potion bottle. "And no, Im no King, Im just a helper. I own a shop in the town. In the back of it around one of it's corners." Felony Explained to them. King soon loosing interest. "Meh, could be better." A bored look taking over his face.

"I would love to sit and chat but I think I need a break, I took all morning getting here and My paw-pads are already starting to get sore" The tall creature nervously chuckled, "If you don't mind, You really take my interest. Am I allowed to get to know you and possibly be friends? ma'- or sir?" Hunter stammered at the last part. "It doesn't matter what you call me, I prefer all and any." Felony spoke, putting a paw to their chest. Soon getting on all fours and curling up on the ground, laying on their side facing the couch. Tail wrapped around them, A small smile on their face as they patted to the open space around their stomach. "Here would be fine if you want to join me." He spoke up, Hunter soon sat at their side, almost as if you had a really big dog and it was laying down and you just laid where it would look as if it were curled around you.

Taking off their bag and handing it to Hunter, "I have a book and a few quills if you'd like to start drawing or writing, The ink should be in there too. Just be careful and try not to spill it mate." She smiled. "U-uh.. Thanks." Hunter spoke up, King soon jumping down from the sofa, "Pillow?" He asked standing in front of the animal, "Oh, no thank you." Felony waved off the idea before King had gotten on all fours as well, soon laughing and running off and around the place. The creature sighed. Closing their eyes and placing their head in-between their paws going to sleep, hopefully to pass the time. Hunter had looked through their notes about potions, potion mixing, ingredients for making different potions, healing, blinding potion, poisonous ones, etc. etc. 

"Wow.." Hunter whispered. Soon pulling out an empty book from their bag, Lightly dipping the quill tip in the ink before looking at the large ferret, looking back at the book before starting to draw, he wasn't a natural artist but he would do his best, he started to draw them on all fours in the right top part of the paper before drawing them on their hind legs, Soon drawing what their front part looked like and their back part. Drawing their eyes, nose, mouth  and paws=+paw-pads on a different part of the paper, Soon enough he ad drawn the base, anatomy and their looks on not just one, not two, not three. He flipped to another page thinking he had done four, Okay.. Maybe three pieces of paper,  The third one having a picture of them on their hind legs and with information on the right half of the paper, Him writing down how tall he thought they were, what creature/species, etc, etc. 

It was going good, Hunter was hoping it would stay that way for the rest of the day too.

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