4: Feeble

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POV: Eda's

Trigger Warning: N/A

Me and Luz had been on Owlbert for a long time, soon enough just in the middle of the cave he had turned into his avian form. Causing us to walk "What do you think is going on back there? Like What do you think Hunter is doing?" Luz had asked me, "Ahh he's probably been clocked by that girlfriend of yours" I tease, elbowing her gently with a smile.

Just watching Luz's reaction was actually funny, her face had gone all different shades of pink before going all red, that's when we heard a loud roar sort of thing. Then rocks began falling, we had started running at this part before sneaking behind a rock on the outside. Taking a peak we saw that no good dirty Kikimora! With Coven guards and abominables but, the little ugly red one was on top of one.

"Oh no! Their tearing their way through!" Luz whisper yelled. After Owlbert turned into his staff form we took off into the cave and back were we came from.

No ones POV

After Eda and Luz had made it back to the others, the two hopped of the long piece of wood before looking at Amity and Emira who were looking at Edric and Hunter. Hunter was being held by Edric while being on the ground, seemingly being rocked slowly.

Amity looked quite upset with her brother interaction's with her enemy, while Emira was trying to hold back giggles. "Okay, forget that, Kikimora and coven guards are trying to tear into this place, did you find the titans blood?!" Luz panicked, "no, the lake dried up completely, we covered the holes up incase someone else came along" Amity spoke. Luz nodded, "But what are we gonna do with him?" King added while pointing a claw at Hunter.

Eda then spoke up, "Knock him out for now, we'll take him back to the Owl House for questioning" she spoke. Hopping on her staff while King jumped Infront of her just to be up front, Luz getting on Amity's staff as well, "how do we knock him out?" Edric spoke up, which caused Hunter to look at him. Eric had soon enough punched him in the gut getting a yelp out of the blonde, Edric was able to think fast but not that fast. Or act smart. Grabbing onto Hunter and jumping on his staff, holding his mask, his Artificial staff and having Rascal on his shoulder. Seemed like much.

"Let me have his staff" Luz said while jumping off Amity's, being handed Hunter's magic staff and hoping on "hurry" Emira said worriedly, after getting settled and placing hunters mask on Hunter they set off down a tunnel as fast as they could.

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