7: Questioning

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Trigger warning: N/A's

POV: No one's

Hunter lifted his head up to only find himself only tied down to a chair, Shaking his head before blinking repeatedly trying to clear his tiring vision. Groaning at the ropes, he could see Luz, Amity and Eda get up from their spots before standing in front of the blonde. Emira sipping at some tea again while looking at her scroll (the one who couldn't care and is just there for the drama). Edric had looked up from Penstagram before smirking at Hunter. "We would like to ask some questions, Bur first. Where did the bruise come from." Eda spoke looking unpleased before pointing at the shorters left side. 'They checked me?!' Hunter thought before ignoring at the question. "It wasn't a question kid." Eda demanded while the guard had looked away effortlessly. "We just want to help. If you tell us where the bruise came from we'll bandage it up and get started on easier questions." Luz stated while Emira had groaned in the background.

Amity rolling her eyes before King had jumped up in the chair Hunter had been tied down in, soon chuckling King poked at Hunters side causing the boy to jump and look at the small demon. "King.. lets not...." Eda pinched her nose bridge while shaking her head. King sighed dramatically before jumping down. "maybe.. This'll?.. Change your mind?" Edric spoke from sitting on the sofa,  holding hand up with a finger out as like a perch. A fluffy red bird sitting on it, Hunter perked up to the critter. Keeping a worried but serious face on he stared down Edric before parting his lips to speak but shutting them, "Best to make up your mind quickly." Amity spoke up.

"I-.." Hunter sighed, "I'll awnser your questions.. Just give me the palisman." A stern tone coming from Hunter. Edric nodded before putting a finger up to his chin and looking as if he were thinking, "Mmaayyybe later." The green headed boy said smiling while crossing his legs. Hunter looked upset, furrowing his brows before sighing.

Luz sighed, "Back to the question, How, did you get the bruise." She demanded, Hunter looked down before looking away while mumbling "From our fight at the Eclipse Lake entrance.." he whispered. "Speak up." Amity also demanded. "From or fight at the Eclipse Lake. Happy?" Hunter snapped, "Luz, go grab some bandages and some healing creme." Eda shooed the kid away. Luz sighed before walking to the kitchen for the med kit she had made a while back. "Now" Amity spoke placing her hands down, "What does the Emperor plan next?" she said, "To far Amity" Eda spoke placing a shoulder down on her, "No, we need to know" she moved the owl ladies hand off of her. "Tell me" Amity said again. "He plans on gathering galdor stones" Hunter spoke up, having an eye closed while looking away. "Your scars, how did you get them?" Eda pointed the one out on Hunters left cheek, "That is none of your buisness." He quickly stated, "hm, Emira, think you could start writing this down?" Eda looked back at the green headed girl.

"Huh? Oh! Of course!" She shot up, grabbing a piece of paper and quill and starting to jot things down, "back" Luz said with a small dirty looking white box with a wing print on it that seemed to be being bandaged up as a 'med kit' sign on the box. Opening it she took out a roll of bandages, healing herbal creme and some sort of liquid? potion, a potion. 

Hunters face heat up, "I am NOT letting you wrap that around me." he snorted. Luz shrugged, would anyone else like to do the honors?" She asked looking around, Edric shot his hand up "I will!~" he said standing, placing the bird on a focused Emira's head while she kept writing things down. "Just take him to the bathroom, take as long as needed but don't take forever" Eda spoke while untying Hunter "don't think of trying to escape, all your little weapons and things have been tossed into a guarded room" (in Lilith's room where she's reading a book) Amity pointed out, Hunter stood up before screeching, feeling his legs be lifted and his back supported, Edric had picked up the boy bridal style.

Edric chuckled before running up to the bathroom, Hunter had wrapped his arms around the others neck petrified of being dropped. "Well, he forgot the med kit" Luz had held up the box before Amity burst out laughing, same with King and Emira dropping on the couch from writing down what awnsers they were given and little details and a couple of future questions. Eda chuckled before speaking "Those are some sad gays- I feel pretty bad right now" Luz  barked out a cough, choking to breath from laughing to hard.

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