Chapter Fifteen|New York,New Place

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I can't see anything but I am sitting upright on Frost.
"Skylar? Alex?" I call.
"It's me." A voice says.
"I'm here." Another groans.
"Where are we?" Someone asks.
"Not sure." The other person and I say in unison. Probably Skylar. We always say things in unison.
"On three we all say our names. Then we can match the names with the voices until we can see eachother." someone says. Probably Alex. She's good at problem-solving in all kind of situations.
"One, two, three..." A voice calls.
"Alex!" A medium toned voice calls.
"Skylar!" A higher pitched voice calls.
"Charlotte!" I call, about the same pitch as Skylar. A little bit lower.
"What do we do?" Skylar says.
"Wait-" Alex says.
"Wait?!" Skylar calls indignantly.
"Until it's light enough to find our way to a sign, or person." Alex finishes.
After what seems like a good two hours, sunlight begins to leak into my eyes. Once there is light, I see that the sun is peeking from behind a big skyscraper. After a while, I can finally see my friends. We all smile at eachother as sun allows us to see.
"Let's go look for a sign, person, anything to figure out where we are. Great job hanging in there, guys." Alex says, "But follow me."
We follow Alex slowly down a dark street and are met with many stares as people walk by. For a moment I wonder why, but then I remember my days in Boston, and how I would've found it weird for people to be walking around on horses. But this wasn't Boston. It was a million times bigger, it seemed. We cross the scariest intersections I have ever seen. I see signs for broadway shows and signs pointing towards huge candy stores. We continue wandering, until suddenly Frost starts pulling towards a big park. We walk in and all of our horses happily munch on grass when a police officer walks up to us. I nervously look at Skylar and Alex.
"Up early, aren't you? The carriage platforms start to your left." He said.
"Um, thanks." I say.
We quickly gallop away and suddenly Alex puts up her hand signaling us to stop. She is looking at a sign.
"We're in New York City."
"Oh, darn."
"It's New Year's Eve."
"Darn it!"
"Sabine is going to be performing at the giant party."
"We'll never finish this quest."

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