chapter three

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"Um..." I turned to see Matt staring at us as he stood in the doorway. "Oh hey," I said to him as he sat down. "This is why it was taking so long" I tried to keep my cool to not make it seem like we are completely being odd for only being friends.

"I'm a little confused?" I said playing dumb to hopefully get the topic switched. "Nothing, just that you two seem," he said smirking. "Close..." he teased. "Matt-" Chris tried to say but was cut off again. "No no, I promise your secret is safe with me" he laughed.

I blushed at Matt's accusations against me and Chris. Though I tried my best to hide what I felt. "Let's get outta here" I whispered to him and he nodded. I got up and I went inside to grab my bag quickly before running back out to Chris and we walked away from his place.

"That was...weird" Chris mentioned as we walked down the yet again, damp sidewalk. "He was just joking" Chris held my hand. I wish Matt was right though. "Yeah..." I said thinking to myself more deeply and wishing away my stupid dreams.

"Is everything ok Ollie?" Chris asked trying to get me to look into his blue eyes. "Yeah," I said smiling sadly. "Don't lie to me young lady" He said making me laugh again. "I promise, I wouldn't lie to you" he nodded and began swinging our arms back and forth.

"Good, because if your sad then so am I" He smiled. I liked that he cared. "Why don't we go get a pizza to share?" He said. I was exceptionally hungry but didn't want Chris to go and pay for my food or anything. "sure I'll pay my part-" He stopped us from walking. "Woah Woah, now what best friend would I be if I didn't pay for our food?" I laughed and rolled my eyes at his sarcasticness and over-dramatics.

"Chris, don't do that to me" I said shaking my head still laughing. "I'm sorry but I gotta pay," he said lifting his hands and dropping them down. "I'll get you next time rockstar," I said giving him a cheeky glare.

We got to the pizzeria and we picked out our different types. I picked a boring pepperoni and cheese, while Chris picked out something extravagant and ordinary. "Seriously? Pepperoni?" he said handing the cashier the money needed. "This is why I wanted to pay for my own boring pizza!" I said grabbing my pizza and waking out with him.

"I'm joking, jeez," he said laughing at me, again. Honestly how much did this guy laugh at me? I smacked his arm as we walk to...I wasn't sure. "Wanna go to the tree?" He asked. So that's where we were headed to. I should have known that. "Yeah!" I said speeding up my walking pace and watching as Chris tried to follow.

"You being so much taller than me, should be walking faster!" I said giving him a teasing face. " Oh fuck off, I'm trying," he said rolling his eyes. I
laughed slowing back down and staying next to him. We made it to our tree and sat down. I took a breath in opening my one slice pizza box and eating it straight away.

Was this 'unladylike?' I thought to myself, slowing my chewing down and trying not to pig out in front of a guy. I guess I was still scared. I looked into the sky, the sun was setting as well again and it was beautiful. The golden and hot pink sky, crashing into one another as they created an ombre landscape in the sky.

"Everything ok Ollie" Chirs said. I felt his hand placed onto my thigh as we sat together. I wasn't expecting something so close to happen. "Yeah, just clearing my head a little" I smiled and looked down at my pizza, and closed the box.

Chris had just finished before I had done that. "Hey, you not eating the rest?" He said. "Oh yeah I will, just a little full that's all" I smiled at him and placed my head on his chest.


I was a little worried about Ollie tonight. She seemed quiet and just different in general. Not as excited as normal. I just wanted her to be ok.

I wasn't sure if putting my hand on her thigh was weird, but after a minute she settled into it and laid her head on my chest.

This feeling was different. Not something we had experienced with one another yet. I think I knew that she just needs someone to hug, for she hadn't seen or felt that much at all before from family, not friends.

I felt like both in these moments taking in the feeling of her with me and me being with her because she needed it. I had a feeling she was having a hard time, and she just didn't want to say anything. "You know..." she looked up to me. I still don't know her damn eye colour. "I'm here when you need me, and I care about you," I said feeling a little conscious of my decision but realizing it felt so right.

"Thank you," she said smiling, fidgeting with the sleeve of my shirt. I kept my hand around her as we sat under the pale night, almost falling asleep.



𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 - c. cornellWhere stories live. Discover now