chapter twenty four

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Flashing lights shined into my eyes as I seen a car head straight for ours. Then it was black...


I cold hear the glass smash as we had been hit from the side by another car, that car running a red light. The horror in my eyes as Ollie sat in her seat with her eyes shut and...not moving. "Ollie" I shook her. She wasn't moving still. "OLLIE" I screamed at her now, shaking her more. "WAKE UP PLEASE" I unbuckled her and picked her up gently taking her out of the car and setting her on the ground, trying cpr.

"Dude I'm so sorry!" The other driver said. "CALL THE AMBULANCE SHE COULD BE DEAD. AND IT WOULD BE YOUR FAULT" I screamed trying my hardest to not get up and beat the shit out of him. In the matter of a a few minutes if cpr, mouth-to-mouth, and checking her pulse every few seconds it was there. She was alive and breathing.

If just kinda freaked out, glad that she didn't...leave me. If I was alone I would be able to go on.

the ambulance showed up finally and the cops came as well. The paramedics rushed to her. "Okay set her down gently" "3,2,1" they said putting her on a carrier to the truck. "You save her life, she could have passed if you didn't do what you were doing" I shook my head and looked down. Even though I did every possible thing I could to help i should have done more. We should have stayed home. It should have been me. I don't like seeing her so crippled, and she wouldn't like that either.

We got to the hospital and they took her away quickly to a room telling me to wait as they gave her x-rays. I went outside for air calling stone to let him know what happened. What felt like hours later,
a doctor and a nurse came back and asked for me. "Okay Chris, she has a broken back so we will do surgery on her, as well as a minor  concussion"  I sighed and nodded. "Okay, when will she be able to talk to me again?" I asked and they looked at each other. " In a little bit, she could still be in shock"

"Just come get me please when she's able to visit" I said and they nodded,walking off.


"Chris?" I felt someone tap me. I must had fallen asleep, after all that happened I felt exhausted. "Yeah sorry, how is she?" I asked and the nurse smiled. "Your able to see her now" I smiled and she led me to Ollie's room. I walked in and Ollie's face lit up. "Chris!" She said waving her tired arm. "You can't move much babe" I said taking a seat next to her. "I know..." she said and I smiled sadly at her.

"I don't wanna see you like this, it should have been me" I said and she reached her hand to my hair, messing with it. "Honey I'll be okay, it won't be easy but...if I've got you this could be another obstacle we will pass" she said. Her neck was in a brace and I smiled at her chubby cheeks sticking from it. "Your right-" I was cut off from a knock on the door. "Hello Ollie...we have some news" The doctor smiled. "Oh?" She replied and I was just as confused.

"All of this right now is crazy, it's difficult and it will be but you are taking this very well..." the doctor said and Ollie laughed. Or tried to. "Well I'm on some meds right now, but what's your point?" She said and I nodded.

"We found something...interesting. When we checked your heart again and again there was something else there, and when we did an x-ray we seen something...Ollie, you may potentially be... Pregnant"

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