chapter twenty two

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Not much has went down since I gave birth. Other then watching Monique and taking care of her, but I had to go back to work at the end of the new year when Monique is old enough. I've got so much time till then but I'll miss spending my mornings at 5:40 when the sky is still dark, holding her in my arms as we cuddle and watch Tv. She's the only other girl in the house so my time with her is important. Chris also was a good dad, being slightly panicked about what he was doing right and wrong, but he always had everything chilled and under control. It made me happy to see them together. In the mornings I spent my time with her since Chris needed his sleep, for he was the only one working at the moment. At night we all spent some time together before we put Monique to bed, then me and Chris spend time together relaxing on the couch mostly, then we go to sleep.

One of the things we hadn't done in a while was go to the tree. It made me sad thinking about it, how we got here to this point in our lives, and all those memories that surrounded my head. It made me tear up as I looked down at Monique in my arms. Chris had been out to work on some things with the guys like usual but said he would be home around three, but it was five o'clock by now. I tried not to think about that too much but I couldn't shake the idea.

I heard the door open and close, then foot steps approaching the couch I sat on with Monique as I fed her. "Hey babe, I'm sorry I'm late" he said sitting next to us. "It's alright, but where were you?" I said as Chris gently caressed his thumb on the side on Monique's head. "Kim broke a string so we needed to go get him new strings, then we got caught in an interview " he said sighing out. "Oh...Alrighty" I said smiling at him. "I'm glad I'm home now, I miss you both" he smiled kissing my shoulder. "Me too" I said putting my tank top sleeve back over the exposed shoulder Chris had kissed seconds before. I sat up Monique and gently held her cheeks to help her head rest on my hand as I rubbed her back to burp her. After a few last pats on the back I got her to burp once last time. "I'll take her" Chris said, and I gently placed her in his arms. "Your a cute little thing aren't you" he smiled down at her. I rested my head gently on his shoulder and chuckled.

"I made dinner" I said and he smiled
a giant grin. "Thanks your the best" he said standing up with the baby. He always could multi task with her in his arms. Getting a beer, Monique went with. He said when she turns one she's trying her first sip and I just rolled my eyes. I didn't want to push bad things on her but it would be cute. He came back with the baby and a plate of my famous cheesy potatoes. I wasn't too hungry so I didn't have much but he took the rest I made in the smaller casserole dish.


The night went on and now was my favourite part; putting Monique in her pjs and chilling with Chris. "Alright let's go put your jamies on huh?!" Chris said taking her to her room as I did the dishes. After I finished the dishes, I went to put on some of my own pyjamas. That consisted of Chris' clean boxers and a tube top. I sat on the couch waiting for the two to return back to the comfortable spot on the couch. "Let's sit with mum" he said taking a seat next to me. He cradled her into his arms and I got jealous.

Sure it was adorable, but I wanted to hold her now, since I had waited so long. "Chris, gimmie my kid" I said motioning for Monique. "No way! I'm not giving you potato!" He said sticking out his tongue. "You put that tongue away!" I said and he kept sticking it out. I suddenly grabbed it and he laughed and cried for me to stop. "I'm not letting go till you be nice" he nodded a lot and I let go. "So aggressive" he rolled his eyes and I giggled. "Yeah well that's what you get!" I said sticking my tongue out now. Instead of doing what I did to him, he kissed me instead. I smiled and released my lips from his. "No more being mean?" He asked laughing. "Ok" I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder.

𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 - c. cornellWhere stories live. Discover now