chapter twenty five

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Pregnant? How was this even possible? I knew how, but how could I find out after the accident? I began to hyperventilate and I started crying. "Babe Listen-" I continued crying and it was getting harder to breathe. I didn't want to do this anymore, it isn't fair. "Honey..." Chris said and the doctor came over to us, getting the oxygen machine and placing is on my mouth and nose. "Everything is gonna be okay, you are two months along and in nine months we would have to do a c-section so you won't hurt your back doing a natural birth"

I could finally breathe and I placed my head onto the pillow behind me. "It's gonna seem hard...but you will be ok. We are gonna care for you" the doctor smiled and I nodded. "I'll give you two time alone" he said leaving. I looked to Chris, taking off the oxygen machine. "We're gonna have a baby again" Chris smiled and kissed my head. "Yeah, but im scared. Minus birth was enough for me..." I said and he nodded. "You don't have to..." he held my hand looking in my eyes.

"I'll think about it...but, I don't know if...If I could get rid of a baby" I said and Chris shook his head. "Don't worry about it right now, Okay?" He looked into my eyes and I nodded. "Yeah...Yeah okay. I love you" I said and Chris nodded. "I love you more" my heart fluttered at that and I chuckled. "How much?" I said smirking. "Well..." he said sighing. "So much that I want to ask you something" i was confused now.

"Okay?" I told him and he smiled.

"Will you Mary me?"

I was shocked that he asked me. It had been years since we got together. I had been waiting for this...

"Ollie, there is no other woman I have spent more time with in my life, let alone love more then I love you because you were always there and I'll be here for you till I die. I want to alway be here because since day one it's always been you"

I started crying and I just wish I could nod or get up and hug him, but a broken back would leave me like this for at least a year. "Yes Chris I'll marry you, I feel the same way" I smiled and he kissed me. He grabbed out a ring and placed it on my finger. "Your so pretty" he smiled. "Even with a broken back and a minor concussion?" I laughed.

"Of course" he smiled.

The rest of the night Chris sat in the chair next to me holding my hand till I fell asleep.


"I think it's that time, your able to leave now" the nurse said and I nodded. I kissed Ollie's head and left the room walking out and not wanting to leave her.

I got home and Stone ran to me. "Dude what's going on? How's Ollie?" He asked and I shook my head. "She's got a broken back and a minor concussion...I hate seeing her like this man...I just wish it was me" a tear actually going down my face now. I had to keep it together for Ollie but I just wished this didn't happen.

"Chris, she will get better if your there. You guy can get through so much shit I swear" he said. "I know we can...I just hate it" I said and Stone nodded. "I understand man"

"No, I know you don't but thanks" I said and Stone shook his head. "I'm sorry" he placed his hand on my shoulder. "...Ollie's pregnant again" I said and Stones eyes widened. "That's awesome, just not a good time" he said and I nodded. "I don't want her to feel like she needs to go through with this baby, we got a kid...and I'd love for us to keep it, but I won't force her" I said and he nodded. "Yeah, and it's a lot of pressure now I guess" he said and I nodded.

"I'll get going, Moni is asleep and she was good today" he smiled and I patted his shoulder. "Thanks man"

I sat around with a beer watching Tv till I heard a door open, and two little blue eyes peeking out from the the hall. "Moni" I said and she walked over to me slowly. "Where's mama?" She said crawling up on the couch next to me. "Mum the hospital" I said and she looked confused. "L'opital?" She asked and I nodded. "Y-yes" I replied and she nodded. "Is mum sick?" She asked as I picked her up and held her in my lap. "No honey" I said and she looked sad. "I miss her..." she said and hearing her say that made my heart break.

"Yeah do I"

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