chapter fifteen

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Chris had actually went back to his house to sleep in his own bed for once, yet I did miss him. I'm missed waking up next to him everyday but I think we both wanted a bit of space.we have been thinking of a move in, but we don't know where to yet. If we sell one of our places or something and move into the others house. Or if we find a whole new complex.

The phone beside me began to ring, startling me from lying in my bed. "Hello?" I asked through the line. "Hi sweetheart" it was Chris. "How are you?" I asked with a grin across my face. "I'm fine, I'm gonna be playing a show here soon I just wanted to tell you I can't talk much today" he said. I was upset I wouldn't be seeing him, or hearing much from him today. "Oh alright, I love you and good luck" I said. "I love you too, thanks honey bye" he said before hanging up. I put the phone back and got my clothes on.

Now what was I going to do?

I picked up the phone and called Steph. Dialing in her number and waiting for the answer. "Ello!" She said into the phone. "Hey, I'm bored" I said sounding sad, and fidgeting with a pen. "Where's Chris?" She said like it was unusual we weren't in the same room. "He's gonna be busy all day, so now I have no one" I said sadly slumping into my chair. "I'm sure someone can hangout with you..."

I was starting to catch on that she was busy herself and didn't want to hangout. "If your busy I won't bother you or anything" I said trying not to sound sad. " ugh I'm really sorry but I can't...tomorrow I promise we should plan a get together" well I was alone again.

I got up and paced around and decided to go and shop downtown. I got dressed and gathered my belongings and went out the door. I walked today since I hadn't walked around by myself in a while.  I walked to all the music stores looking inside for anything that I could get Chris. A new record for Chris as well as some new picks, and a record that I wanted was all I got for me and Chris.

Then I went into the grocery store and picked up a few things. On the way into the dairy section, a lady walked up to me. "Your Ollie right?" I was really confused. "Im sorry, Im Susan Soundgarden's manager" I remembered Chris explaining something about a manager named Susan. "Right, Nice to meet you" I said with a smile. "Same to you too...Chris talks about you so much" she smiled. She seemed sweet but I wasn't the best with meeting new people, I just wanted to go home. "Oh that's sweet of him" I said smiling. "Yeah your I'll catch you around?" She said. "Mhm" was all I could forge out of myself.


It was a later time when I got home, maybe around 6:00. I decided to take time and relax by the tree on my way home, knowing Chris wasn't going to come to my place till later. I threw my stuff the the side and

𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 - c. cornellWhere stories live. Discover now