chapter seventeen

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One of the things I've finally accomplished in life was finish my university course to being a phyciatrist. I did recently get a job at the closest Seattle hospital to do my job, and my first day was yesterday.

It was pretty stress filled but I knew how to handle it. I had another person in the section I worked in tell me around and what to do which helped a lot. Some people gave me a bad feeling but I tried my best to ignore it. I felt like not too many people liked me and I was really hoping to make more friends through work.

I sighed as I turned over. Something felt wrong when I turned over. I felt sick in my stomach. I threw the blankets off me and ran to the bathroom. After releasing my nausea, I stood up dizzy. What was going on?

I walked back into my room to see Chris awake. "Everything ok?" He asked. "I don't know, I was just sick" I said and shook my head. "You ok now?" He stood up and put his arm around my shoulder. "Yeah I think so" I said nodding my head.

*a week later*

Well believe it or not, this nausea thing continued and me and Chris were worried. I had a doctors appointment today to see if I was ok. Maybe it was food poisoning? Or I was just regularly sick. But just in the morning?

Chris had to leave for the day so he dropped me off to my appointment before he went to practice with the band. "Thanks honey I'll see you later" I smiled and so did he as well as him kissing me. "I love you" he said. "Love you too see ya" I said and he drove off. I breathed in and made my way to the entrance of the hospital.

I could get in right away since I was a staff member. I was soon called into the doctors office and I sat down. "Well what's going on?" She asked. "I actually have been getting a nauseous every morning for the past week" I said sighing out. She smiled and grabbed her clipboard. "Number one question, are you sexually active?" She said. These questions were really awkward. "Yes..." I said getting nervous "Well have you eaten any irregular foods?" She said and I shook my head 'no'.  "What about your menstrual cycle ? Is it late by any chance?" She asked. Matter of it had been, we were inching closer to the answer I wasn't wanting.

"Ok, I recommend taking a pregnancy test and call us to let us know if it's negative, that way we can look further into it..." she said. I nodded and sighed out. "And you don't have allergies, don't take any medication?" She asked. "Nope" I said and she nodded. "Ok well all is good, but I recommend taking that test and I'll book you in for two weeks from now" I nodded and smiled. "Great have a nice day" she smiled leaving the room. I got up and followed her out.

So no more cigarettes, not alcohol. Perfect. Something made me happy knowing I quite possibly could be having Chris' baby. I decided to pick up the phone and call up Steph to pick me up. "Hey I'm at the hospital could you pick me up" There was a couple seconds of silence. "Sorry bout that, yes of course is every thing ok?" She said worried. "I dont know" I said and she hummed a response. "Ok be there soon" she said before hanging up.

'god I could use a cigarette right now' I thought to myself laughing slightly. Soon enough Steph picked me up. "What's up?" She asked as I sat in the car. "I might be pregnant?" I said. She looked at me with the widest eyes. "What." She said. "Yeah." I said. She squealed a bit and hugged me. "That would be so amazing cause you and Chris are so hot together as it is and with a baby oh my god-" I cut her off. "Hey there still a chance I might not be!" I said.

"Why aren't you happy?!" She said "No I am! I'm just fucking terified! Chris wouldn't mind but I'm scared he  won't have time and we will have to tell everyone and everyone's gonna make jokes-" she cut me off with her hand on my mouth. "You will be ok! Chris will be happy and so will everyone else" she smiled. "Ok" I said breathing in. We went to the store and picked up a test, rushing back home and getting set up.

"Ok so, now I gotta do this thing." I said looking at it and walking to the bathroom and using the test. Three minutes had to pass now. "Ok done" I said walking out to Steph. "Ok well let's wait I guess she said shrugging her shoulders. After three minutes I instantly picked up the stick looking for the result. With that I sighed. The test was positive, and I felt like this was going to be a whole new responsibility, because it was.

"It's positive" I said and she hugged me. "It'll be ok" she said smiling. "I know but, this is gonna be so hard" I said crying softly. "Well Chris will be home soon so... are you gonna tell him?" She asked. "Yeah, he would wanna know what happened at the doctors so..." I trailed off. "Well good luck I'm sure it'll be ok" she smiled. "Yeah thanks, also you can tell Eddie if you want, I don't really care" I said shrugging my shoulders. She smiled and hugged me. "Alright we'll thanks I'll see you soon" she said and I nodded.

I waited around for  another hour for  Chris to show back up here. I heard the door open and close and him setting his keys on the table. "Babe?" He said. "Hey" I said. I had my feet propped onto the table and Chris walked into the room. "How was the appointment?" He asked smiling. I patted the seat next to me and he looked into my eyes.

"Darling what's wrong?" He asked. "Ugh, Chris...I guess I can only say this one way..." I said and laughed nervously to myself. "Your not breaking up with me are you?!" he panicked. "What?! No!" I said laughing and kissing his head. "Well what is it?" He asked. "I'm pregnant" I came right out with it and his face lit up. "Really?" He smiled and laughed. "Uh yeah" I said smiling as well. "Huh, I'm not surprised" she said smirking and putting his feet onto the coffee table. "What?!" I said laughing and lightly hitting his arm. "Sorry, but you don't know how happy I am to hear that, a baby is just what we need, we are pretty lonely" he said laughing around the end. "You're right" I smiled. He leaned in and kissed my lips.

"You know I love you, and I won't leave you" he smiled. "I'm glad" I said and laughed. "Cause I'd go crazy if you weren't with me" I said shaking my head. "But, are you not scared or worried we're gonna fuck up?" I asked. "No, I have faith we will be ok" he smiled and I nodded. "No more cigarettes though" I said sadly. "I know I'll smoke outside from now on and make sure your healthy" he kissed my cheek. Everything really was going to be ok...

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