Chapter 2

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"Come back here" Baji shouts at u, chasing, followed by Chifuyu.
U accidentally meet with them when u were running to ur home late. It was Saturday evening, u stayed at a library for a long time, not wanting to go home. It's weekend and u got nothing to do at home. So u spent time at a library, deciding to go home at 6:00pm or sooner. It's not very late but it's the latest time for a smart introvert student like u. It was ur purpose, reason to stay late but u passed ur limited time or forgot what u decided when u read an interesting book. Love story, which u always avoid. It was so sweet and heartwarming. U even shed tears, got very emotional over a sad-ending lovestory. By the time u finished the book, it was already 7:30 in the evening. U rushed, even a minute hasn't passed and u already reached the nearest busstop. Unfortunately, the bus had left and ur money wasn't enough to take a taxi. U walked home, fifteen minutes. Ur house isn't in a crowd place. U filled ur head with school related stuff to distract from the dark surrounding of yours.
How lucky u, u almost step on a guy. He is beaten, unconscious. He is laying on the ground, ur way to reach home, shortcut. Dark alley and abandoned buildings. There are snakes, waiting for you to eat u. Ur whole family, including ur aunt and her rich ass son. U don't want to take the shortcut still u walk and now, u r in trouble, there are also guys laying on the ground on ur 180° and noises of guys shouts or punches. From where the noises come, u see guys fighting. Two guys surrounded by five or more other guys inside an abandoned building. They looks young. They are fighting crazy.
Firstly, u panic, u never encounter such thing. There's a reason. The only thing that comes across ur mind is taking evidence. U take out ur phone and flim the fight, not helping the guys laying next to u. U flim the scene. The two boys had already won. A blonde one is holding his enemy by the collar, shouting at him to strip. "YOU DARE AGAINST Baji-san *punch* fucking strip" The beaten guy is only in his boxer, crying. The blonde friend, who is supposed to be Baji, is hugging a body on his waist, just standing. "Let's head back, we have finished our mission *looks around and spots u* *Surprised* hey what u doing?" His hard voice startle u. U r holding ur phone at ur chest, standing 90°. Chifuyu also looks back and see u, too. "She is filming us!!" He said as he starts to run towards u. Baji follows up. "Stop filming!" U run opposite of ur house in panic. U can't turn back. They have followed. Fear strengthen your stamina and they can't reach u. A few meters away from them. Not knowing where to head, u just run off. U even forgot to end the video. At last u found a place to hide and luckily they didn't able to find u. U hide inside an old car, a car parking basement. It looks like an abandoned one too. But there are many cars and bikes, no people. It's big, there's even some opened tilt garage doors. Silent, until the two boys arrive. "Where did she go?" Baji looking around. "What are you looking for?" A voice speaks. "Toman coming to our territory? Interesting" another voice. "Fuck" Baji. "And out of many places, to our hideout?" "You have guts" the two voice. "Well well, this is a gift" "too bad, there are only two chicks" "it will be benefits us, right Izana?" Many voices speak. U know for sure the two bad boys are in danger. U sneak at where u enter this place and saw no one. U silently unlock the door and get out from the car. "What's that noise?" "Ohh, maybe the damsel who brought us luck"
"STOP RIGHT THERE" u, the one who need to stop shout at them, who are standing still. Some on bikes and some just standing. Look like they come out from an open tilt garage door. U walking not too near towards them. Two or three meters away. The Toman boys are near the front entrance and u at the back entrance. And the other guys between u and the two boys. "I will report to the police" holding ur phone, showing that u r filming. Trying to suppress their laugh at how serious are u, "u, pfft report to the police?" A guys with bear built laughs. His laugh send u shivers. "C'mon Mochi, she is a lady, u have to treat her nice" a boys with loose piggy braided hair said looking at u, flinches. "See, u scared her." His violent playful eyes examine u, disappointed. He stops. "Dickhead stop being a hero after examination" a guy with tattoos around his right shaved head and neck speaks. "Why are we brothers?" Another purple eyes with weird hairstyles speaks. His hair color is the same with ur favorite barbie mermaid princess mom, queen Calissa. But his hairstyles ruin it. There are also three individuals. A boys around ur age with scar around his left eye, and boy with tanned skin, orchid colored eyes and another bear built, blonde. "Get her, Kakucho, she has got a video of us" the one who called Izana commands. The scar guy walks towards u. "I AM REALLY REPORTING" "go ahead" *frozen* "go ahead and report us. Who stop you?" The Izana guy. "Let's see what will happen before report it first" the braids guy.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" U screams out ur lungs. Kakucho stood freeze. U runs again to the exit. Kakucho didn't waste a second and chased u. The rests, they move their legs towards the two boys. "Mucho, helps Kakucho, she is a rat" Izana orders. "Okay" he follows the path where u run off. U hide under a convenience store table. The stuff looks at u weirdly. The two boys stay outside the store for fifteen minutes looking for u and left. Lucky u, they didn't even suspicious of the store. U stay for another fifteen minutes.

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