Chapter 21

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You open your eyes, not still getting up. Last night ... What happened? I am sure I drink alcohol.... You sniffle yourself but you don't reek of alcohol. Phew I only drank a sip. You get yourself ready, brush teeth and take a shower. You leave your room to make breakfast but the living room, you are too confused how did it happen, a total mess. Why did you have to get up? School, no it's Saturday. You sigh, and start cleaning. Where did they sleep? Maybe in Koko's room. After cleaning, you go to the kitchen. There, you see Koko and Inui on kitchen counter and table. You go back not wanting to wake them up. This weekend, you decide to study more than usual. Because coming this Monday, the mathematics event, which you really look forward to will be held. You leave the house, go to a library to study.

"Y/n... Y/n" "YES?" you almost yell from shocked. People look at you, you bend gesturing you are sorry. Then you look at the voice owner. Ran? He looks at you, smile. "Ran?" "You seem very concentrated" Ran. You put your pen down, "I was preparing for the coming event" You whispers happily. "What brings you here?" You asked. He shows you a story, fantasy. You smile at him. "Have you eaten?" He asked. "Yes, I- *growl* *growl* That was a loud one. You could die from embarrassment. He giggles "let's eat" You two sit at a restaurant, facing each other. It's been noon. You haven't had breakfast. One because you didn't want to wake Koko and Inui, two because you didn't bring money. The order arrived, you two have sweet conversations. How does he do to be able to make your heartbeat fast? Why not when he gives you what you need most, crave and want. Someone around you who care for you dearly. Someone being at your reach, no he is right next to you. You didn't know you were so attached to him.

"It's my treat" Ran. "Thanks a lot" you said. He intertwines his hand with yours and walk out the restaurant. "Let's go back" he said. But he returns after taking you to the library. Saying he needs other works. It makes you a bit sad but you can't be so greedy. Koko told you that you don't have to cook dinner. He seems like he has purpose or intension, a good one. And Inui Siblings were visiting. This evening, the dinner was so delicious. "It's so delicious" you first word. You look at Koko. "Well, it isn't me" Koko. "Huhh then" he looks at Inui. ...WoW,
"It's so good" you smile. "Right, Seishu is chef of the family" her sister, little angel. "His girlfriend would be so lucky" Koko. "Stop it" Inui, little blush. You do the dishes, not alone, you four do paper rock scissor. The couple win and Inui have to do the dishes with you. "I will do it" Inui. "it's ok-" "I will do it" Inui. "... T-then thanks you" You said. He thought you would leave but you stood beside him. He looks at you, his hand on the sink. He stops. *awkward smile* you sit on a chair, waiting for him so that you could wipe the dish. He still looks at you, not speaking and turning his body only his head. "I will be going" "k" Inui, head back on the dishes. Strange, usually he is strange but he is too strange. Did something happened yesterday? You thought. But soon, you shake it off. A mf pops inside your head while studying, Ran Haitani. You looks at your phone, and notice that you don't have his number. You wanted Monday morning come real quick. You study till 10. Sunday arrive, Sunday night ends and Monday comes.

You take a day off, the school let you cause you are competing an event. This event will bring great honor to school if it's student win. You were preparing for it. Koko makes breakfast for you. You walk to the direction of where the event will there. Clearing your mind, you are about to encourage yourself when your phone rings. Unknown number you pick up "hello?" "Y/n" Ran? He sounds weak. "Ran, what happened?" You asked, something is wrong. "Nothing, it's just-" *thud* a loud hit echoes through the phone. "Rannn!" You call him out, but he didn't answer. "Is he dead?" Someone on the phone. "I guess so" another. "Let's head back before cop arrive" *footsteps* You call Ran, panic. You don't know where he live, or have any idea. He has been hit and left. You mind goes blank, not knowing what to do. Panicking, you thought of how to get Ran. One thing, only one thing you could get Ran through is Rindou, his brother. You run to school, not to the competition. Running, running you saw Rindou at the gate, hopping on his bike. He seems in a hurry. "Rindou!!!" You shout. He looks at you, run to him. "Ran, *huff* R-ran *huff* he" *cries* "calm down, we are going to him" Rindou softly said. He also is trying to calm his shit. This case is a lot more serious than the past ones. "Hop on" he said. You pray Ran would be safe. You two arrive at a hospital, look for Ran. And at a room, he was lying, bandage on his head. Eye closed, he has bruise on his face that are covered with band-aids.

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