Chapter 10

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It has been two days since u live alone, well the rich lizard, Kokonoi Hajime, ur cousin live with u. Of course, it's his house. The mean husband and wife give the house maids off days whenever they leave the house for days. The head maid was worried for u, so she stayed a night. The handsome lizard told her to take a rest. She has no choice but to leave. Koko purposely tell u to cook for him which he complains and order something for him, only him. Good news is Baji and a bunch of mean people stop ordering u around. Still u buy food for them. These times, with their own money. U still do Baji and Chifuyu homework. And the Tenjiku boys disappear from ur sight. U don't why but u r happy. Today, ur teacher didn't give homework. U head to home as soon as possible.She giggles everytime she sees u. But u thought that she will be in trouble if she sticks with u. So, u try avoid her. Luckily, she doesn't come to school today. The teacher said she is sick. This evening, u r cooking chicken for dinner and bake some strawberry cupcakes. Koko hasn't arrived yet. After u take a shower and head to the kitchen to taste the cupcake, wearing a blanket hoodie and sport pants. The door is knocked as u put the cupcake in ur mouth. U hurrily finish the cupcake in one bite and head to the door. Who??? Have aunt and uncle arrived? No, they'd tell me? Maybe be Koko. U think and open the door. And u see a boy, tall, scar across his left eye and the one who locked u up in school storage room for a night. It was the day after when Baji pinned u to the wall. U were dragged by him, no one noticed. He was fast but u still saw his face. U shouted, shouted and cried for help but no one came. After a night, Kakucho came to u, no he was told by Izana to recuse u. He told u that if u tell the teacher and ur family, he would kill u. His glares were so intense that u didn't dare to move. Ur aunt got very angry. She almost kicked u out but Koko helped u a little. U didn't dare to speak anything. Tenjiku executives are worse than Toman boys. One day, a bike almost hit u, making u fell and ur ankle pain for a whole week. The one who rode the bike, Izana took off his helmet and apologized to u. It was very clear that he did it on purpose, the Haitani brothers were snickering behind Izana's back. And now, Kakucho is in front of u. He is looking at besides the door and looks at u. And suddenly he grabs ur mouth and pins u down. U can say he has become stronger than before. One hand is enough to take control ur whole body. U struggles under him even though it's useless. U feel ur head goes blank for seconds when he pins u down to the floor. He is not alone, after he pins u down. Izana, Ran, Rindou and Mucho enter the open door. They all look down, they see how surprised and scared u r. Boys, worst delinquents entering ur house and use violence. Anyone would be frightened even if the reason is unknown. Who are they to have mercy on u. Plus, u r the one who made them suspended from school for four weeks.

Ran, smirks "Hi" *waves his hand to u* Rindou smile like he has achieved something evilly. Izana does the same. Mucho showing calm face like he isn't bothered and he is actually untroubled. Kakucho looks at Izana, "fine fine, I will call him" he said and dialed someone. *picks up*

Koko : who is this?

Izana : u have a pretty cousin

Koko : ... Izana

Izana : yes?

Koko : if you want me, first stop stalking on Akane.

Izana : ohh is that so, come to ur house. Ur sister is crying.
He looks at u.

You can't bite or scream, ur mouth is stuffed with cupcake u just ate a minute ago 🙃🙃🙃.

Koko hangs up the phone. Izana again looks at Kakucho. And averts his eyes, to the brothers.

Izana : See, he doesn't care for her

Ran : *giggles* that hurts

Rindou : why would he? I would do the same.

Mucho : ... I smell sweet.

Rindou : u sure there's only her?

Ran : of course, her aunt and uncle went to Italy three days ago. Right
Y/n~~ *smirk*

How does he know it.

Rindou : ... *He hates to know that u r the one who make that sweet smell of strawberry cupcakes*

Izana : let's eat, Koko wouldn't mind, beside I am hungry.
Izana follows the sweet smell and goes to kitchen.

Ran looks at u then "me too" he said and follows Izana.

Rindou and Mucho don't seem to leave but ... "Leave the virgin boy alone" Ran shouts from the kitchen. They head to the kitchen, suppressing their laughter.

U know what is coming next. Why do they have to do this far? Tears build up again, ur hands on Kakucho's arm. U don't even know that ur legs are free until he grabs ur neck tightly, choking u with his other hand. His right hand on ur mouth and his left hand on ur neck. The skin of all above ur throat becomes red from lack of oxygen. U fly ur legs in the air and bang them on the floor. He is between ur legs.

He tightens his grip.

"U better not shout.
Try me and I will kill u, Understand?" he said.

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