Chapter 34

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Hope you still enjoy my story

"Y/n" A gentle voice. You open your eyes to see the owner.


You look at yourself, in a hospital cloth. You panic but stay still.

"You were unconscious for two days" Senju calmly smile. Something is wrong with her like she is holding something back very hard. And sad eyes, she looks at you.

Don't tell me, she knows it

"Did you check me?" You ask, looking down.

"Y/n, I- before she could speak you cut her off. "I want to be left alone" you said.

"Why do you always take things on yourself!! You always keep things from me! What am I even to you?" She has lost it, tears in her eyes.

Clenching your tongue, "did I ever ask you to care? You came to me all by yourself and now you are blaming on me?" You mockingly said.

Senju charge towards you, expecting a hard slap from her.

It's better this way you close your eyes and clench your teeth. Yow..., she is the strongest ones.

Instead you feel a warm tight hug. "Even so, please let me stay by your side, Y/n" she cried out.

Do I deserve such love and care. Why am I not a burden to them. They never change, it's always been the love they all give me from the beginning.

"I need you, too Senju. Please don't ever leave me" you give out all the emotions you have in you. Sufficient enough to make your body tremble. Both of you cry for a good long time.

When you are almost done,

"I am still not over" you pull Senju who is grabbing tissue and hug her.

"Y/n! You are suffocating me, let go" she pat your arm. "But I am not done" you ugly cried.

After two minutes, the liquid in your body dried and with puffy eyes, you sit still sniffling. Senju gets you water.

"Here's wat-ahhhhhhhh" she shouts.

You were shocked and joined her.

"Wakaaaa you scared the shit out of me" Senju shout at Waka who is leaning on the door. You glare at him.

When did he- but wait, why is he holding up his phone? ... Ding

You jump from your bed making the two human shocked. You were about to grab his phone but he lifts his arm.

"I will give it when you forgive me" he said. Something in his eyes, looking at you carefully. His other hand on your waist in case you fall.

"Fine, I forgive you" he hands you his phone. After deleting the video you feel relieved. Waka takes joke far even though you never get very angry but this one, the ugly cry. You would definitely not like if the video spread on.

Your reflection is a queen, you walk like a queen or you don't care the queen walking beside you. (A quote I remember)

You would not like someone you don't know making fun of you for this video, who will get his ass kicked by Senju and Waka a second making fun of you.

"I feel relieved" *you breath out a strong sigh*

You smile and get away from his body. He let you go.

You hug Senju again, "I feel so loved and thank you" she hugs you back.

Waka brings food for you both. You guys eat together.

You guys talk about your autophobia and decided to get a personal therapist. Waka didn't leave you when you were with Senju and neither talk to you. He just listen music. You were curious and ask what he listens to. To your surprise, he was listening to the music of the one who plays piano at the cafe, but the softer one. The ones who play the piano are excellent but one is so soft and one sweet.

You ask him, and he gives you An Album of the music. You making how the hell did you get this treasure? Waka smile and said "I also like his music" but his smile tell the otherwise. "I love him, too but there is someone like him who is sweeter" you said.

*Smile* again "is that so?" *satisfied* "then I will get the other one " he stands up, patting your head. "I am leaving " he bit goodbye.

A minute passed as Shinichiro arrived, it's like he is run out of breath for a period of time. "Y/n, are you okay?" Supporting the door, his eyes fixed to you.

"Shini, how come you know this?" You asked.

Ignoring your question, he hugs you suddenly. You were surprised. "How come y-"

"I am sorry Y/n" his words explain everything. He sniffle a little, he felt like he relieved so much after saying these words. And sorry for lying to you

"It's all over now, Shinni and I forgive you " you smile.

"Really, Y/n , I am so happy" he snuggle with your hair.

Smiling, "ahem, am I interrupting ?" Senju.

You both look at her, having her arms crossed.

You jiggle, giving her a big hug. The three spend your time together.

Takeomi and Benkei arrived later. Takeomi and Benkei really took great care of you. Like there are plenty of love for everyone, you are loved by those amazing people.

As you were talking, you came about the piano player if the cafe. "There's someone who has been helping me" you said putting chip in your mouth. "I usually go to a cafe when I am alone. And there, they play piano. It really help me endure the pain" you smile at the thought of it.

The older ones go silent which you don't have a clue. Senju relpy  "really, I didn't get to listen to it" she said. And later, a memory came to her mind. She smirk, "I can get you,the player"

You join her, "girl, don't underestimate my charm"

You guys hear a loud cough coming from Shinichiro.

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