Chapter 22

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The nurse said he was hit on his head, lucky that he didn't lose his life. He is peacefully closing his eyes. He would probably wake after few hours. You and Rindou waited for him. You were shaking from head to toe. And you are holding back everything you have thought so far since he called you. Rindou comforts you, saying "hey it's okay, he will wake up" after hearing his word. You cried out. Rindou know nothing to do anymore. He hugs you, patting your head, repeating the word "it's okay" after he calm you down. He left to buy you something to eat or drink. You sit beside him, holding his hand "please wake up" you put his hands on your forehead, praying. Rindou comes back and offers you a water bottle. "Thank you" Rindou "how about school?" He asks you, a student asking a student. You remember about the competition, you don't even flinch. Calmly, "I will skip today" *smile* "..." Rindou. "You know I can take you to school" *giggles* "it's okay, I will go back when he is awake" you said. "You are shaking" Rindou "what's the problem?" *Suspicious* "it's nothi-" "tell me, Y/n, what's the pro-" "ugrhh, my head" you both look at Ran. "Ran?" "Y/n, how did you-" you hug him. *Crying* "why did you do this to me? I thought you were going to abandon me, why? why?" You said while crying. "I am sorry Y/n" Ran patting your head. Ran spots his little brother "finally" Rindou. Ran smiles. "How did this happen?" Rindou. "I will tell you later" Ran said. After you stop crying, for a second time, your eyes become red and puffy.  Rindou secretly takes pics and buy you an icepack. "Y/n, isn't today your competition?" Ran. *worried* Rindou understand why you were shaking. "Noooo, it's next week" you lied. "Really?" Rindou. "Yess it's next Monday" you keep your lies. "Whew, it's good, I thought I have made you lost a competition" Ran. "Haha of course not" Rindou buy lunch. You and Ran have beautiful moments. And Rindou takes you home. He speed up fast that you almost tear his shirt. And he stops suddenly, finally you are able to tear his shirt. Two holes under his ribs, "did you just tear my cloth?" He speak not turning back. "... I am sorry I will pay you back" you said panic. "Now, I want it" "but I didn't bring money" you said. "Your house is right next there" he said. "Ohh right he he, wait a minute" you run to the house, luckily Kokonoi isn't home. Rindou was planning take you on a dinner after tricking you. He purposely speed up and stopped. He knows you are someone to Ran, and will never do wrong to his brother. But he is holding back his feeling for you. He don't want you two to break up or something but he also needs a break of holding back. Just seeing you two made him feel hopeless but he endure it. He don't know what will happen in the future but you two marriage. So he is living in the present. Not thinking about the future. But now, his brother is laying on a bed and you are in his grasp. He wants you by his side which he will end after this evening. He was dreaming on his thoughts. He didn't know he was thinking a little too long. You come back to him, "thank you for the ride. Do you know the XXX shop?" You asked. "What?" *Clueless* Rindou. "Here" you show him your phone, the shop name. "They sell good men quality clothes, I have ordered a shirt" *crack* he freezes making you startled. "If you don't like it, I will order what you like" you show him other options. He little dream shattered like glass. He takes a minute to heal his pride and thought and be able to speak. "Okay, I will take it on the way, bye" he didn't even let you say goodbye. He drives very fast. You find him strange. Rindou bangs his head to his bike, "stupid, stupid" He forgets to buy Ran dinner, he comes to Ran with a small plastic bag. "It's dinner time" Ran smile happily. Fuck, I forget "what's this?" Ran. "I will buy it right away" Rindou hurrily leave his brother. He puts the bag inside tool box and buys dinner even though it's only three in the evening. The Haitani have a thing for early dinner. He learned that Ran was attacked suddenly. He feels something off but he forgets it after thinking about what happened. He punches the table making Ran shocked. "You want me to have a heart attack after a head injury" Ran. "Sorry" Rindou. Ran throws him out after a second time he hits himself, saying "you need a doctor more than me" Rindou rides his bike. He didn't know where to but he decided to go to his friends, Tenjiku executives. He goes to where they usually gather but no one was there. He thought they went to Ran. As he was about to leave, a phone rings, a message. The wallpaper was a plain one that Rindou instantly know it's Mucho phone. But after reading message, he runs, to the hospital.

"Not coming back?"

"Yeah, we planned to stay here" your aunt. "What! You want me come back?"

"It's just a little surprised" you said.

"Tsk, oh wait I got a big surprised, Tell Koko to come here after graduation" your aunt.

"Okay" you said.

"Do you know what I mean?" your aunt.

*Laugh* "take your time till Koko's graduation. We are cutting you off" your aunt.


"Let's not meet each other again, be thankful that I didn't married you to a guy. Just leave our house" she hangs up.

You don't know what to feel, happy or sad. You remember about Ran, so you cook dinner and went to him, to the hospital. You leave a note on the dinner table "hope it's delicious,I have something to tell you. If you come home first, please wait for me" you take a bus to the hospital, holding the food box. You were heading to his room door. You stop when you hear people laughing from his room. You gets a little closer.


"She fell for that" *laughter*

(θ‿θ)(θ‿θ)(θ‿θ) Whoever suspicious of Ran. You were right. I was wondering who you guys want Y/n to end up with. For me, it's always older guys(≧▽≦)(≧▽≦).

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I will update another chapter today. Thanks you for supporting me.

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