Chapter 15

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"Be my girlfriend" Ran smiles.

You always see him smile but this one, not the evil smile or the one with intension. He doesn't also look like he is happy. Just smiling.


You go to the place where Ran told you to. It take you five minutes to reach the place. A skatepark, very big one. It's very huge, there even stage platforms and many benches with shelter. There are vending machines inside the park.

I wonder it's public or private. You thought and look for Ran from outside. There even guards. Did they not notice or just let you in. There are some people whom the guards rejected to enter. Your polite ass walk to the guards, "Excuse me" One of them looks at you, "I was called by Haitani Ran" You nervously said. You call your senior by his full name. They let you in, open the gate for you. You step inside and there you see different fashions with group. Skateboarding, bicycling or talking and laughing. There are so many people that you have a hard time finding him. You walk further, looking for him. The sidewalk is filled with people so you walk a little far from it but you feel like you are walking in the middle. Not one single of them is wearing a school uniform. And you walking and wondering around with a school uniform. It looks like you are in a wrong place.

Gripping your backpack, you swallow all your nervous and look for him. It's your first time seeing such a place. Most of them were young age. Watching their skill and them talking with their friends, laughing and smiling. You smile unknowing, You never have such a moment. You are never in a group of friends. You only talk to other contestants but you never see them again after the competition ended. Even though you aren't in their group, just seeing them makes you smile. You really like it and almost forget the reason you come here.

At a corner of the park, you spot the Tenjiku executives. Some eyes are on you, but you don't know it since there are many people. It seems like the place where the executive are playing is somehow empty, only them at the corner and far from the crowd. Ran, Rindou and Izana are on skateboards and Kakucho on a bicycle. Mucho and Shion sitting on a bench. Koko is not with them. The three turn their skateboards towards you. You stop walking when you see they are heading towards you. Ran look straight to your eyes, smiling. The other two, not looking at you. They don't seem to stop so you run to the sidewalk. You look down since eyes are on you, strangely. For a second time, you bump someone. But caught you from falling. Fast reflex, tall and tattoo on his hands. "Careful, little bunny" He smells like cigarettes. His hand your backpack and other on your head. You are short for him that you are facing his lower chest. He lets you go, "t-thanks" you said and cough a second later. His precious cig is on the ground, still lighting. He steps on it. "What brings you here?" Shuji Hanma, Kisaki's partner have to look down so he could clearly see your face. If he doesn't, he will talk with your forehead and hair. " I com-" "Me" you got caught off by Ran. You look back, the three have arrived. Izana still on his skateboard. Rindou holding it on his waist. And Ran, one foot on the ground and one on his skateboard. He walks towards you and drags you by the arm. It was harsh that you almost trip. "Relax, I help her from falling" Hanma in a teasing tone, held his hands up in the air like he surrender. But he is holding your backpack on his hand. When did he? "My backpack" you attempt to go to Hanma but Ran again grabs your wrist and drags you. He stops beside his skateboard, "Climb" he lets go of your wrist. "But my backp--"
"I said CLIMB!!" he raises his voice. Why is he angry? You never get on a skateboard and you are scared. But Ran sounds angry and you thought it will be best if you do as he say. Your shaky foot steps on his skateboard board. You thought you didn't take much time but Ran lifted you up and pushed his long ass skateboard that look like him to the corner. He presses his hand on your abdomen and one on your arm, tightly. Your back facing, no touching him. He put his face on your shoulder, sniffing your scent. "Relax, you are not dying" Ran said to your ear. You close your eyes from the start. Ran feel like he is carrying a statue. He helps gently to put you down. You didn't stop shaking. "Hey *gentle* you can open your eyes now ... Heyy" *again tender* *flinches* He sees tears falling down from your closed eyes. Your hands gripping your long skirt, shaking. Head lowering, you bite your lower lip, crying. "S-sorry" you bow to him and about to leave

"Be my girlfriend" Ran.


"Be my girlfriend and I will return your phone" Ran.

2k and 200 vote. Thanks a lot 😁😁😁

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