Chapter 16

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"why?" You ask, wiping off your tear.

"... Because I like you" Ran.

"You are lying" you said while looking straight to his violet eyes.

He pauses for a little and said " I will prove it to you then" *smile* " and I will court you because I shouldn't be selfish" *looking somewhere* Then he hands your phone. "Now let's get your bag" Ran happily pulls you by the hand. The rest have to watch since they get a single no place to interfere.

"You left it and now you are getting it back?" Hanma.

You are behind Ran, he still doesn't let go of your hand.

"What do you want?" Ran.

*Smirk* "I challenge you" *steps on skateboards*

"Okay, I will be here in 10 minutes" Ran, serious.

Rindou checking Ran's skateboard. Izana and the rest talking with Ran. You are sitting on a bench, hands on your knees, praying for Ran, no your bag. Ran has to win to get your bag. Your legs are shaking terribly. You fall on the ground when suddenly cold thing touch your face. Rindou is giving you a drink. He helps you get up, whispers "sorry" very low. He gives you a strawberry milk carton. You usually drink it most of the time you buy a drink.

"Thank you" you said.

"Okay" Rindou.

You two sit on one bench but you feel like ice wall is between you two. Rindou leans on backrest.

*Awkward* " Do you like strawberry?" You ask.

"No" he blocks the coming conversation with you.

"What do you like?" You try again.

"Vodka" he nonchalantly said.

"..." What is that. You have another job to find on Google.

Your antisocialsed brain speaks up to ease your awkwardness for the last time.

"Is Haitani Senpai good at skateboarding" you asked.

"He falls at least twice and he never win a challenge" Rindou on angry tone.  Tf is wrong with him.

*Crack* your hopes are cracking.  "Hey" Ran, positively said. He saw your worried expression.

"I am sorry about your bag but I will get it back" Ran, guilt in his voice.

You try to get up but Rindou pulls you down. "What happens to your legs that were shaking?" His voice bring back what he had said before. Ran can't skate well. And he will get injured if he falls, Rindou said he falls at least twice. Lastly never win a challenge.

"There is nothing important in my bag" You said looking down. Lies, the important questions for the coming event are inside your bag.

"Still it's yours and I promise you I will get it back" Ran.

He sit hugging his knees with one hand and other taking your hand. He buried his face under his hand, only exposing his  puppy eyes. Gently swaying your hands, he looks at you "Will you wish me luck?" Ran.

"Good luck, Haitani Senpai" you shyly said. Even though you are a hard stone, you can't win against his handsome face plus he is acting cute. And he is the only one who can bring your bag back.

"Thanks" *kisses your hand* He winks at you. He left you dumbfounded with red cheeks. He is satisfied with your expression. One main thing, your shy beautiful voice that called his name, Haitani Senpai, it gets him all fire up.  Giggling, he walks to his brother.

"Thank Rindou" Ran, taking his skateboard.

"May you fall in the middle" Rindou.

"Too bad, I am an expert" Ran, teasing his little brother.

"Screw you" Rindou. *slaps his back*

*Laugh* Rindou follow him till the start line.

Hanma looks at you and smirk.

The battle starts

You sit where the view is clear. You could hear people talking about how Ran and Hanma are good at skateboarding but

"Who do you think would win?"

"Of course, Hanma will. He is the best here"

"Ran is just showing off"

You hear them. But Ran promise you he will bring your bag back. In any how, you are too nervous. Not knowing how to clam yourself, you scratch your fingers. What are you worrying about? You open your eyes but you couldn't see anything else. But the thought of Ran. Worried for him. 

"Whoaaa they are incredibly fast" someone shouts.

You stand up and look at them. Just as said, they are very fast.

Your heart pound grows louder and faster. Your breathing becomes abnormal.  Scratching your fingers more. You could collapse any moment. What would happen if Ran

"Hey" Rindou, stops your hands from behind. His face caressing your hair, "it's okay" Rindou clam you down. Your breath becomes normal again and you could see your surrounding now.

"See, Ran just win" Rindou.

What did he say.


"Y/nnn" Ran, riding his skateboard towards you. Your bag on his hands, smiling. He stops and runs towards you.

"I bring your bag" Ran, cheerfully.

"Y/n??" You hugs him. Your hands on his neck. He smiles and return your warm hug.

Good : Rindou

Warm : Ran

He didn't get injured : Y/n

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