Chapter 33

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Sorry I had to make Kakucho evil. Not only him, the other characters too. I used them for my own good. Whoever love them, I thank you. I also like them very much. Especially when they are criminals. The boten trio,(◕ᴗ◕✿)(◕ᴗ◕✿). I can't explain why but I can say I don't like any criminals but them✨✨✨.

You have been developing your autophobia secretly but your lack of communication skills and your trust issues makes it a little worse. And your past, it affects you the most and also the cause. And you don't want to tell them about this. You intend to keep it forever. You dream that you would overcome this and spend your life time happily with them, Brahman's family. Kokonoi and Inui are also included.

School day arrive, Senju really doesn't leave your side which you are very grateful. Should I say the history repeats. (Author :(✿^‿^)(✿^‿^)) Tenjiku, Toman and Brahman members are also the same university.

Reason : Error ◉‿◉ ◉‿◉

But no one could approach you. Maybe Senju, Brahman's Leader is just beside you or you don't let anyone go near you, not giving a damn to anyone. The history repeats but they can't make you feel frightened or scared anymore instead they have to put a straight face so that their pride seem unhurt after you walk past them like they don't exist. Sometimes you walk past Baji or Chifuyu like strangers. To avoid it, they had to talk or call you. It's not that you intend to but like that was when you are alone, you have to stay by yourself. So, you make your mind filled with stuff, keeping your mind busy, the only ways to save yourself from causing a scene, fainting. If that doesn't work, you have to put airpods. You could sense Senju's sadness when she leaves you. But she has her own life and work. And Today, all alone you attend the class. Putting half volume, you walk down the hall fast. Carrying two books you currently reading, you are sure you avoid bumping someone.

You fall, hitting your elbow with the floor.

*Irritated* "watch where you are going" you spat and stand up.

No response, so you decide to look at the bitch who is arrogant that they hesitate to say sorry after doing you wrong. With a bored expression.

Not other than anyone but the little top tog of Tenjiku, Hitto Kakucho. He looks at you, no emotion. Same goes for you, with your bored face. You pick up the fallen airpod and put it on back, also your books. The seconds when the airpods fall have already made your head aches. (ʘᴗʘ✿) One damaged. As you were about to walk pass him, he grabs your wrist.

A sounds echo the hall, making students look at your direction. The books fall for a second time today.

"Keep your hands of me" the boy you just slapped support his legs so that he doesn't fall.

He looks at you, his expression is hard to explain. Neither surprised or angry. What do you care, you pick up the books again. You walk away.

"Y/n" he called.

"SHUT UP!!!!!" you shout. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH. Don't speak a word. Your presence disgust me"
Silence follow after you shout. Then you walk to the class. You sleep all day in class, no you fainted. But no one knows.

Kakucho, that day(when he locked you up in a room ) wasn't the first time you him. That time you only remember him as a bully but you unlock a memory which is lost long ago. He was your childhood friend, well only for you. He saves you from a dog in kindergarten. It was so especially amazing for you that you starts to follow him.

Y/n : please don't run away
You follow a kid with your little legs. He is stronger than you, as you were about to reach him. You trip, falling flat on the ground. "Wahh it hurts, wahh" *sobbing*

"Heyy I will be your friend if you stop crying" a little boy.

"Really" *still crying* y/n

"Yes, so stop crying" he kneels before you and wipe your tears.

"You are more pretty when you smile" he whispered which was overwhelmed by your almost done crying.

"You promise?" *Sniffle*

*Pinky promise* "I promise"

Smiling, "I am Y/n"

"Kakucho" he smiles.

"Well well, two losers hanging around" the bully said.

Kokonoi, the boss.

You shield Kakucho, "don't hurt him"

"What you gonna do, cry?" They all laugh.

*Trembling* Kakucho charges at them before you could speak and beat them all.

"You don't have to be afraid, I am here with you" he said smiling.

Too bad, that promise didn't last. Kakucho suddenly stayed away from you. He avoided you purposely.

"Kakucho wait for me" you again run after him.

"Y/n, I already told you, don't come near me" Kakucho.

"But I want to be with you," you shout.

He stops, he is so done for running away from you for days.

You lose balance and hit his back with your head. You fall on the ground. Your skirt lifts up to your knees.

The scars which you get when your aunt beat you the day when you and Kakucho became friends reveal. Kokonoi, his ass show his face to his parents and your aunt was furious so she used stick to beat you up. You cried all night in a corner. She starves you a day. She didn't give you any treatment either. It was difficult to walk the next morning. You were clueless why she beat you up. Only two days pass and Kakucho starts avoiding you.

"I don't want an orphan, I hate you. So leave me alone" Kakucho, coldly.

"Lie, you are lying" *sniffle* "you don't mean it" you said, sitting on the floor, wiping your tears.

"You don't believe me, then--" he pushes and sits on you. Second later, he starts punching you. You start crying, also trying to avoid his punches.

"Kakucho, it hurts, stop it" you shout but he doesn't stop. Teacher saw him and stopped him. Your nose was bleeding and your face was a mess. You didn't stop crying in the teacher office. Your aunt and uncle were called but they didn't come. Instead of Kakucho, you were moved to another by your aunt.

That's your memory with him.

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Thank you for reading my story patiently even though it sucks. Thanks you.

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