Chapter 24

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Chifuyu's Pov
So spicy *huff* *huff* where is Baji going? Don't tell me he is going to drink the river water "Baji-san"

Chifuyu runs to Baji to stop him but Baji stops and sits on the grass. That's when he notices a girl, to be specific, Y/n. "Y/nn!" Baji shouts, shaking you. Chifuyu stood a second to think this is real. "Y/nn! What happened" Baji again. You were too tired to even open your eyes. Someone is shouting, Weakly, you open your eyes a little, your vision is blurry. Just a long black hair and unclear face. "Chifuyu, call an ambulance" Baji said as he lifts and carry you. You grabs into Baji's arm, "Don't" you whisper. "Y/n, you are sick" Baji. "Please, just send me home" You said with a faint voice. They both look at each other. Where is her house? That's what they both thought. Baji don't want to argue with you, to take you to a hospital. "Chifuyu, please call Sanzu" Unfortunately, Sanzu didn't know where you live. So they had no choice but to take you to hospital. "Sorry Y/n, I don't know where you live, so I have to take you to hospital" Baji, uneasy. "Please don't" the voice of Ran and his friend rings on your head "please" you hold onto Baji's arm. Chifuyu and Baji feel something's off. They think for a seconds. "Let's take her to my apartment" Baji carried you, walking. On the road, your body starts to heat up. Baji could feel it. "It will be okay
Y/n, don't worry" he said. At Baji's apartment, they take care of you. It is suprising that they are good at it. "her fever is down now" Chifuyu, finally sit. He looks at Baji who is holding your hand, his bitter face relax a little. "Get well soon, y/n" Baji stands up and fix the blanket. His mom enters his room, "I cut some fruit- ... what happened" she said. Baji "she is my friend, she insisted on going to a hospital and I brought her here" Baji said. "Is she okay now?" His mom. "Her fever has cooled down" Baji. Chifuyu greet Baji's mom. "I am going to buy medicine" Baji's mom, "I will follow you" Chifuyu. "Ohh you are so caring Mastuno" they both left. Soon after, a phone rings inside your pocket. Baji takes it and it was from Kokonoi. Baji stands up and go to a corner.


"Where is Y/n?"

"She is laying beside me"

"Is she okay?"

"Her fever has cooled down"

"Whattt fever? Where are you?"

"In my apartment"

"I will come right now"

"No need"


"I don't need incapable sibling who can't protect his sister coming to my house" why am I being a bitch

*Sigh* "I am not in the mood to argue, I thanks you, anyway I am coming" *hang up*

"This b-" "urghh my head" you wake up. The ceiling is so unfamiliar. Where am I "Y/n" huhh Baji's voice "you have waken up" Baji comes towards you. "What happened?" You asked. "you don't remember anything?" Baji. "Last thing I saw was--" you recall everything and went silent. "Look, Kokonoi is coming to get you" Baji. You look at him, "sorry I have troubled you" you said. "Noo it's not Y/n" Baji "you have been through a lot, rest well. You want some fruit?" Baji ask you. *Growl* Your eyes become wide, Baji holding his laugh, "here" he gives you the fruit. Baji got a head slap from his mom, "giving a hungry little girl fruit, *sigh* little girl want do you want to eat?" His mom asked you. "I made some beef stew, would you like to eat?" Her soft caring voice. You nod "thanks you" She smiles, "I will call for your house after dinner, also Chifuyu, ask your mom if she likes to eat dinner with us" "yes, I will ask her" Chifuyu left. Baji's mom went to the kitchen to make dinner. "Thanks a lot" you said. As Baji was about to ask what happened, his mom "Baji, your friend is here" his mom shouts. "Kokonoi is here" Baji. *Door open* Koko is here now, I hope he doesn't know about it, you clench your fingers. He walks to you and embrace you. "I am so sorry" Kokonoi. You were clueless, did he find out already "so sorry Y/n" Kokonoi, you pat his back "it's okay" which is half a lie. You eat dinner with Baji and Chifuyu family and Kokonoi. It was so warm and peaceful. You had sweet moments and forget a little fucker who just used you. "Thank you very much" you and Koko are at the door, Baji wanted to walk you but Kokonoi stopped him. Walking to his car, "I heard from mother" he breaks the silence. You aren't ready yet, you just get your heart broken hours ago. "That's what I wanted to tell" you said. *Silence*

"Y/n, I also have something to tell you" Kokonoi grabs your shoulders, facing you. His eyes, look like he has decided something with sincerity.

"Please agree with me"
















You came out from a car, the walk by students stare at you.

"It's been years" *stretch* *stretch*
"Let's go" *walking to an entrance*
XXX University

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