Chapter 25

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*enter to XXX University*

This is- Senju hugs you, "hey, Why didn't you wait for me?"

"Like you wake up at 7:00" you sarcastically said.

"Ouch so mean" *fake cry* Senju.

"Ohh look there's is ice cream truck" you said, lying.

"Where? Where?" She said hopefully. You run away from her, "Y/n, If I catch , you are a dead meat" you two running around, laughing.

Back at 2 years ago

"Please agree with me" Kokonoi.

The two of you enter the house. "Let start packaging, I will plan a lift tomorrow" Kokonoi. "But isn't too early?" Y/n. "Sorry Y/n" Kokonoi. You are at your room, looking at your parent picture. "Mom, dad, I have been doing well. Tomorrow I will leave to foreign country, I am a smart girl so you don't have to worry about me" you smile.

"Y/n, leave Japan, don't worry about your school I will take care of it. You just have to agree with me" Koko.

"Leave Japan?"

"Yes, I will support you so you don't have to worry about a thing. So please, agree with me"

It took you a minute than you agree. Like you want to live here.

Tomorrow arrives, at the airport, Kokonoi and the Inui Siblings. "Take care Y/n" Kokonoi hugs you, and Akane Inui "have a safe trip" Seishu Inui "Goodbye" he ruffles your hair. You remember that night when you were drunk. We are friends *Smile* "Goodbye" you get on the plane, thought you were the last but also the only one? You take a look at Kokonoi from the window, *smirk* "Bye" that is what he mouthed. *Confused* you look at the siblings, they were smiling and waving at you. The engine starts and begins takeoff. You believe Kokonoi wouldn't sell you off but you have a very strange feeling. There is only one, you, yourself, you don't see any other else but there is a big red curtain at the back end of the room. And the room is a little too luxury. There is a finest dinning table in front of you. Private Plane!! Did Kokonoi borrow a private Plane just to deliver me or is this the guy who he sold me off to belonging. You slap yourself, don't think stupid thought Y/n, did your brain drain after heartbreaking. You inhale and exhale, you are curious about what is behind the curtain but you fear ass doesn't dare to even go near. You open your backpack and take out something, two bracelets. It was meant for Baji and Chifuyu but you don't know when you will come back. So, this will only be a burden, unforgettable past for them so you keep it to yourself, remembering them forever. You thought of what you experienced back. Even though most of them were unhappy moments, you somehow feel positive. You had someone care for you, you experienced love and heartbreak. You even make friends. You fall asleep while on thought.

*Opens eyes* First thing you saw is a handsome face, you jump from your seat and hit you head with the window. "Owww my head" you rub and then look again. The handsome face of the scary guy who you meet on the day when you were sneaking on Senju. You stare at his sleeping face and process the situation. "Have fun looking at my face" the sleeping guy said. You almost leave your skin, "sorry" you said. "Haa *sigh*, Kokonoi sell you to me" he opens his eyes, lilac color. Is this really true? I was sel-- "kidding" huh! What's up with this guy? "I bought you form Kokonoi" the lazy eye which can be closed if he wants to, the point of opening is bullshit. Why keep opening lazily. The one to look would lose their energy. He is just looking at you. "It's true" you said. "What's the difference?" He husky voice. "Koko wouldn't do something like that and" you quickly press your mouth. He bought you so he can do something bad if you pissed him off. *laugh* "you are funny indeed" *laugh* "oii quiet down a little bit, would ya?" Another voice? Huhh? "I just can't" *laugh* he pinches your cheeks, "there's no difference, he agreed and I take" *smile* You almost get an over because of his smile, your heart skips a beat. Forget about the Stick(Ran). But you are a strong girl, still *speechless* he lets go and leans on the seat again, "from today, you are free to do anything" he sleep again leaving you speechless.

The plans land and there are only four passengers. You and the three guys you meet at Senju's first and last appearance. On the road, you all sleep. When you arrive, the lilac eyes color guy wakes you up and give you a hand. "Thanks you, Sir" you said. "Pfft" *laugh* a guy with scar on his eyes laugh. Supporting his muscular friend with tanned skin.

"It's Wakasa Imaushi" you give him your hand to escort you "thanks you, Sir Wakasa" The plane door opened, a new fresh view,








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