Chaper 40

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You haven't seen Senju for a week now. She transfers to another. Now you know she does this on purpose but what is her reason? You neither know the reason nor where she is. It's already clear but you still don't want to believe it. At night, you speak to her looking at the bed she used to sleep.

"I don't know why you are doing this, I don't wanna know. Aren't you the one who know I would rather be with you than solving problems between us that tend to separate us. Can you just not stay on my side. It seem so unfair to me. Senju, please—''' the migraine you have these days gets worse, it is not possible to ignore now. You do what it takes to relieve it, pressing your head hard, banging it cuz it stops for a period of time. But not tonight, it hurt to the point you can't thought of anything or feel only the pain. Rolling to the table, your hand reaches for pills. Your eyes are bloody red with the skin of your forehead, your hands are trembling so is your body. You fought yourself to the kitchen. Taking the pills, your body finally gives out. You knock out your hand to the counter. At your last conscious moment, your hear door being broken down.


Ko Ko gave himself to the police with a scar guy from black dragon. He was sentenced for two years. I heard two months for the scar guy. I think they want to put an end to the gangster world. We dealt with 11th Black Dragon past week ago. Here I am with head injury in a hospital. No one is visiting me which I like but___ Y/n, what is she doing now? Should I tell her about my state so that I could meet her, not that serious but. I want to see her; her friend was also injured. I should start getting up to see her, *puts feet on the floor* the door opened,

Is he Mikey's older brother? What is he doing here? And what's with the sad looking face, did he just committed a crime and cried over it. What's with him, looking tired and______

"Y/n is not with them"

Like a rope that snaps, a thought come to his mind, he doesn't think twice to leave the room. Running the endless road, he tried his best to reach to Y/n as fast as he could. He trips over and over but he could care less. Aggressively pressing the elevator. He rushes to a door. Banging the door, no one answer so he tries to break it down. When he did it and entered, he saw Y/n laying on the floor unconscious. Large number of pills on the floor. He runs to her, hugging her body, he lifts her body talking to her nonstop.

"Y/n, please don't. Wake up. I am here, you are not alone, Y/n please don't give up", grabbing her cold hands to his face, his tears fall on her face, tears form his purple orbs keep falling on her face. Rushing to a hospital, he takes her to the doctors. And waited for several hours.

Five hours later

Doc: she had taken too much pills, you arrived right on time. If not she wouldn't make it. It will take times for her to wake up. Her right arm would take weeks to recover.

Sighs of relieve escape from his mouth.

After that, he goes to her, sitting next to her laying body, he talks to himself. He thought of if you would like that he stop you to end your suffering or he save you. The thing in the world that matters to him is you. He would follow every choice you make but the thought of you disappearing haunt him down. Guess he likes every version of you except the death version of you. His blonde and blue hair is wet from sweating, his body is tired and at last he rests beside you.


I'll kill them, I agreed with them to shut my mouth not to tell Y/n that they know her phobia. She didn't want to let anyone know so I agreed. This is how they treat her, leaving her when things get tough. They are the only ones whom she tells her phobia herself and they are the one who abandon her. Rindo want to kill them instantly but his priority is laying beside him peacefully. He loosened up after seeing your face. Y/n wouldn't like this, they are her friends. Truly, shitty friends.

He left Y/n's room for breakfast. On his way back home, he dial his brother phone.

Ran: where have you been?

Rindo: at hospital, I will explain to you later.

Ran: last night—

Rindo: what last night?

Ran: it's about her friend, Kawaragi. I will tell you only if you meet me.

Rindo : fuck, at XXX.

Rindo doesn't want to leave Y/n so he calls Ran near the hospital.


"Don't expect anything from me" Rindo.

"your face says it all." Ran sipping his tea. "last night, Brahmen and black dragon fought. It was supposed to be our fight but Kawaragi Senju appears out of nowhere. She fought with Taiju. It was bloody, if the cops didn't arrive, both would have dead. I believed it was revenge for Wakasa and Y/n. Izana is waiting for you, I can't save your ass this time."

That time, Izana hand reaches rindou's shoulder, "come out"

They are at a park with low maintenance, other way, a place where it is good for


Kakucho punches Rindo in the face. He falls back, spitting the blood inside his mouth, he gets up. This is his fifth time receiving punches from Kakucho. Tenjiku's leaders and the tops surround them in a circle. Izana is enjoying and Ran keeping a poker face. The rest they don't enjoy much. Their crewmate punching another crewmate.

Izana : I should eliminate you since you run away but Ran gave everything he had to keep you alive. So, I am letting you live.

"So, is he free of you from now on?"

*Startled* they trun their head to the owner of the voice.

Hi ◉‿◉

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