Chapter 6

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U didn't even enter ur class first, u head straight to the 3rd year classes. U see Ran in the first class u enter, he was sitting on his chair, talking with some classmates, smiling happily I guess, like he is in peace. U walk to him. "Umm Haitani-senpai, about the homework book?" u asked, ur inside are shaking cause all of his classmates attention is on u.

"Ohh, that I forgot it at home"*smile*


"He he kidding, I didn't bring cause u weren't saying the time. So I thought it would be okay~"

Scratching ur fingers, u don't know what to say, "... sorry for disturbing u, and Thanks you Haitani-senpai ... if possible, could you please give me tomorrow?"

"Okay, I will bring it tomorrow" *smile*

"Thanks you" u bow and leave.

Thankfully, the teacher who gave the homework didn't attend today, u were so relieved, ur first time being happy that a teacher is absent. U were very happy even though u got a few slaps from Baji's gf and her friends. Of course, both Baji and Chifuyu glares are piercing like bullet or knife, u forget it once classes start.

The Haitani would never do something good for u, of course u do know it. But u never thought they would go this far. It's in the evening and today, u r on cleaning duty. U sweep the dead, dried leaves with ur classmates and u are carrying a garbage can full with leaves. Ur classmates have already left and there are only few students, maybe four or five, walking to school gate. U r carrying it to place where the school fire place. The school burn leaves and unnecessary paper there. U r thinking about the strange behavior of the Haitani. And u hope that Haitani Ran would really bring the books and about to believe in him. But u see Haitani brothers are throwing leaves to a fire from afar. The can dropped, u run towards them. U saw Ran taking something from a bag and throw it in the fire. That something was the homework books he said that he would bring tomorrow. They spot u, they weren't alone, their classmates or friends stop u from getting near the fire or them. They just chuckle. U don't even know that u were crying so bad, shouting desperately. U can't win against guys by strength but u r putting all ur efforts. "Please stop the fire" u shout. *crying*

U r sitting on the ground, wiping ur tears with ur hands. The Haitani are 90° and few meters away from u, just standing. Rindou put his hands inside his pants pocket, watching u. Ran play his hair with a stick. U r crying nonstop. They, doing mean things to u with something u love or respect makes u fall on the ground and cry helplessly. Not to mention that how will u tell Baji and Chifuyu. After watching u cry for a couple minutes, they leave. Ur eyes are all red and puffy. Looking down at the ground, u walk home.

"Who would have thought, we'd meet u here" Baji in front of a shop, to be exact, a food shop. Behind him is Chifuyu. U were speechless, always but this time is, ... guilt along with fear are all over ur face. U look down again, they climb down the shop stair and tell u to follow them. *Bangs* Chifuyu throws u to a concrete wall. "The fuck did you just say" he grabs ur uniform shoulder firmly. "U r the one who made Baji-san repeat a year and now u r making the teacher to hate him more?" He glares at u, ur eyes watering. "Chifuyu" Baji calls him. He lets go of u. "Listen here u little shit, get us a new book and write the lastest homework. I will break those fingers of yours if you don't give it by tomorrow morning" Baji said as he leaves. Chifuyu follows him. U did as he said. U gave them by the morning. And here u r laying on the school infirmary bed. Ur vision is blurry, ur head hurts a lot.

An hour ago

U r walking pass the cafeteria, ur body feels numb and ur legs wobble. Ur head, it's like hammer is swinging to ur head every second. Heavy breathing, u use wall as support and walk to the infirmary. My head hurt ... *fall* Screams of girls, everyone looks at u. U r only breathing, u can't feel anything or hear. U just breathe, u go paralyzed. U don't even know u r still alive, feeling nothing. Ur body laying on the floor. A boy appears from the crowd and lifts u. He head to the infirmary. But once, u wake up, he is no where to be found.

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