Chapter 14

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"as expected, she searches it on Google" *laugh*

"Ohh my belly"  Pressing his stomach, Ran puts his hand on his brother's shoulder to support himself. Rindou, getting annoyed, "what is so funny about?" Ran shows ur phone to him, ur google search history

🔎 Third wheel meaning
🔎 What does it mean to be a third wheel
🔎 What to say to someone who is a third wheel
🔎Can high school students kiss on the street
🔎 how to avoid delinquents
🔎 Ways to avoid delinquents

The Tenjiku executives also look at ur phone.

"Haha isn't she Koko's sister" Madarame Shion.

"Cousin" Kakucho.

"But damn, she is in a different world" Shion.

"Well, that can't be denied" Ran.

"What is ur status with her? Are you courting her?" Shion.

"Nos, playing" Ran, smirk.

"Dickhead. What about you, Rindou?" Shion.

"U planned with Ran yesterday right?"  Kakucho.

"Yeah but she is not my type" Rindou, avoiding eyes contact.

"Then why sticking to her?" Shion *smirk*

Rindou, speechless.

Ran smirk along with Shion and Izana.

"Goshhhhh, I don't like her. I am just playing" Rindou, getting annoyed.

"Excuse" Izana.

"Why are you so sensitive about it?" Shion.

"Tsk, I am leaving" Rindou.

Ran, pulls Rindou, "sorry, we are just joking"

They can't stop teasing Rindou every time they had a chance cause he is easy to get angry over a little thing.

"Come to think of her, Kakucho"*all eyes on him*

"... I just did as planned" Kakucho.

All sigh, including Izana and Mucho.

"Her skin was tender" Kakucho.

Ran and Shion chokes on their own saliva.

*Cough* " u serious??" Ran.

Kakucho always has girls hitting on him but he never look nor talk to them. He is a boy with tall, muscular delinquents after all and incredibly handsome. Girls never stop approaching him. But the nearest they could reach is five meters. No girl win him nor he is interested in any girl he meets. In conclusion, he is never with a girl and he never wants it. And boy like him saying about a girl's body. Even, Izana was surprised. He purposely choosed  Kakucho to threaten Kokonoi by using u. Izana wanted a little revenge on u for his suspension. And he thought Kakucho would be best. But he never expected this. They all thought their little virgin boy has come out to his adult zone.

"Of course, I touch her so I know it" Kakucho.

*Crack* all their hope shattered into pieces.

"I give up" Ran.

"Has already been" Rindou.

Izana sigh.

"Why are you guys taking a big deal about it? I will not die single, trust me" Kakucho, confident.

*Fake cry* "I hope so" Ran.

"Yeah, but are we taking serious about tha--" *door open*

Kokonoi enters. They stop talking about u and Kakucho. And they all talk about money.

"Where could it be?" U walk to school gate. U have searched ur phone all over the school, especially the place where you run this morning. You don't set password on your phone. Anxious about your phone, you walk pass the school gate.

"Something wrong?" You almost leave your skin.

Why does Baji always have to speak near your ear when he ask you questions? He just always appears beside you. Today, you let down your hair. Baji leans a little to reach your level cause you freeze. "Something happened?" He asked you again.

You moves back a little, "m-my phone, I lost my phone" you whisper, gripping ur backpack. Baji looks at your face, he is only a hand from your face. You avoid his eyes. He straightens up, taking his phone out. *Hand you his phone* You look at him, "call your phone" He said, not looking you.

"T-thanks" you take his phone and dail your phone.

On second ring, someone picks it.
It didn't lost


"Thanks a lot for picking up my phone" you said "where are you?"

"No need for that, I am keeping it"

You thought a second that you hear clearly.

"Kidding, *giggles* that voice I will give you if you grant me a wish" Ran playfully said.

"..." "Come to XXX right now, if you want to get your phone without any damages" He hung up.

Haitani Ran, he purposely bumped you and took your phone.

"Do you find it?" Baji.

"Yeah, someone is waiting for me to get it. Thank a lot" Your hundred brain cells connect to call his name but it didn't come out. "I will be going, thanks a lot" again, your brain cells failed to call his name. You walk to the direction which Ran has told.

A hand holds your wrist, "I will go with you" Baji, gently said.

"It's okay, Baji-san" *ding* The so called romantic feeling warps Baji. This is the very first time you call his name. Butterflies in his stomach, he stops. You gently remove his hand and walk away, run. The moment, you disappear, his face turns into a red tomato. He hides his face between his knees, hugging himself.

I have guts, after all the things I have done to her. Feeling guilty, he walks away. She will be okay?? I think she is uncomfortable around me😃😃😃. I pushed Chifuyu to Mistuya so I can walk alone with her. And I could freely apologize to her.

"Be my girlfriend"

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