Chapter 20

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"Have a tastes?" Koko hands you a small glass of clear liquid. You look at both of them with wht-is-this face. "It's sweet drink" Koko, Inui just looking at you. You take a sip without sniffing. Your face sours and have a funny expression. Well, it's funny to look but you are very feeling weird. A bittersweet not too sour and some fruit flavored taste. It's hard to describe if it is good or not but you are sure it's something you shouldn't touch, an alcoholic drink. It has a fruit smell. "Koko! This is" "I know, I know" he cuts you off. "I am 18, older than you and I am an adult" Koko. He wins and it's go to your room or sit with them. You respect and trust Inui but you can't let him handle or watch Koko alone when you are available or Koko is on your watch. You ought to stay. Seems like Koko has planned all along. He bought drinks for you and snacks, chicken and things(for liquor). You silently sit beside them. Not long after, the three of you played Uno. You lost everytime, Koko nonstop teases you. It makes you irritated, mocked. You find yourself a little strange, you are so opened or straightforward. You even hit Inui's shoulder for putting +4 and didn't say sorry. Maybe because the game was so fun. "You lost again" Koko. You hurrily finish a small glass which you mistake with water. It's the well mixed liquor. Koko puts two cups for them and you. But you accidentally drank the wrong one. Koko continuously hits your nerves and you promise you won't go to sleep until you defeat him. After you get a long ass first victory, you finally look at the time, 8:30. Still early.

Koko is not much handful but mass chaotic when he is drunk. He spilled sauce and whiskey on almost all over the couch. The living room became a mess because of him. He didn't even spare the TV. Inui was half drunk, half sober. Together, monkeys, their ass just can't sit a single five seconds. Where did the two adults go? Singing, no shouting songs with wrong lyrics, hugging each other. They may be in a show, very talented in their imaginary. But the two boys is laying on the couch, singing with the remote and the bottle. It is rather happy moments than a disturbed or troubled one. Watching them was funny. It already 10pm.

Koko's POV
"Where am I?" Koko gets up, sober. He opens his and halted. You were talking non-stop at Inui. Smile brightly, you even demonstrate with your hands about your talking. Inui also feels so relaxed. Smiling at your every sentence.

You two are sitting next to each other, facing, your knees touch, comfortable.  "And I was--" "ahh my head hurt" Koko. You both look at him. "Oh Koko! You are okay now?" You asked him. "I guess so" Koko. "Really *beams* Great I was telling my new friend Inui-kun about books... Blah blah blah blah" you didn't stop speaking. You don't even care if he listens or not. Koko glances at Inui, him shaking his head and then nods, telling him that you are drunk and helpless through his expression.

"Ahh that is so interesting" Koko being very careful not to make a mistake by saying something that would make you feel rejected. You built up tears after he said "ohh" as a reply after talking about your favorite book. Koko was so surprised by it. He knows you are drunk but he didn't know you would be so emotional. But he finds it adorable. Not only him, Inui. They listen to you, "Y/n aren't you going to school tomorrow?" Koko. "That's right *smile* it's time to bed but where will Inui-kun sleep?" Magic, Koko pukes on his bed. His parents room were locked. Only the kitchen and your room left. The living room is ... a mess. 

"Y/n, it's okay, I can sleep in the living room" Inui swallow hard, lying, a clean and graceful gentleman like him sleeping on the mess. He can bear but he would be traumatized, it would be better if he was completely drunk. Koko, holding his laughter. Inui lying. "What is so stopping you? Aren't you my friend?" You ask, living in your drunk ass. Too much friendly and relaxed. "Noo- that's not it" Inui, shaking his hands. "Then" you hug him by the neck, taking him to the bed. You also grab Koko's hands. "We are sleeping together tonight, that's the proof of our friendship" you said, excited. Koko secretly telling Inui to go with your flow. Ten minutes haven't passed and you fall into deep sleep. Hugging Inui and Koko. After making sure you are asleep, they get up. "please don't leave me" you mumble, shedding tears. "I don't want to be alone" you grab Inui's arm. "Bad dream?" Koko. "I will-" "I am here, Y/n, don't worry" Inui. He calms you.

"... I wonder what will happen tomorrow?" Koko.

"She wouldn't remember a thing" Inui, smile.

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