Chapter 23

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"she fell for that" *laughter*

"And she comes right away with Rindou? My God, you are a mean brother"

What is happening?

"Rindou didn't know about this?"

What do they mean fell for that

"Yeah, I only had a week" Ran.

"But, fuck you Hanma. You hit me so hard"

"It has to be realistic"

"Damn it, where is Mucho"

"He forgot his phone and he went to get it back. And he is going to tell Koko about this"

"You will be able to freely make moves right, Kisaki?"


"Yeah, I will be since my dad will not ground me anymore. He promise if I win this competition, he would stop. And that brat was in my way"

"Lame, I thought you were a genius" Izana.

"Yeah, yeah only if you didn't order me too much. Thanks to you, Ran. I was able to win."

"How are you so sure?"

"She is the only one who is comparable to me."

"Good job, Ran, you made a good use of her"

"Yeah, I was bored too. Since playing with an intelligent book smart would be great, I accepted the offer"


"At least, I win over her"

"Anyway, since the plan is a success, what are you going to do with her"

"Isn't obvious, I am go----" he sees you. The whole room went silent.

"Y/n?" Ran. His all friends look at you.

Your legs move on their own, standing beside the door. Ran was so speechless and shocked, so is the others except for Kakucho and Kisaki.

"Y/n-- I can explain" Ran, *tries to get up*

"It's okay, I heard it all. *Smile* *giggle* at least I was useful" you close the door and run away. Your heart fells pain so much that it suffocates you. You didn't look your front and bump someone. Rindou,
"Y/n" he grabs your shoulders. He realizes that you already know by the look of your face, he lets you go. And you run out of the hospital. You don't know where to head but keep running. Pathetic, you wipes down the tears. At last, you stop no your legs give out near a river. Laying on the grass, you hugs your knees and cried. Why were you so easy or is Ran you truly loved. You can't think of anything. Your heart feels it been hammered. You close your eyes only wishing the pain would stop. the feeling of betrayal and guilt would disappear. Blaming yourself when you did nothing wrong. You have the right to love anyone but it's their fault to use someone for their own benefits. You cried and went asleep.

*Grabs his collar* Rindou tried to punch Ran, gritting his teeth. The Tenjiku executives stops Rindou. Ran was a bit startled. He never see so angry like this.

"Woah woah, calm down" Hanma.

"Let's head to the outside" Izana.

They all are now outside.

"It was my plan" Kisaki.

Rindou glares at him. Hanma is ready to defend Kisaki.

Ran, "how pathetic"(referring Rindou)

Rindou looks at him with fuming eyes.

Ran, calm "you are blaming on others when you can't even do anything"

Rindou, Kakucho and Shion holding him. "Haa funny"

Ran, "yeah funny that she would turn her eyes to a coward like you."
Rindou went silent.
"She doesn't have a thing for cowards, you think she would like you" Izana supporting him.

"Oi stop it already" Shion.

Ran, veins on his forehead. Breathing hard.

Rindou finally settling down. He goes to Ran, "I feel disappointed. I never was but today you look so pathetic" He head back to his bike, leaving Ran with wide eyes. Rindou was smiling but he eyes were so hurt and feel with unhappiness. This is their first time having big, serious fight. Today Rindou was so strange like he never was. He isn't the one they thought. Usually, Ran would discipline Rindou and he would throw thrantrum about it. Ran never drag someone but he did a moment ago. Rindou would never stop arguing his brother or end a serious matter with himself but he end it a moment ago. Even his friends would feel that, the strange between the brothers. There was a long silence, "let's head back" Izana.

"I am sorry, I didn't expect Rindou would found out like that" Kisaki.

"No, if I did tell Rindou from the start" Ran sigh.

"We brought delicious food" Hanma, out of the blue. Kisaki holding the urge to punch him.

Ran laughed which makes his friends shocked.

"Damn you are a freak" Shion.

"Haha let's eat" Ran.

Someone POV

It's been a week, Dammit, I can't get her out of my head. Why did he had to join them. Fuck fuck fuck *kick a non-existing thing* I can't even look at her. Who do they think they are to humiliate her? I admit I did wrong to her, I never thought of going to that extent and never came across with that
"Ah fuck"

*rubbing his long black hair* Baji sit on grass. Beside him is Chifuyu.

Chifuyu's POV

Y/n, she must have been hurt a lot. Adding what I have done to her. We were warned not to get close to Y/n by Tenjiku. Since she is Kokonoi's sister, they said not to mess with her. When they were the one who-- "tsk"

Chifuyu join Baji and eat peyoung yakisoba. But suddenly they feel hot, they look at the box and it was beast chili sauce. Standing, they tried to ease the spice. Fanning their tongue, breathing air with wide open mouth. Baji spots something and later he forgets about the spice he is feeling and run to it.

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