Chapter 28

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"tell me a reason why I should bump to you" you ask Baji, who is holding your waist. "Because we are destined?" Baji, in confusion. "Pfft" *laugh* You get off from him, composing yourself. "Nice to meet you again, Baji" you said. "Ohh yeah nice to meet you again" he rubs his head back. "Why did you suddenly disappear?" Baji asks. Ughh again boy you better thank me "I guess I needed a new start" you said, serious. "Ohh that's good" Baji "you change a lot" "but I am still me though" you said. You can't choose to hate or not. He did you wrong but was there when you needed help. You decided to make a new start with him. Oh wait what is that box, a cat?? "That's yours?" You asked. "Hey that's rude to call my cat 'that'" Baji. "What am I supposed to call 'it'?" You raise your voice. "Luna, her name" Baji, blushes *fact ; he name her after you. "Can I pat her?" You sit, waving your hands. "Okay" Baji sits and gently lifts his cat and gives you. You do the same, gently take her and pat her. "When did you come back?" Baji asked you, patting his cat. "Maybe a month ago, your cat is so cute" your sudden urge to steal her from Baji. "Why choose him all over people" you whisper to her. "Excuse me, I can hear that" Baji. "Ahem, how did you get her?" You asked. "On the street, she was only a week old" Baji said. "Then she is very lucky to have you" you look at him, he was already watching you. He averted his eyes and said "I guess so" Baji. "But are you sick, you are wearing an apron" you confused. Baji looks at himself. Shit "are you?" You asked him again. "Oh course not, why would I be. I forgot to take off" Baji. "You have a job?" "Yes, at a pet shop" he said. "That's great" you smile. As he was about to say something, your phone rings, Senju. You take it. "Ayo, stop wondering around, I am hungry" she said. "Okay, I will be in a minute" you hang up. "Sorry, gotta go. See ya" you give back Luna and run. Baji "see you again, Y/n" he puts his cat back. "She has changed a lot" he smiles. He gets a message from

Chifuyu, "Y/n is back, she is now the talk of the school"

Baji "how?"

Chifuyu "she is the same University as us. Serve you right, you didn't come today"

Baji "I see her a moment ago"

Chifuyu, thinking he is lying, "get ready for tonight, who knows she may come too"

Baji "right, let's go together"

Baji running to home, getting ready.

You walk to your apartment, thought of today. Come to think of it, I haven't meet Kokonoi yet and Inui too. You open the door, Senju was busy with her phone. You cook for both of you, after eating, Senju was busy chosing dress, for you. "That's perfect"

She don't like too exposed or covered, it's a balance

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She don't like too exposed or covered, it's a balance. I will order it now.

*Ring* "Hey Waka"

15 minutes past, the door bell rings.

"Who's that?" You asked.

"Your dress" Senju, on her phone.

"Senju!!! Then what are these for?" You open wardrobe full with dress and clothes.

"Changes, I guess. Now, get your ass the dress" Senju.

"What about you?" You asked.

"Secret" Senju.

You open the door and get the box.

There is two, "let me guess, this for me?" You pick the dress Senju chose for you "and this, for you" you said. "Surprise" Senju.

"Thanks a lot" you hug her

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"Thanks a lot" you hug her. "Let's get ready" Senju. You two take a good time, taking photos. Senju had purpose.

"You look gorgeous Y/n" Senju, admiring you.

"Say the one who is perfect" you said "shall we?" You offer her a hand.

"Let's go" Senju, happily. Her phone, message with Wakasa. Your ten photos.

Eyes were on you two when you enter the hall. You guys were a little late but that's not the reason, you, yourselves, your beauty. You both look around and spot a table, students were gathering. Seems like a game, "wanna try?" Senju ask you. "yeah, will you join me?" You asked "go, it's your time" you encourage her. Senju was busy most of the time and she love free time. And love alcohol, you can't just stick to her every time "I will join you later" you said. "You? Pfft you can't even handle a sip" Senju laugh. "Go before I kick your ass" Senju "yeah yeah, hook a fish for me" she walk to the drink table and you walk to the game table. You wanna have fun, the game is 'spin the bottle'. There are many students. First round has ended and this is a second round. You take a place. The nearby students look at your place, you smile. "Let's start the game" that voice, you look at the owner, Kurokawa Izana. "The bottom has to grant the head a wish or a dare, If one win, she (he looks at you) or he will be rewarded" he said smirking. "A big one" he grabs the table "spin the bottle" you spot something, braided hair. Haitani Ran, beside him is Kakucho. They (the Tenjiku) are here, too? Yeah fuck it. You look around and finally see Rindou, he was looking at you. Untroubled, you look at the bottle. Spinning, spinning, the head towards you but it didn't stop and you get the button. The head pointed a tall guy, tattoos "sin and punishment" on his hands. "Oh well?"

Double update ✨✨✨

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