Chapter 38

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*kneel* "Y/n, I apologize, I did wrong to you, please forgive me" Baji,

"Great, Baji-san. Now let's go." Chifuyu.

The two boys share one brain cell to apologize to you in that way.

It's break time and you are sitting under a tree on a studying table, reading the art of lightsaber.

"Look, Y/n is there." Chifuyu push Baji towards you.

You look at them, Baji preparing "Y/n, umm I"

You smack his head, "Don't you dare kneel in front of me, I saw you two, it's so stupid, and you *point at Baji* I have already forgiven you. So, stop it. And same goes for you too, Chifuyu."

"But I want to apologize you properly"

*you smack his head again*

"There, this is my revenge for you. I am done with our past and I want to a new start"

Like in the anime, the wind blow swaying the hair and eye became more lit. Baji smile and returns your offers.

You offer a handshake, "Hi I'm Y/n L/n *smile*"

"I'm Baji Keisuke"

"I'm Chifuyu Matsuno"


It's Friday night and, you got called to go to a club. Senju gets really busy these days; she hasn't come back for days. This is her free time and she is already at there. You sleep the evening and had to get up when Senju called you. Doing your makeup, fitting clothes and you walk out of your apartment. You meet her there and but something came up, an urgent one.

"Sorry Y/n" Senju.

"it's okay, go" you said. "I will be okay"

She looked indecisive, but you make sure it was okay for her to leave you alone, and she left. You didn't want her to go but she has her own business too.

You dance your heart out, not caring anyone or anything. Moving your body to the music rhythms.

For a second time in your life, you got dragged by the same guy, Haitani Ran.

Inside a staff changing room, you resisted.

Covering your mouth, he speaks out. "Y/n, please be quiet, I just need a moment of your time" he is serious.

But who cares, you bite his hands with force, you know that it pains him but why isn't he letting you go? As you are about to kick him, you hear,

"She is not here."

"What you mean? I saw her dancing with my own eye"

"Fuck, this uniform(waiter) is too hot"

You guys hear guys taking off their clothes and their complain, there's more,

"Why does that Kokonoi's sister have to with Taiju?" a guy said.

"She is close with Brahman's leader and members of Tokyo Manji Kang" another guy.

"Now, Taiju is meeting with Brahman, we have to get her before the meeting end"

"Search for the restroom again"

They went out of the staff room.

"I will explain to you later but can you follow me?" Ran.

This was the last thing you would like to do but you have no other choice.


You run Bars and Nightclubs, don't you? Why with a bike, do you think it's romantic, no, it's fucking not in the middle of night. I am cold too.

The look on your face says it all. Not being aware of those, he looks at you, like he wants to say something but he just takes off his shirt and warps around you. "I will take you to Kokonoi"

You trust him and you are not wrong,

Koko saw you from afar and he looks worried, "Thanks Goodness, you are safe Y/n." He hugs you as soon as you get off from Ran's bike.

He seems relieved, you go with his flow, you respond his hug. This lasted a little longer,

"I owe you Haitani" Koko.

But Ran had already left.

"Now do you mind explaining what is happening?"

"Yeah, but let's first head to somewhere safe" Koko.

"ohhh, that's how it is?"

"yeah, it's a little fucked up" Koko.


"The one who want to get you is my boss, Shiba Taiju. He wants to rule over delinquent world and he is setting traps for the top gangs; you are one of his targets. I thought he didn't know we are siblings but he did and I knew it too late. And Haitani Ran was the only one I could think of. I apologize if you have been uncomfortable." Koko.

"it's nothing, but you said he is your boss?"

"Well not anymore, he never plays dirty but ughhh I don't know, I thought he was just a pure beast who adores violence. Shitt I once again, get you in trouble because of me" Koko, his hands are shaking.

"that's not the case, your sister is so pretty that she attracts everyone"

"Y/n, you know it's not the time for joke," Koko.

"Well, who cares what he wants, I want you and my friends safe and happiness. That's is what I would do no matter what it takes. So, you should stop worrying." You said to him.

"But thank you, you save me today, Koko" *smiles*

"About Senju?" Koko

It took a moment to answer, lost in your thought, you came to conclusion.

"I don't meddle in such things. She doesn't talk about it, never but I am sure she is keeping me safe; I think I don't have the courage to meddle in that site of her life. I worried that might cause a big loss." You speak out.

"I would do the same, too"

*scoffs lightly* "But Koko, your voice is a litt- ahhhhhhh Inui, the heck!!" you almost leave your skin. "When did you arrive? Knock before you enter"

"It's my house, why would I do that? BTW I arrived a minute ago, when you were giving a speech about your feelings" Inui.


"it's been a while Y/n," Inui, smile.

"Nice to meet you, again, Inupi"

"Wait, you meet with Inui before me??" Koko.

"It happened" you said.

Pretending heart pain, "it's not fair"

"You thought it only now, where was your sense of thinking for others when with my sister?" Inui.

"that's was---" Koko, lost at words.

You join, their conversation, sharing one brain cell with them. You spend your time not thinking about what happened today. And the unreplied messages you have sent to Senju two hours ago. You sleep at Inui's house, his room, and the two guys sleep at guest room.

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