Chapter 41

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"I asked if he is free of you from now?" U asked Izana.

All eyes on you, and you have yours on one, too. Rindo, shocked, he looks at you weirdly but seems happy and not at the same time.

No answer,

"I think everyone here is deaf. I asked is he free of you from now!!!!!!" U raised your voice.

"Who are you to ask that question?" Kakucho answer for Izana.

"Ohh me? U point yourself "a girl who he die for and the girl you bitches assaulted years ago" u tone changes from soft to a serious one. Looking right into his eyes, "now, answer me" u spoke.

"Daring you to come and talk whatever you want, you got some guts" Mochi.

"Rindo, these are your friends? I am in disbelief. Your friend over there *point at Izana*  can't even answer a question"

"Kurokawa Izana, I want to tell you my favor you promised me, let the Haitian brothers out of your gang" you speak.

That favor,
Izana once decided to comit suicide after his mother told him the truth about his family, that he was just an outsider, unrelated son.

He climbed a bridge, ready to jump. *I feel so empty, would it feels good if I jump*

"No,no,no, don't" someone pulls him back, both falling on the ground.

"Are you hurt somewhere?" A girl voice asked him. He is too dead inside to answer. But what she said alters his way of thinking.

"Don't you think about how your family would feel if you comitted suicide?" She shout to him.

"I don't have one"

"But you have friends don't you"


"Even if you say you have none, there will always be someone who loves you, care for you and holds you dear. One person always have one"

Because of her words, he is able to pull himself together.

"Come here, you city boy. It must be very hard for you, you did really good today. Tomorrow will be too. Just being you live is enough" she hugs him.

"You are right, why don't I think about them. " Izana.


He frees from her embrace.

"my name is Kurokawa. And what is yours?"

"L/n Y/n"

"Thanks you. I will be going to see my family now. Thanks you."

He left,

You met him again in highschool years.

A week after the accident inside Kokonoi's house. On your way back to the house after spending time in the library, it was a little dark.

6:30pm, you walk pass a shady place. Two tall dirty buildings hover and there's no light seen.

"Let go of me" you heard a girl voice.

"Bitch you are the one who came to me first, and now you are escaping"

*A skin slapped sounds*

It's quiet so their voice is clearly heard.

"Stop what you are doing, I am calling the police"
You shout and walk to them showing the number dailing of your phone.

The guy laugh, "great, another one" he jumps to you, the moment he said that.

You look at him, putting a calm face.


You electric shocked him. Koko gave you that for protection.

You help the girl, a blonde cute one.

"Thanks you, actually he was right. I am the one who approach first." She said.

"But he is wrong. Not knowing when to stop and even use violence on you. Are you really okay?" You asked her.

"I am okay, you saved me. I just wanted to be an adult and i--" she tried to hold her tears but she couldn't.

You pat her back, comforting her. "I am sorry if I say wrong to you and I don't know your reason. I am just unnm saying, no suggest, no no",
Lost at words, you finally say,
But You are precious, you don't need to do this." You said to her.

She chuckles, "right, i forgot that, thanks for reminding me. I am Emma, what's yours?

"L/n Y/n"

After she left, you head back to the house. You thought someone was watching you but you shook it off. Izana came to you the next morning, only saying "I owe you" then left.

And the next day, Dragon was sent to hospital. Izana attacked him, Dragon was severely hurt in the abdomen because of Izana kicks. Izana had  his arm bone light fracture. Dragon got lost because he stopped in the middle after Izana said something. That's was the first time the gangs completely leave you alone, bullying.

You now ask the favor back.
"As she had said, you are free of me"

"And what about their belongings?" You ask.

Man you can't let go of that.

"Also everything you gave to me" Izana look at Ran.

"So, what do you say, Haitani Brothers" you asked them.

Surprising thing, they come to you without a second thought. You were taken back a little.

"So now, we are even" you said to Izana. And leave, the brothers follow up.

At the hospital room, awkward silence. "So, what's up?" You break the ice.

"Don't know, you decide?" Rindo.

"I don't know it too, what about you, Ran?"

"... I don't know, it is a little too much to take." Ran.

"Then, I am going to sleep" you said.

The Haitani Brothers are too stunned to speak.

You laugh at their expressions "just kidding, I am hungry, let eat something."

Somewhere at a hospital,

*Door open*
His P.O.V
Shin has been sitting beside him for days,

His eyes look tired.

"Shin, you should rest" Takeomi suggests.

"You have arrived," he lightly smiles.

"Shin, you should take some rest" him again told Shinichiro.

*Smile* "okay, how is Senju?"

"She is getting better" Takeomi.

"That's great to hear, then I should___ *collapse*

"Oii Shinichiro, get yourself together. Shin, do you hear me? Doctor, nurse, somebody helpppp, is anyone there?"

In that room, one guy in deep sleep, Wakasa and another guy collapsed, Shinichiro and one guy calling help for his friend, Takeomi.

The story is ending this week.
I'll try to update as much as I could.

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