Chapter 8

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Baji's Pov

Why am I here? Following her from a far? Yesterday, I was very angry. Once, I wonder why I am always pissed or bothered when it comes to her. I was too irritated to realize that Chifuyu was too harsh. Only when a loud thud echo the alley. I think she saw my surprised face. I couldn't think of what to do. But my mind suddenly got an idea when I saw Chifuyu grabbing her uniform. To stop him. After we left, I couldn't speak of a word. It wasn't her fault that she couldn't do anything against the Haitani Brothers but why am I getting angry at her. Chifuyu left after saying "I am sorry Baji-san, I will be leaving first" I didn't stop him. He needed times. On my way home, I thought huge about Chifuyu and Y/n. Is there something else that he hates about Y/n beside my school year repeating...
That's not the problem right now. I should hurry and apologize her ...

He sees u falling on the floor.

...what happened, she fainted?

He walks, runs to you but stopped by a crowd students. He tries to get through but when he reaches ur place, u were already gone. He doesn't even have a chance to know who carries u or sees. He goes to the infirmary but he head back to class after seeing u sleeping soundly. Baji gets a phone call from Chifuyu's mom. Baji asks the home teacher for an evening absence and hurrily goes to Chifuyu's house. His mom had already met Baji's mom. Chifuyu's mom asked Baji about yesterday. She told him that Chifuyu didn't come out from his room. Only when she kicked, broke his room door. Chifuyu hugged her mom tight, crying painfully. Crying, crying and slept on his mother's lap. Murmuring only one word, I am sorry mom. He really looks like a child. Baji told his mom that it's was his fault that Chifuyu hurt a girl. If he could stop him, Chifuyu wouldn't regret anything and feel guilty. Baji got a hit from Chifuyu's mom for blaming himself. She told him that they can continue being a delinquent but he will be grounded like a week. It was right that she feel very sorry for the girl he hurt, she wanted to discipline him. Smacking him with her slippers but her son crying in front of her. She couldn't do anything but love him, dear him even though he is at fault. Baji meets Chifuyu, his eyes are puffy. Baji takes pics of him. They eat peyoung together again. The tension between them faded, it's like nothing bad happened between them. Both Baji and Chifuyu decide not to hurt Y/n again even if they can't be a lot nice to her in their minds.

"Man, I bumped into Imaushi-san, today" Baji said as he lay on Chifuyu's bed, using his hands as a pillow.

"You mean, Imaushi Wakasa from Brahman, the executive?" Chifuyu asked.

"Yeah, he is the same as ever"
*notice; Baji do know bad boy Wakasa but he talks about the time when he was a hot ass friend who stole the heart of girls who Shinichiro had a crush on and the present Wakasa*

The two boys have fun, wasting their time.

But somewhere inside ur school

*Whispers of students*

"I hear she is from a Yakuza family"

"Don't be friend with her"

"She just beat a student badly without any reason"

"She is only just a first year"

"I saw her with an old man at the entrance"

White colored hair, blue ocean eyes with long eyelashes, chewing a gum walks down the hall. Her aura is intimidating. Kawaragi Senju, Brahman Leader, first year. Some know her and some don't.

Senju : I swear to God, I am not a little kid. Takeomi send Waka to watch over me. Ughhhh I just want to have a normal high school life. Let's see,
Class 1-A, guess I will have a stressing year.

Home teacher introduced her. She took a seat in front of an absent student. After class, her brother, Takeomi called her to wait for him that he would come pick her up. She slept for almost an hour. Only when she was awaken by the door opening. She was too sleepy to answer right to the student who asked her question. Plus she didn't come to this school to get good grades, but just to have peace since her former school expelled her for accusations.

She walked to the school gate, I should have talked to her nicely, she even worried about me. She continued thinking but stopped when she saws her brother cars. He just a bought two vans for only her. The most expensive ones. He asked about her days. There also Brahman's executives and the one she respects the most, Shinichiro. Later, they talked about some gang stuff. They paused when Wakasa walked behind a bush and a girl just popped down. The girl is no other than the one who Senju meet minutes ago.

"Hey don't scare a kid like that" Shinichiro shouts.

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