Chapter 32

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Autophobia : fear of being alone, left alone. But your ass hide it from everyone. You got this one and half year ago. It might be wronged if it's said it's not because of the stick (Ran) nor your house issues, your aunt and uncle. From the beginning, you were all alone, that time it didn't affect you much but Ran and your household added salt to your wound. And when you are at a better place, the fortune play trick on you. The world just doesn't go in your favor but now you don't stay quiet. You fight back.


You are not standing alone, there are important person who care for you. And you are precious.

You didn't even had a clue, you just thought it was just some headache or something but when you are alone or left alone, there is always a pain start from your heart then your head and your entire body. It hurts badly even if you don't think about being alone, it starts as soon as you are left alone. You need to put something else inside your head so that you would relieve or lessen the pain. When you pretend or ignore, it gets worse. They (Senju or the three guys) found you collapsed or fainted when you are left alone twice. One time Waka and Takeomi and the other time when Shinichiro paid a visit to you guys. He missed his flight that time. To hide it, you lay on bed whenever you are left alone. It is possible if Senju will spend her entire life with you but it not sure if she can be by your side forever. She has her own life and work. And you don't very like them to know about your autophobia. They have give enough and will never stop. But you don't want to burden them anymore. You did well in hiding it. And now, you are going to spend a day on listening to piano.

Someone's Pov
I am not late, right? Running at a maximum possible. Like she/he has a most important issue, she/he runs to a certain door. Opening the certain door, huffing. All exhausted, so exhausted that hands on knees, breathing hard for air. They thought about only one thing "am I too late?" *hear music* like a dandelion blown by the wind. All the worries and tiring drain. Sitting on the floor, she/he takes a rest, feeling relieved and smile. She/he shuts their eyes.

Just from walking to the shop make you feel terrible, with your shaking legs, you walk to the Cafe. The shop open 24/7. You order dessert and drinks for the entire day. You sit at a corner. The piano had already played.

The player changed, but they are both equally good. You put your hands on the table, using as pillow. As soon as you hear the piano, the pain disappear. Swayed by the sweet melody, you fall into a deep sleep, not now how much time passed. When you wake up, a jacket covered you but the owner had left. The piano is still played but the player has changed.

*Look at your phone* 7:00 pm, whew I feel fresh You stretched and was about to stand up when your phone rings, White Ghost, Senju.

Senju : Where are you? I am coming.

Y/n : at a shop, I will come instead.

Senju : Hai, I will wait for you *smile*

Y/n : *smile* come out before I lost my patient *smile beautifully*

She enters the door, smile "hiii"

Senju : he he you got me, you are here every time I not around

Y/n : it's because I want to have sex with the one who plays the piano.

Senju : *chokes her own saliva* Y/n!!!

You rub her shoulder, "kid will never understand" *smirk*

You run and she follows. You both never shut up on your way home. Waka was the driver today and with Shinichiro. He is a little sensitive today. His face is a little red and hot and he doesn't stand a single little touch, grabbing his hands that you always do. You were surprised which you forget after seeing food, Takoyaki. Shinichiro is also not feeling well. Maybe he is exhausted, he can't hold his head well, eyes avoiding or covering his face.

You four walks to the food, Takoyaki. The men behind. You both talk about something stupid stuff.

"This dude's are weird" Senju.

"Yeah they are always together" Y/n.

You both look at each other.

"Maybe be they are --"

"No it's not" Waka and Shinichiro, each at your side lean together.

Senju and you learn more and look at each other, making a face 'i do not believe you' "whatever you guys say" you both.

"It's not" they both, parting away.

"Pfft whatever you say. Let's eat now" You said.

Sigh, disappointed surrounding the two men.

You both happily walk to the shop.

Waka and Shinichiro left speechless.

Waka : I am glad you were on time.

Shinichiro : ... Thanks

Waka : for what

Shinichiro : for holding back for me.
But you stink ...

Waka and Shinichiro on each other throat, you walk back to them after eating a good amount of Takoyaki. You, holding two boxes with your mouth being a round lump, "wanna eat?" You offer them. Senju, not wanting to share, she hides it.

They both smile, "sure"

You four walk to the car.

Hope you still enjoy my story 😚😚😚

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