Chapter 30 📸

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1 camera=little nsfw, smut
2 camera=More
3 camera=Whole Chapter

"ouch my back" you rub your back, naked. You are laying on Rindou's chest. He is using his hand as a pillow.
He sure is a monster, shit. He rubs your back and kisses your forehead. He gets up and get something, heating pad. Sitting up, How come?,your face expression.  "It was in my bag" him. You laugh, "just admit you wanted to fuck me hard and you brought it just in case". "Sorry, I was angry" Rindou with only robe on climb the bed. You look at his muscular body from up to down, but wait "why is your little one going up?" Rindou, pissed "didn't you praise it yesterday like you can't live without my dick". He lays you on bed, putting the heating pad on your back. You shut yourself. But "I don't remember though" you thought he would go one or two rounds again because you pissed him off, his banana too. Instead, "rest, I can fuck you another time" he said while hugging you. Yeah, we are just like this. You met him when you were drunk. It was your second day when  you arrived Japan again. You and Senju went to a bar, got wasted. Wakasa treats you so nice that you misunderstood him, had a crush on him. You really liked him, got ready for your 18th Birthday pass so you can freely love him. He wasn't like Ran, and you never compared to him. One thing, he is an adult, no love sex. If he brings a girl, that means the house isn't sleeping tonight unless you put your ears with full volume of headphones. Why weren't you bothered by it. Guess love made you blind again. But now, it's your least priority. When you were going to him to confess, he was with a girl, doing it on his room, on a chair. The girl was sitting on his laps and him caressing her naked back and kissing her neck. He wasn't even bother to look at you. They didn't even stop even though you were looking at them. Instead of heartbreak, you felt disappointed that you mistook his kindness. From your point of view, there's a big difference of how he treats. He loves you but not in that way. There's lover affection when it comes to a girl which he changes per month. You silently closed the door and run to Senju, she knew it. She cheered you up. It was a day before you guys decided to go back to Japan. When you arrived, you and Senju spend a day wasting inside the house which Takeomi had brought. Eating snack, watching TV, doing make up. You both had fun.That was enough to forget about him and your embarrassment. You just liked a guy who has girlfriend and who is so kind to you through misunderstanding. But as you were about to forget it, he brought it up again. Asking why you were there at his room and did you needed something. You lied about it by saying you wanted to go to a bar with Senju and wanted to borrow his card (a black one) which is very true but you didn't go to his room because of that. He gave you without hesitation. You then thought you were lucky and thankful that he didn't caught you having a crush on him. But now, you are as before. He is your benefactor, an important person, nothing more. It was not easy at first. You and Senju went to a bar, a weak cocktail is enough to make your head spin. You can't even handle a two. You feel asleep, you lost Senju that day. You never let your guard down but that day was an exception. You slept on the counter. Someone waked you up, you could neither see or hear his face and voice. All you could see was a blurry presence and loud noise of the bar. He carried you outside, got you inside a car. You didn't even know yourself, what you were talking. When you woke up, you were just like this now, naked on a bed with a man. When you saw Rindou's face, you kicked off the bed. He was neither happy or sad. But he apologized for taking advantage and then you heard his explanation. After he explained what happened, you were sorry for him. You were a girl who offers her body to a stranger because of a heartbreak. You apologized to him, it was fine for him. That day, he gives you an offer that you could always go to him if you want. He would be there. He said he loved you but didn't need you reply. Instead he begged you not to disappear or run away from him or leave him. From that day on, you both become sex partner, (friend with benefits, only for you). *5 minutes* "No, you did it pass midnight, you even resisted to stop when it was two in the morning" you said. "Y/n, you should know the reason why my cock got hard again was because of you. I planned not to fuck you but it changes because of your little mouth" he runs down his hand which was hugging you to your ass then to your little pussy. Ohh shit

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