Chapter 27

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To become a professor was your dream, two years ago. But now, you just want to end university and get a certificate. You plan to own a shop, flowers Cafe 🙂🙂🙂. The reason behind why you came to this University is because it's the nearest of you and Senju apartment which you move in one month ago. You enter a hall, since it's the first day, every student gather here. Unfamiliar face, and unfamiliar place but it doesn't give you any excitement or nervous. Senju sits beside you, "damn, all my energy drain seeing you, cheer up" she said while she can't even bite her ice cream properly. "Say who" you said. "Fuck you" she said and devour her ice cream in one bite. "You too, fuck you" you slap her thigh. She hits your thigh, too. And you both start fighting, returning favors. "Attention please" speaker. You both stop, they talk about the party and university things. "You all can dismiss now, have fun, you all" you both run to the exit. The second to get home will have to do the chores for a week, so you and Senju are dashing to the exit. You were winning her but someone pulls you. Drags you to a room and throws you inside and locks the room. You are a cm close to explode. "Tf," you shouted. The room is dark and the person switch the light on. You look at them, you freeze for a second.

Meanwhile, Senju, taking a shortcut huh? Serve you right

A message arrive, Senju sends you a photo of a door, "later loser" you grit your teeth. And then you compose yourself. Now you got something to do, sending Senju "I will be late" you look at him directly in the eye and said "Are you done?" you asked him. He looks at you, silent. His violet eyes, which was so relaxing and once your hope. He is no other than the dickhead who used you two years ago, Ran Haitani. "Why? Why did you disappear suddenly?" He looks serious. "Because of you?" you questions him. "Y/n--" "Shush shush, it was years ago. Don't worry you didn't affect me that much, thanks to you, I got a new home" you smile. It looks like you words hurt him which you dgaf. "Is there anything else, I am waiting" you said crossing you arms. He didn't speak and look at you, "that's how you will be?" Ran, you can't read his face. "I am acting like I am tough" he pinned you to a wall. Caging you, his right hand next to your ear and left holding your right shoulder "Y/n L/n!" He angrily said. *Slaps* "You think I would stay still Haitani Ran?" The anger strom of yours, a week chores you will be doing just because of him. You weren't that lazy but you lose just because someone disturb you. You stare at him up, the fuck is he blushing, you were too stunned to speak. "Feisty, I like it" he covers his face, "no, I just like whatever you are" he kiss your neck very quick and look at you "And don't think you will get me again" you said, smiling. He thought you would get angry and attack him. But you aren't just he thought as you were and now. He was taken a back. "And one thing," he looks at you, he had to bend 45° forward. Poor you, even though you were thousands pampered, you didn't grow much. 5cm👌👌👌. You headbutt him, "that's for the kiss" nosebleed, he steps back "ouch that hurts". "Move away" you intensionally go at his standing place and push him aside. He looks like he is about to die from nosebleed But Boy I Don't Give A Fuck. You open the door and walks outside, but you see his friends, waiting outside. Rindou, Mucho and Kakucho were sitting on a bench and Shion and Izana standing. They all look at you, a red circle on your forehead where you headbutt Haitani Ran. You look at them, someone with a second eye contact "Whatt you never see a girl?" You walk pass them. They were a little stunned, how you have changed and your behavior. "Ah my nose" they hear Ran's voice. They all enter the room, Ran was lying on the ground, suppressing his nose. "Damn that girl changed so much" Shion. "You okay?" Rindou. "Yes, I am bleeding" Ran, pissed no one is giving him a hand. Then Kakucho gives him. "Thanks" "Don't mention it" Kakucho. "Wanna go to hospital?" Izana. "It's fine, I was exaggerating" Ran. *Smirk* "man, you are sick" Shion. Ran smiles, "I guess so" they walk out of the room and get Ran treatment. You walk to your apartment, pissed. Why am I so unlucky. You rub your hair. Frustrated, you stomp your walk and again bump someone. Yeah fuck my life You are ready to fall but that someone catch you, his brownze colored eyes and long dark hair, you remember him. How could you not?

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Thanks you all 💖💖💖💖💖💖

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