Chapter 26

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This timeline, Y/n is 18 years, which means adult.


How come she is here?

"Ohh you have arrived" she said.
Is she talking to me or them?

"I've been waiting for you" she hugs you, with much enthusiasm, happily.

How did she know about this? ... Don't tell me, they bought me for her. Noo don't think stupid Y/n.

"Follow me" she pulls you, "but my luggage" "Don worry, they will carry it" she said and take you to a car. She talks about how she would tour and take good care of you.

"Ohh wait, I haven't introduced myself properly. I am Akashi Senju"

"I am Y/n L/n" I know your name through teacher. But wasn't it Kawaragi Senju?? "Umm thanks a lot but could you explain me what the situation is?" You shyly said.

*Smile* "I will explain it to you when we arrive"

The car stops, you both get out from the car. Your mouth hung open, a mansion?? "Come" Senju takes your hands and lead you to the entrance door. You are too stunned to speak, first you don't know where you are at and second this is where you will live? You were too relieved that you are welcomed warmly and here is someone you know.

"Y/n, let's talk about the situation" Wakasa.

You all sit around a table. "From today on, you are free to do anything. This is where you belong, your home. I will tell you the reason later." Wakasa.

Takeomi, Benkei, Senju : the fuck?

You finally know where you are at, Italy. You literally spend two years there but never encountered with your uncle and aunt.

As you stay longer with them, you become closer and closer. Now, you think of them as important people in your life. You were too comfortable. They even stain their attitude on yours. Well, it not that bad anyway, being a bitch. They train, no feed you well. Of you weren't comfortable with them at first. It needed time. There was a time, when you get yourself in trouble which you only thought. It was Senju's Birthday. You wanted Wakasa to participate since he keeps saying he wouldn't make it cause he was so busy af. Senju only wanted to celebrate without missing. So you prepare a letter to tell him. You were repeating it again and again to be able to invite him without mistake. You were nervous, can't focus on it. Walking around a glass table, when you were completely able to say it. You were so happy and excited that you hit the table, it broke. Panic, you bite your fingers and spot a CCTV. You rush to it and was about to cover it with some stuff when you remember it's useless. You run back at the broken table. Soon after Wakasa arrived, you thought you were done for. But he rushed and grabbed your hands, asking if you were injured.

"You okay, are you hurt somewhere?" Wakasa asked, *worried*.

"I broke the table" you said, ready for consequences.

"It's not important, are you hurt?" Wakasa.

"No, I am fine. I am sorry" you said.

*Flick your forehead* "I said it's not important" he lifts you and leave the room. So you don't get your leg cut.

The video which CCTV caught, everyone laugh so loud. Wakasa also suppress his laugh but fail.

"I am dying" Takeomi.

"My God, oh my belly" Benkei.

*Laugh* "Y/n, you are very funny indeed" Wakasa.

Senju, this little, she holds that video as a blackmail. Now she is telling you to go a freshman welcoming night party.

"It has been two years but you still haven't deleted it yet" you said.

"Oh come on, this is the only hostage I got" Senju, making ;p face.

"Senju I swear if th-"

"Excuse me" someone.

Tf cutting me off you look at the person.

"You are so pretty, can I get your number?" A guy, older than you asked.

"No, you can't" you said and keep walking "anyway Senju, I will come on one condition"

"Yes??" Senju.

"Ohh come on, don't play hard to get, I know you like me too" the guy said.

You both stop and look at him, "I don't like leech"

"What!" *Pissed* "what did you just call me?" The guy said.

Senju, ready to throw a punch but you stop her. You look at him, putting your hands on your pocket.

"Do you know who I am?" He yells.

"A piece of trash?" you said, nonchalantly.

"You bitch" he charges at you.

A second pass, he is on the ground. You grabbed his arms and flipped him. "Tsk, my hand got dirty" you and Senju walk pass him.

Applying your hands sanitizer, "I will buy you ice cream" Senju.

You smile "you are the best, Senju. My mood has been lifted." You hug her.

"You stink alcohol" Senju.

You tighten your hands, "ouch, I give up. You smell nice" she sniffle your neck, you do the same. "You smell sweet". You both didn't break the hug. The nearby people look at you weirdly. Whatever they think, that's their business, not yours. You both don't mind.

"But where is your hoe?" You asked.

"I am hugging her" Senju run away.

"Screw you, Senju, screw you" you shout. "A moment ago" She pull her tongue out. And you chased her.

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"Freshman welcoming night party" ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

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