Chapter 12

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Lio went to the park.

He was sure that if you felt a bond with that place, you would have gone there to search some peace. It wasn't also a really popular park, something that also convinced him that you could be there.

And he was right.

You were there, on the tree he used to climb, hugging your knees.

Lio put himself on the spot you used to occupy, and he started to observe you. He was sure that you would have felt observed even now, like when you both were 13 years old.

And eventually in fact, you felt observed. You turned your head and saw the green haired guy staring at you.

You suddenly stood up on the branch.

You looked terrified. Lio however, was trying to stay calm.

"Why are you here?!" you screamed.

"Can't I come here to a public park?" he said "Why did you come here? Are you hurt? Are you okay?"

You didn't know how to answer.

And then, you started crying, silently. Lio had many questions, but he remained silent. Instead, he approached you, even if he was scared to be slammed on the land. But a warm feeling in his heart ensured him that you wouldn't do it. Maybe you didn't remember him, but he knew that he was one of the last people you would hurt.

He climbed the tree, and sat down near you.

You were shivering from the sadness and the sense of guilt you were feeling.

But then you felt an arm surrounding your shoulders.

"Y/N, do you want to tell me what happened?"

He then wiped your tears carefully, with a smile on his face to reassure you.

You then started speaking, your voice broken from crying.

"You couldn't see clear anymore when he called Lio scum. You could tolerate enough when he scolded you, but this time he had done too much. You didn't even know why you got so angry for Lio. You had known him for what, 4 days? And yet you felt outraged and you wanted to make some justice for him. You felt the urge to burn. Probably some remnants of when you still were a Burnish. Unfortunately for you, you couldn't create flames anymore with your own body....what about normal flames then?

You suddenly snapped. You couldn't just burn the place over! You had to just...tolerate. Yeah, this is it, tolerate.

Suddenly the manager called you over. What could he possibly want now? He scolded you enough, is there something else now?

You entered his office again and prepared yourself for whatever he was about to say.

His office had many art struments. He even had candles and used wax to colour. He was the worst manager ever, but he sure had a lot of resources when it comes to art.

He took the painting you finished two days before, and before you could realise it, he had torn it all over the place. He ruined several hours of your time in just few seconds. He started screaming

"Do you think I would accept this piece of sh*t?! When there's a Burnish depicted on it?! This is the last piece of trash I accept from you, don't you ever dare submit something like this ever again!"

It was the drop that breaks the vase. How could he dare to ruin and tear your work, your passion, the one thing you spend your blood on it. The next thing you remember was you screaming, the place going on fire, the candles being the cause of it "I was a Burnish too, and I am so proud of it I would have burned you down when I could do it, you piece of shit!"

But it was weird. You felt like you missed something in your memory. It was like you had a black out in your memory. You just remembered your manager scolding you and then poof, the place was on fire. You thought you caused it by attacking him with candles.

Lio secretly thought "That's my girl"

You both remained silent for a while.

Although he wanted to say this thought so badly, he asked:

"What did you paint though? Why did it cause him so much anger?"

You felt blush on your cheeks.

"It was a drawing of you, Galo and Aina, the first day I met you"

Memories (Lio Fotia x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now