𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝐈

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Sitting in a grand home, was a young non-country, a little lady of the name Y/n. She was being tended to by her caretaker, Brittany. Tending to her long pretty hair, she sat in a fancy dress, probably somewhere from the 1800s. With a smile on her face, she looked in the mirror in front of which the two women were.

"Are you excited, my dear?" - asked Brittany.

"More than I could ever imagine!" - the young lady said, feeling the butterflies in her belly from joy.

As soon as the young one was ready, she was led to a grand coach by her caretaker. The two were close, and the young one held onto Brittany's arm. The two were almost inseparable. The ride in the coach itself was relaxing, it made Y/n feel at ease. It was as if she was on her way to a palace. She barely remembered the village hall.

It was this old building in the centre of the village. Since many country humans, around 190, and many none countries, 8000, lived in the same village, it was safe to say that the village was almost as big as a town.

"So, Y/n, you remember we must pick up my son, US?" - the woman asked, making Y/n nod.

"Good, I want you to be polite and try to hold a conversation with him, he might be able to help you find a piece of land with which you could become a country human." - she explained.

Hoo boy, Y/n didn't really want to be a part of the US. She felt too fancy and different from him... Knowing she wouldn't fit in at all. All other countries within him just meant she'd get swallowed by him and forgotten. She wished she could be a part of a country human which would acknowledge her existence.

Her mind wandered, she was thinking of Russia, perhaps Japan or North Korea as well. None of them were bad-looking. Brazil was also quite a good-looking country-human, but slightly poor in her opinion. She thought perhaps she shouldn't look at that factor at all. She nodded internally. However, her mind wandered back to Russia, he has the biggest land so far...

Perhaps he wouldn't mind giving some of his lands to her? Knowing him, perhaps he would give her a small piece. Then again, he had gone through many painful relationships, which made him lose territory. She learned of this while she was young, she learned of these things. What the other countries went through, and their pasts.

Her thoughts of Russ were interrupted when the coach suddenly stopped. At that moment, US jumped into the coach himself, greeting the two women.

"Hello mother." - he spoke, ignoring Y/n completely. Brittany scoffed. "US. Be polite." - she said sternly. Making him scoff, "Whatever. Nice to meet you, Y/n." - he said, through gritted teeth.

She frowned as she looked at Brittany, "Go ahead, Y/n." - she said. Y/n sighed. "It's nice to meet you, US." - she said.

"It's an honour to meet a future country such as yourself." - he said. The girl scoffed. Slightly annoyed by the likes of him. "The honour is all mine, US." - she said through gritted teeth, making Brittany scoff herself.

"Quite the functional family, aren't we?" - Brittany frowned as she glared at the two of her children. Y/n wasn't a real child of hers, but compared to some others, she was as good as a child can get.

"I completely agree, mother. I'm just wondering what do I owe the pleasure for having Y/n with us. Isn't she a none-country human, after all?"

Brittany sighed as she looked outside the window of the coach. "I don't care what you say about Y/n, US. She's going to become a country human, regardless of which country wants to give her land to exist on." - she said.

"Well then, I don't see why she couldn't just take some lousy African country and just settle there. I bet the desert would love to be divided a bit more." - he said.

Y/n sighed quietly, not liking the way US was talking to the two of them. Always talking like he's above everyone.

In reality, Y/n was just looking for a place she could call home, even as a part of a country human, a county, just so she could keep existing. She was soon going to turn of age...

... Like Brittany had told her many times, "Once a non-country becomes of age, they are to either become a part of another country human, get their own land, or marry an already existing country human so that they can keep existing."

The stories were true. As once a long time a go... The USSR broke down, and he disappeared, only to have his children sprout to out of the woman he had married.

The story was one of the examples of how Country Human Society functioned. It was quite a sight as well.

"We grow, we shrink, we change, we stay the same, we separate, we connect, we fall apart, we get back together, we disappear, we reappear. Nobody is an exception."

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