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She walked close to the exit and after giving her hand to Russ, she took a step down. A soft sigh escaping from her and lips.

Russ felt his breath hitch, his hands feeling strange. His mind thinking a million things in just seconds.

She gave his hand a gentle squeeze, snapping him out of his trance. "Come. We're home." - he said.

She wrapped her arm instinctively around his, earning herself a glare. However, Russ didn't say anything on the matter.

The large house the two were approaching was a beautiful palace. Though made of white marble, many things were in due need of a replacement.

White quartz decorated the outsides, and as soon as Y/n and Russ came close to the entrance of the great palace, the interior explained the rough exterior.

Russ scoffed, pulling his arm away from the woman. "Do whatever it is you want. I don't want anything to do with you until we get married. And even then, don't expect romance."

Y/n felt on the verge of years, but she wiped them quickly. "And wash your face. You're covered with blood." - he said.

He proceeded to walk away, leaving the poor girl alone. "Good evening ma'am." - said a young maid. "Could I be of service?" - she asked. "Oh, well, I suppose I do need someone to guide me to my room." - Y/n said.

The maid smiled. "You must be our mistress! Master Russia never brings women home, unless he's drunk, that is... But we shoo such away. He does have a rank to keep." - said the maid.

"I see..." - Y/n mumbled as she followed the maid. "I'll have Igor make the guest bedroom for you, in the meantime, you seem like you need a washing up. Would you let me take care of that for you?"

Y/n nodded. And soon more maids appeared. Four other maids. Each one preparing something, as the main goal was to have Y/n washed up and ready for bed.

The bath was warm, quite soothing to the girl's skin. She felt herself almost dip her whole body underneath. The maids scrubbed her clean, one scrubbing her legs, another, her arms, and the third her hair.

The other two prepared the towels and all other necessary things to make sure Y/n was most satisfied.

After they were finished, Y/n was led to the bedroom. The halls of the palace were large, covered in images of many people, some of which she recognized. It was quite curious.

She stopped in front of one picture. A man she had seen oh so many times before. USSR, Russ' father.

She stood there, having left without the maids. She curiously watched the image in front of her.

The painting was large, and it was obviously a portrait. She saw the signature and smiled. It was Russ who had painted the painting of his father.

Next to that was a portrait of his parents together. Then one of Natalia, USSR and Russ. He had two beautiful Siberian huskies, along with two beautiful Samoyed dogs.

Beneath were written the names of the family members and, of course, the names of the beautiful dogs.

Y/n felt her heart warm up as she moved on to see Russ alone in a painting. His leg placed upon a dead bear. He held his hunting rifle and wore his hat. His thick coat on his shoulders.

Y/n felt her cheeks heat up at the sight of the male. Her thoughts going to extents she didn't know it could.

A rough "Ahem" startled her, and she looked over to see none other than the master of the house himself.

"I see you've found my paintings." - he said sternly.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to snoop around. I was just on my way to the guest bedroom." - she said.

The male frowned. "What did you say?" - he asked. Y/n stiffened but spoke again nonetheless, "I said I was on my way to the guest bedroom."

He smirked, "Is that so?" - he spoke, his arms crossing. "What is funny?" - she asked.

"Oh, nothing, dear, nothing."

He then turned around and left without a word. She was beyond confused. What was with him and such behaviour.

He acted almost like a child... Yet... There was something mysterious about him. Though, Y/n wanted to snoop around and see what was really going on here...

... she decided against it and slowly made her way to the guest bedroom.

She saw one more painting that caught her attention before she entered the room. It was a painting of Russ and some woman.

Underneath stood the words... "To beloved wife..." - Y/n felt the urge to pull down the cloth and reveal who was the woman underneath...

But once again she decided against it and closed into her bedroom to sleep for the night.

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