❤️I'm..So Sorry..💙

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This is my first Angst, so if you don't like it please tell me so I can fix it!!

Jaxx's POV
I notice that Luca and Sora have been hanging out alot more than usual. Anytime I would ask Sora to hang out he said he had plans. When I woke up the last couple of mornings he wasn't there, and when he would come back late at night he said he was with Luca.

I was getting frustrated. So I decided I'm gonna wait up for him and then ask him about it. It was about 9:45 when Sora walked in the door.

"Hey Jaxxy! How have you been?"

He could tell I looked mad when I got up and walked towards him, and then he had a worried look.

"What's wron-"

"Where were you?"
I cut him off mid sentence starting to lose my patience with him.

"Oh, I was out with Luca for dinner. I brought you some back though."

"You were with Luca again?."

"Uhm yes, problem with that?"

I could tell he was starting to get a bit angry with me too.

"Hey don't get mad at me, I have every right to be mad."

Sora looked confused.

"Why should you be mad Jaxxy, what did i do?"

I this point I was so angry I wanted to punch something.

"Don't "Jaxxy" me, you know exactly what I'm talking about."

Sora past me and sits in the couch.

"No. I really don't. So can you just tell me? What did i do." He said with a voice crack. I could tell he was about to cry but I was so angry my mind just pushed that aside.

"You! You have been hanging out with Luca so much you've barely had time to spend with me. It's almost as if your cheating on me."

Sora's mouth dropped a bit. He got up and walked towards me with tears in his eyes.

"Jaxx! Are you crazy?! You know I love you and I always will, why would you even think that!"

"If you really did love me that much then you would have time to spend with me!!"

"Jaxx, just because we haven't been hanging out doesn't mean I don't love you any less then I did when we first got together. I can't believe you would accuse me of such things!.."

"I don't believe you. I think you and Luca have something going on that you are hiding from me. You've been going out with "Luca" every night for almost 2 months. We haven't had a full conversation."

"Why did you say Luca like that? You say almost as if I was lying about going out with Luca. When I've gone out this last month I've been with Luca. Jaxx we've been together for almost a year. You have to trust me."

I looked down at the my boyfriend if you even wanna call him that.
"Well Sora I don't trust you. I think I need a break from you."

His eyes widened.

Sora's POV
"Well Sora, I don't trust you. I think I just need a break from you.

Just then my heart shattered. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"So your breaking up with me..?"

Jaxx stayed silent and nodded a little. I started sobbing and I grabbed my phone and my keys and left our house. I don't know where I was gonna go. But I wasn't staying there. I texted Alex and asked if i could stay. She said  sure and asked why.

I told her we could talk about it when I got there. She said that was fine but just know the whole squad was there. I told her it was fine and pulled out of our driveway and drove to Alex's house.

I knocked on her door tears still in my eyes. Levi opened the door and saw my tears. "Oh my god, Sora what happened??" He said while pulling me into a hug. I cried into his shoulder and hugged him back.

He lead me into the house and sat me down on the couch where everyone else was. I looked up and they were all looking at me. I assumed they were waiting for me to explain.

"Okay so, I've been hanging out with Luca alot, and Jaxx assumed that I was lying and accused me of cheating." I was about to start crying again. I looked up at all the squad. The all had concerned looks on their faces. So, I continued.

"I tried to tell him that it wasn't true, and that I would never do something like that. Then, he broke u-up with me.." I said while bursting out into tears. Luca walked over with guilty tears in his eyes and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Sora, this is all my fault he said crying into my back. We hugged and sobbed together while the squad just sat in their seats in disbelief. Luca let go of me and apologized once more.

"Hey, it's okay Luca, you needed help with something. And I was just doing my best to help you. It's not your fault." I said giving him one last hug. He sat on the edge if the couch with his head in his hands still sobbing.

I couldn't control it and i started crying again too.

Levi's POV
I glanced at Alex and she glanced at me as well. Both of our faces had signs of disbelief. I just couldn't believe Sora and Jaxx actually broke up. I got up and went to go comfort my brother and Alex, Charli, and Light went to go comfort Sora.

I grabbed my shorter brother by the hand and lead him upstairs to my room. Just so we could talk about it. He sat down in the bed criss cross with a pillow in his lap.

"Okay, so why have you and Sora been hanging out so much and why do you think it's your fault?"

Luca took a deep breath in and out multiple times. Didn't take me to long to figure out he was having a attack (idk which attack it is panic or anxiety so if you know please tell me!) I grabbed his hand and told him to follow his breathing patterns.

He eventually calmed down and answered my question.

"So I asked Sora to meet me somewhere so he could help me ask Charli out. Long story short we spent the whole month trying to come up with something. Tonight we were setting up a picnic at a little spot we rented but it started raining, so we packed everything up and decided we would do it tomorrow. Sora drove back home and I guess that's what happened when he got back."

"Okay, but Luca how is any of that your fault?"

He looked up at me confused.

"Are you dumb!!? Obviously if I would have just stopped being a pussy and asked her out the first time this wouldn't have happened.

I was about to say something until I heard a loud bang come from downstairs.

Luca and I ran downstairs only to see...


I'll probably update tomorrow 😉
Also tomorrow and Tuesday are the only days I have to update before school starts, So I may not be uploading alot after that!

Okay bye now!

1236 words

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