❤️I'm..So Sorry.. 2💙

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Nothing really to say but StoryTime!

Levi's POV
I was about to say something to Luca and then we heard a big bang coming from downstairs.

Me and Luca rushed downstairs just to see... Jaxx. Along with the whole squad basically yelling at him.

"CALM DOWN" I scream. Every shuts up and looks at the top of the stairs where me and Luca stood.

Luca and I walked downstairs and stood next to everyone in front of Jaxx.

"Okay, I just came to apologize to Sora. That's all."

Jaxx said looking down at his shoes. He was fiddling with his hands. He looked nervous.

"Okay. We'll go get him and let you talk in the guest room. Go sit in there and wait." Alex said while walking away. We all walked behind her and went to get Sora.

Jaxx's POV
I watch as the squad walks away. I immediately feel like I betrayed them, I let them down. I feel anxious and walk to the guest room with my head down and my hands in my pocket. I could already feel more tears in my eyes but I stop them.

I make it to the guest room and sit down on the bed. I hear the door open and then i hear it close. I look up and I see Sora. He has his legs crossed and was leaning on the door. He was looking down but I could see his tear stained face.

"Uh ba- Sora, you can sit down."

Sora's POV
I was in the kitchen getting a water bottle and the all the squad walked in at the same time. I look over at then confused, my eyes still red from crying to much.

I hear Levi clear his throat and then speaks. "Jaxx is here. He wants to talk to you."

I sigh and look at my feet. I look back up and put the water bottle on the counter. "Where is he?" I asked. They pointed to the guest room and I walked towards the door. I hesitated before opening the door, but I did open it after briefly thinking about it.

I opened the door and then stood there leaning in the door with my legs cross. It's what I do when I'm nervous.

"Uh ba- Sora, you can sit down."

I stood up straight and walked towards the bed with my head still down. I sat down next to him and crossed my legs.

"Okay, I just wanted to say sorry."

"Sorry for what? For breaking up with me because of something I didn't do?"

Jaxx looked down at his feet again. He had a look as in he didn't know what to say.

"Jaxx, you shouldn't have accused me without letting me explain. The whole reason I was going out with Luca was to help him with something."

Jaxx looked up at me. I couldn't tell if he looked frustrated or mad.

"For a whole month you we're helping him with something? I find that hard to believe."
He said while standing up. I stood up in front of him. I just couldn't believe he came to say sorry and we're back at this again.

"Really Jaxx, this again?! Now you know I wouldn't cheat on you and I know that I didn't. Jaxx you have to trust me!!"
I said yelling and crying at the same time. I was frustrated. My breathing was already starting to get heavy. My heart was beating extremely fast.

"Well Sora, I don't trust you. I'm sorry, but I just can't believe that for a whole month you've gone out to help someone with something?? You won't even tell me what you were "helping" him with?!"
He screamed back at me.
"I can't tell you because Luca is uncomfortable with other people knowing. He isn't ready to tell anyone yet and that's HIS decision. Not mine! I'm respecting his privacy and you should to."

Jaxx stayed silent.

"Oh now your quiet. Jaxx your a different person then you were when we first met. I don't know what's gotten into you, but I can't deal with it. I was trying to be patient with you and reason with you but your just to selfish to understand. You always think you need to be right about everything and your not. You don't. If you can't trust me then I can't trust you either. We're done Jaxx. Done for good."
I said with tears running down my eyes. My heart was beating a million times a minute. I walked out of the room leaving Jaxx by himself.

The whole squad was outside the door listening but I couldn't talk to them right now. I was having trouble breathing and I just needed to calm down.

Jaxx's POV
"We're done Jaxx. Done for good." Those words tore my heart into pieces. I couldn't believe I messed this up again. I wanted to apologize and get my relationship back, but my dumbass turned it into another argument. I was so disappointed in myself.

I sat on the bed with my head in my hands. I sobbed. I didn't know what else to do. I heard footsteps walk away from the door. I'm guessing the squad was listening, I didn't care though. They probably think of me differently now.

I sat there sobbing not knowing what to do. I would feel awkward walking out of the house. So I just stayed. I felt someone sit down next to me. I slowly lifted my head and looked over beside me. Luca..


"Jaxx let me tell you something."
He said interrupting me. I nodded waiting for him to speak.

"Jaxx, Sora HAS been out with me this past month, and the only reason he has is because I needed help asking Charli out. One night we decided we could set up a little date and I'll tell her there. That's what we were doing earlier tonight. Setting up a picnic. It started raining so we had to pack everything up. Then we went to dinner since we haven't eaten all day. The only thing Sora talked about all dinner is how much he missed hanging out with you.." He finished.

I immediately felt a rush of guilt throughout my body. I felt so bad. I didn't know what to do.

"I know you feel bad Jaxx, but before you go apologize to him immediately just give him a few days. Just for his health. Okay?"

I nodded and got up waving Luca Goodbye. I walked out of the house and got into my car. I drove back to my house and immediately passed out on the couch. I cried myself to sleep that night.

Nobody's POV
It's been almost 2 weeks and Sora has just stayed in his room. He hasn't gotten up to do anything but use the bathroom every now and then. Other than that he hasn't eaten or drank anything.

The squad were starting to get really worried. They would bring him Breakfast every morning and come to check on him that afternoon. Everytime they would see that Sora didn't even touch the plate. So they would take it back downstairs and hope that the next day he would eat.

One day Alex brought in his food and decided to stay for a bit.

"Hey Sora, I brought you some breakfast. Please eat today. It's been 2 weeks.."
Sora didn't say anything.

"Sora, your starting to get really skinny. I just want you to eat please. I don't want your health getting any worse."

Sora still stayed silent. Alex left the room quietly and sighed. She really hopes that he will eat the food. She decided the only way to help was to get his relationship back. But how??

Anyways please let me know if I did anything wrong so I can fix it! Thank you!!

BTW this was mainly inspired by @Sucker4Soraxx Oneshots. I think it was Million words and The part two to that one LOL
I don't remember but I wanted to give them a huge thanks!! They have been helping me out a little with my Oneshots recently and just a huge thanks to them!
That's about it! Bye now!!

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