❤️I'm..So Sorry.. 3💙

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Here's the very wanted part 3 LOL


Alex's POV
The only way to help Sora was to get his relationship back. I just don't know how. I put my hand in my pants pocket and walked down the hallway you my office/room.

I sat down in my chair and then it hit me! Why not just call him? He wants to apologize but Luca told him to wait a bit. It's time.

I pick up my phone and FaceTime Jaxx. I set it up against my computer screen so he could see my face clearly.

Jaxx's POV
I was in the couch watching some random cartoons. I hear my phone start to ring and I pick it up to answer it.

"Hey Alex, what's up?"

"Jaxx, come apologize to Sora please. He hasn't eaten in two weeks at least and he's getting very pale and skinny. We've all tried to get him to eat but he won't budge. I'm begging you Jaxx. For Sora's safety."

Alex had a really worried look on her face as if she was about to cry. I don't blame her. I was about to cry too. Even though we broke up. I still loved him like he was mine.

"Okay Alex. I'm on my way now."
I said getting up and grabbing my keys.

"Okay, I'll see you when you get here." She said before hanging up. I locked my doors and walked down the driveway to my car.

Alex's POV (again💀)
I just got off the phone with Jaxx and decided to head downstairs to tell the squad that Jaxx is coming. So it's not a unexpected visit on their end.

"Hey everyone!"
I say walking into the kitchen where everyone is. They all greeted me in different ways.
"Okay so, I called Jaxx and told him about Sora. He is on his way right now, hopefully help him."

"That's fine!"
I heard a bunch of different responses like those. I sat down next to Charli and we all talked about random things, while waiting for Jaxx's arrival.

Jaxx's POV
After a 10 minute drive, usually 25 but I was speeding, I pulled into Alex's driveway. I got out and ran to the porch. I knocked on the door and less then 10 seconds later Alex opened the door.

"He's upstairs in his room. Go. NOW!"
I heard Alex say while I was already running up the stairs.
I walk up to the door and knock softly.

I hear a muffled "come in." from the other side of the door. I slowly opened the door and sat on his bed.

"Ahem.. Uhm, Hey Sora. I just wanted to apologize. I realize now how dumb I was for not believing you the first time. I am very sorry for accusing you and Luca told me the truth. I'm sorry for not respecting you or Lucas's privacy. Once again, And you don't have to forgive me, I'm..So Sorry.."

Sora slowly stood up and looked the opposite way of me. When i saw him my jaw almost dropped. He got really skinny and pale, like Alex told me. I felt so bad knowing that this was all my fault.

"I.. I forgive you Jaxx."

I looked up at him but he was still looking the other way. I was surprised he actually forgave me after what I put him through. I couldn't stand to look at him. Not because I thought he was ugly, Sora always looks amazing, but he looks very pale and I couldn't stand it.

I turned over to the plate on his night stand. I hover my hand over it and it was still kinda warm. I picked the plate up and handed it to him. He looked up at me. He looked like he didn't want to. But I guess he knew that he needed too because he did start to eat slowly. It might take him awhile to get used to it, considering he hasn't eaten in weeks. Hopefully he would adjust.

He ended up eating half the plate while I watched.

"Uh, Jaxx?"

I looked up at him. He had a almost curious look on his face.

"Why did you apologize. Out of nowhere?"

I sighed. I didn't want to tell him the truth but that would lead to more problems. So I told him.

"Alex called me. She told me it was time to apologise because she and the squad were worried about you so I did. Trust me I would've done it sooner but, I was told to give you a few days before we just jumped back into a relationship."

Sora nodded. He got up out of the bed and walked towards the door.
"Where ya going Sora?"

"To the bathroom, and don't call me Sora, it sounds weird. How about we stick to Baby. Kay?"
I smiled and nodded. He let out a small smile back and walked out the door.

Literally 5 seconds later the whole squad bursts into the room.

"So what happened?!"
"Are y'all back together?!"
"Did he forgive you?!"
So many questions are once I couldn't focus. "Calm down everyone! Let him get a word out, damn." Alex said yelling.

I smiled at her as a thank you and began to talk.

"Long story short, yes he forgave me and yes. We are together again."

A few awkward seconds went by before everyone started cheering.

Charli yells causing everyone to scream in excitement. Well everyone but Levi. He just sat there and laughed at their reactions.

A few moments later Sora walked in. His face turned from a blank expression to confusion. "Why y'all in here?"
Sora said laughing as he pushed Light off the bed and sat down. Everyone ignored his question and all laughed at a "sobbing" light. Because he was faking it.

"You know what squad, let's go record a irl video. As a little secret celebration." Alex says.
Everyone agreed and we're pure excited.
"We can, but what will we do?"
Everyone thought about it for a second and soon Levi spoke up.
"We could play a game like hide&seek or a board game of some sort."

Everyone was down with that idea and we decided we would just play monopoly. It was much easier to set up because If we did
Hide&seek then we would have to give everyone their individual cameras and nobody wanted to do all that preparations.

We played monopoly and Sora did surprisingly end up winning. Levi got second, Alex got 3rd, I was 4th, Luca was 5th, Charli was in 6th and Light, who couldn't play the game right to save his life, ended up in last.

Of course being Light, he flipped the board and we ended the video there. We ended the day by watching him clean it up. Sora and I got into our car and headed home. About 15 minutes later we arrived and immediately changed and crawled into bed.

"Night Jaxx, love you!"
I gave him a small nose kiss and wrapped my arms around him.
"I love you to baby."

And with that we both drifted off to sleep.

Okay so I finally got the motivation to finish the final part and now I'm going to sleep for school 💀
Night everyone! Love y'all.

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