Chapter 6 - Ooohhh Fancy -

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Okay guys here is a new chappie for you and we have the next few chapters planned out so there might be one tomorrow inbetween our onesie, pie pops, pizzas and pizza pops party evening.

Anyways hope you are enjoing it so far







(Robyn's Pov)

'Holy Levitating turtles and pixies!' I shouted as chaos continued to break out.

'How did this happen!' Louis added. I turned to Lily, who had a guilty look upon her face.


The boys were still in bed, whilst we were eating breakfast. Lazy celebrities. I mean I know it is 9.30am on a Sunday but you can't stay in bed all day. I wanna explore. I think it's a Sunday anyway. I lost count the second we got assigned this mission.

I sat eating my coco-pops and watching the milk turn chocolaty. What is this muggle food! I don't understand how this works. Are there little wizard people in the cereal that change the colour of the milk. This is not right.

During breakfast, we started having a conversation on how we think earth is actually a frog prince, holding a bubble. As the bubble gets bigger so does earth. It totally makes sense, although Lily didn't believe it. She thinks it is a Super Penguin, with a snow globe. After that she disappeared out of the room giggling. Robyn shot me a worried look.

'I don't want to know! Just leave her in Lily land.' I retorted. She shrugged before resuming what she was doing. The house for once seemed peaceful and almost normal. Bleugh. I despise the word. If it is contagious, i do not wish to catch it. Nothing stays calm when we are around though and I think Lily just proved that. There was a loud crash, followed by a girly squeal.

We immediately leapt from our seats and rushed towards what we assumed would be Lily's latest crime scene. i don't know how the noise didn't wake the boys but then again, I am certain they could sleep through anything.

Entering Lily's room, we saw a random stuff scattered across the floor. Next to it was a glass box which had been smashed. She must have knocked it off of the cupboard. In the corner of the room, Lily sat rocking with an evil laugh. Suddenly i felt scared, as she grinned creepily. I really do worry about what goes on in this girls head.

'Lily. What did you do?' Raven interrogated.

'I will never tell.' She whispered, then chuckled. To anyone else, it would look like she was on drugs. 

'Lily!' Raven continued to warn but the mentally ill girl ignored her.

'Grab her.' I said before pouncing on her. She tried to fight against us, still laughing to herself. Eventually we managed to pin her to the ground but she retaliated.

'Ahh, she bit me.' I moaned before flicking her head. Sometimes it is as if she is a third sister to us. We actually forget that she is our cousin.

'Tell us!' Raven insisted but Lily just shook her head. I faced my twin, the same idea coming to mind. We started tickling her as she squirmed uncontrollably.

'Stop! Please.....stop....Stop....' She laughed, refusing to give in.

'Not until you tell us.' Raven continued.

Undercover Magic (Harry Potter and 1D fanfic) ~ Watty Awards 2013Where stories live. Discover now