Chapter 5 - We're not very good at this -

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Here is a new chappie guys we hope you are still enjoying and you can keep up with the randomness

Anyways we have no more exams for a while so we should be able to update more often. 

SO please fan





(Raven's Pov) 

For the rest of the evening we had managed to stay relatively calm. At least in my opinion we were. I am pretty actually I am sure that the boys are still terrified of us. Especially Louis. I thought he was supposed to be the childish one. Technically he should fit right in. We all think Liam is getting suspicious though. He keeps staring at us like he is trying to read our minds. I just stare back creepily and it makes him look away. It always works. You should try it sometime.

There were 5 rooms between the 8 of us and neither of the boys wanted to share with us. Not that we wanted to share with them any way. It just wold have been nice to know we are loved. The arrangement ended up being Harry and Zayn in one room. Niall, Liam and Louis in their own and us girls shared. We are so cool we have to share a small double bed between us. It is not that bad though seeing as all three of us have slept on a single bed together. It's called snuggling!

Apparently though us three sharing isn't as bad as sharing with Zayn. The next morning Harry complained for about 2 hours on how he snores and wriggles to much. At one point his toe was up Harry's nose. Poor, poor Harry....(Haha. I laugh in his face.)

Breakfast was less awkward than last night. At least the boys were actually attempting to make conversation with us. Half of the time though, I don't think they particularly wanted an answer. Either that or our answers just freaked them out more.

I mean when you ask someone what their idea of fun is, your going to get a weird answer. We said we enjoy running around the streets throwing skittles and screaming 'Taste the Rainbow.' If we are not in the mood for that, we sit next to random people and join in their conversations. We speak really fast and when they tell us to shut up and leave, we get up, fake cry and shout 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH PEOPLE! WE WERE JUST BEING NICE!' You don't want to know how many place we have been kicked out of. People are just so boring these days. They all need a bit of fairy dust, so they can fly to neverland and learn to be young and free again. 

It is now the middle of the day and we were all playing a mean game of twister. Everybody loves this game and if you don't then you really should leave. It is the only time when you don't get judged for making a foul of yourself. In my opinion, every event should be like a game of twister. That way I could express myself freely as a foul. 

So far I have won two games and Lily and Robyn have won one each. Let me tell you that the boys are really sore losers. I am too to be honest. Once I lost a game of Monopoly (It's a classic game) and I threw the board across the room. I then locked myself in my room and refused to come out. I gave up after a while. I got bored. 

What the boys don't know though i that we have kind of been cheating a bit during the game. us girls are kind of working together and sneakily knocking them down. I don't now how they havn't figured it out yet. 

The day seemed to be going pretty well....




Never mind i spoke to soon. Remind me never jinx situations because i am prone to doing it. Lets just say this next scene is a total disaster.

Undercover Magic (Harry Potter and 1D fanfic) ~ Watty Awards 2013Where stories live. Discover now