Chapter 16 - Cream Pie fight -

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(Lily's Pov)

'I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts dodododo,

Big ones, small ones

Some as big as your head...'

We all continued to sing to the taxi driver as he drove us to the train station.

We decided it was best to head back to Hogwarts for a while. That way the boys can have proper magic lessons and we can stay hidden for a while. So we are taking the classic way to Hogwarts. Straight through platform 9 and 3/4. 

The train is coming to pick us up cause we are special.

More than one kind of special of course, hence why we will sing the whole journey too.

'We're here...that will be £9.36...please hurry up and get out.' The grumpy man spoke, holding his head in pain.

'Rude! You my friend are a horrible person with no sense of humour.' I snapped and the Louis continued with.

'YEAH! Filthy peasant, learn to be nice. Now you ain't getting no tip.'

'Guys, be nice he just had a headache.' I said, calmly and everyone looked at me confused.

'But...' Harry began but Raven finished.

'Bipolar.' Everyone let out a chorus of 'ahhhs', nodding.

'TO HOG....' Niall shouted but Robyn stopped him from going further, realising he was about to blow our cover.

'TO HOG...HOGGLE LAND...You know tha place in Niall's imagination.' Robyn grinned, covering up receiving one last odd look from the taxi driver.

We all jumped out of the taxi and ran as fast as we could, which isn't very fast, towards the train station. We were determined not to get spotted by One Direction fans but we couldn't be bothered to wear disguises. The best we could do was wear a hooded jumper.

'WHERE IS THE PLATFORM!' Harry cried, running around in a strange zigzag. 

'JUST FOLLOW ME!' Raven shouted. This only resulted in us singing.

'Follow the leader, leader

follow the leader.' 

'FOUND IT!' Liam yelled and I grinned as we all ran over to him. 'See I am a genius.' He added with a smirk, so I hit him round the head. 'Oww.'

'Ooops, my bad.'

'Now what?' Zayn questioned.

'Seriously? I thought you guys watched the Harry Potter movies. They were right about thing you know.' Robyn replied and without another word, she ran straight at the wall and disappeared from sight.

I immediately followed behind and seconds later Liam appeared and then Niall, Louis, Harry, Zayn and finally Raven.

'WOW!' The boys all chorused, gazing up at the Hogwarts Express. 

'It's even more magical in real life.' Niall said, mesmerised.

'ALL ABOARD!' I shouted, placing a conductors hat onto my head. Robyn and Raven did the same.

We all climbed aboard, Zayn being the last one and just as he stepped on the door began to close. It ended up shutting on his bag and almost trapping him. We all burst into fits of laughter whilst Zayn pouted and Raven shook her head.

'Don't worry Zayn. Happens to me all the time. I swear this train hates me.' She muttered.

Eventually we sat down and began the long journey ahead and cue to annual argument.

Undercover Magic (Harry Potter and 1D fanfic) ~ Watty Awards 2013Where stories live. Discover now