Chapter 1 - Return to Hogwarts -

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New chappie guys hope ya enjoy

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17 years later

'Heyyy in case you didn't know my names Robyn...Rocking Robyn and i is the most awesome person you will ever...'

'OH HELL NO! I think you might find that I am the most awesome twin here. Thank you very much.'

'Raven shut up! Who do you think you are No Barak Obama!'

'No, i'm more awesome if you don't mind.! 'cough' 'cough'. My name is Raven, Raving Raven an....'

'No no no no NO, you stole that from me'

'No I didn't it was my idea!'

Bleugh. Bleugh. Bleugh. BLEUGH! They never stop! Meet my friends; Raven and Robyn Weasley. Apparently twins really do run in their family. Raven is basically the loud and stuborn one; one of those fiesty people. With rich midnight hair, bright green eyes and pale skin, its no wonder she actually turns into a raven. Robyn, on the other hand, is stubborn on the inside, with natural ginger hair and comes out with most amazing insults.

Welcome to their annual train journey arguments. This year it involves a piece of paper, a pen and a single prefect spot. Myself though, I really couldn't care less. I'd much prefer to focus on my training in the Hogwarts Elite Life-Savers Programme (HELP), the specialised team of wizard spies intention on protecting those yet to realise their purpose. I am Lily Potter, the second born to the legend that is Harry Potter. Like i'd ever call him that, his head would explode. If you havn't guessed, we don't have the best of relationships. Sometimes anyway.

I have light brown hair, tumbling to the middle of my back and powerful blue eyes. So in general, I don't actually look like my parents. I do love them they are always there for me. Patheti, lowlife maggots. Hahahahahaha. Did I mention. No i don't think i did. I have Bi-polar with split-personality tendancies. It's hillarious! If i switch persona, I can never remember what I did in each. Robyn and Raven have to tell me.

which reminds me...

'Well i can see into the future so I WIN!' Robyn exclaimed clenching her fists.

'Well i'm a bird and I can fly!' Raven argued back.

'Yeah straight into a window.' Mumbled Robyn

'That was only once, so don't go telling me how i ca....'

'SHUT THE HELL UP!' I screamed in annoyance. They stopped almost immediatley, realising I was about to have an episode. Looking to each other, then returning their gaze to me, their god-awful,nails-down-a blackboard singing started.

'I believe I can fly

I believe I can touch the sky

I think about it every night and day

Spread my wings and fly away

I believe I can s...'


I rolled my eyes and turned towards the inmpatient knocking, only to have HER queaky irrevociably voice interupt us, again.

'That song is sooo last season' Devlin snorted as she scoffed and spluttered unattractively. We hate her. She's uptight and just plai eeeuuugggh.

'Well you listen to Dubstep, you should just rip your eardrums out because your clearly WASTING THEM!' Robyn retorted.

'We....I.....j....Gingers have no souls.' Devlin spat.

All of us chorused. 'Oh how original'

' should......dye your hair for Crimbo'

We laughed and Robyn retaliated with 'You, my friend, should die for christmas.' Then we all mimicked her snobby accent. 'Crimbo is sooo last season.' 'SNORT' hahahahaha.

''t walk on the grass.' And with that, Devlin spun on her heel and stormed out of our compartement.

We burst out into uncontrollable giggles and Raven sarcastically came out with, 'Whoaaa we gotta badass over here' Bringing us to near on hysterics.


(Robyn's POV)

Hogwarts. Home to Witches and Wizards, Ghosts and the worlds greatest food. We dropped our stuff off and headed towards the great hall, where our head master Proffesor Okai was waiting along with our other teachers. Professor Morris gave us an evil glare as we entered the Great Hall. How did we end up with the annoying 'Defence against the dark arts' teacher.I think it is because he is proffesor Snapes cousin.

Lily has currently switched personalities and is being the quiet person who doesn't speak. We were heading to our seats when all of a sudden, I heard a fellow Gryffindor wondering who would win the house cup this year. Just as they spoke my body froze and the muscle spazums began as i started to have a vision. That's my awesome power. My legs started going jelly like as an audience grew.

' we go....going...going....GONE!' I spoke as i collapsed uncontrollably to the floor. The room errupted into laughter as i became self consious. 'GODDAMMIT!'

Raven helped me up as i ducked my head in shame. Stupid Muscle spazms, Good thing is, Gryffindor wins again.

We took our seats as I ducked my head in shame. I looked over to see Slytherin still laughing at me and Raven had an evil smirk of 'I win' on her face. Lily has finally switched back into her normal self with a confused look on her face. At least thats one person who doesnt know about the incident that just occured. Just as we about to engage in a conversation, Mr okai stood up clicking his spoon against his glass.

'Welcome...Welocme...Another year and let's hope it is as good as the last. First years should know that the forb....'

I blanked out during his little speech seeing as I hear every year and could probably speak it off by heart by now. I could see that mostly everyone else had also blanked out apart from the first years who look overly happy. I turned my head to see Devlin glaring at me with her wonky eyes. She was basically trying to look scary but it's wasn't working. Eventually the speech was over and the tables filled with piles of glorious food and pies. Joy to the world.

A few hours later and we were all finished when i noticed Albus Potter and our brother Hawk talking to proffesor Okai. I stared strangley at them wondering what they were talking about and it seems Raven had the same confused look.

'What do you think their talking about?' Raven asked looking between me and Lily.

'Who knows?' As they started exciting the hall i became even more puzzled than before. 'Let's follow them.' I whispered as they nodded in agreement. We rose from the table slowly before heading in the same direction as Proffesor okai and our brothers. Hiding behind corners we watched intently as they disappeared into Okai's office.

'Great now how are we going to be able to find out what they are doing?' Lily sulked as an idea popped into my head. LIGHTBULB!

'The room of requirement'


There you go guys we will try and upload once a week but it is hard

Please tell us what you think please

What do you think they are talking about???

The 3 Musketeers


Undercover Magic (Harry Potter and 1D fanfic) ~ Watty Awards 2013Where stories live. Discover now