Chapter 2 - Room of requirement -

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Hey guys sorry it has been a while it is hard to get us all together to write the chapter

but here it is we hope you enjoy it!!!!!

2 votes and comments for the next chapter please.


(Raven's Pov)

'We've been looking for hours, I'm hungry!' Lilly whined.

She's got the stomach of an obese man, I swear yet she is as skinny as anything. All she ever does is inhale food. She began pacing back and forth in front of some wall in the middle of the school.

'Someone give me food...someone stop the paaaaiiinnnn.' She chanted over and over again.

Creak. Screech. Pop. A door. A freaking door appeared out of no-where.

Well i guess Lily required food. Big time.

'Room of requirement, here we come' Robyn murmured to herself.

'Food. Food. Food. FOOD! I FOUND FOOD!' Lilly exclaimed.

We all wondered through the door as it disappeared from sight. It was just four grey walls, a black floor and a GIANT red vending machine. Nothing special really. And defiantly not what we needed.

'I can't get the god damned food!' Lily growled, kicking the base of the vending machine as she headbutted the glass. 'Give me food GODDAMMIT!'

Lily pounded the machine for all her life's worth, demanding an egg salad sandwich, when suddenly she pressed one of the buttons on the side and the machine moved. It actually moved, to reveal an entrance to an air vent. The horror at the food disappearing was evident on Lily's face.

'All this talk about fudging food, i swear she's a black hole in disguise.' Robyn scoffed quietly.

'You!' Lily accused, pointing a finger at Robyn. 'You have fudge don't you! I heard you say fudge....where's...the.....FUDGE!' Lily shouted, working herself up.

Me, being the voice of reason, suggested we should climb into the vent and see where it takes us. Obviously, they all agreed because Raven always wins.

Once we were all packed in the entrance of the vent, the vending machine covered up the hole and locked into place. We turned to crawl up the tunnel when a thump came followed by an excited squeal. As we looked, we caught Lily devouring a large egg salad sandwich that the vending machine had angrily spat at her.

'You have mayo on your forehead.' Robyn stated. With a mouth full of sandwich, and a face covered in mayo, Lily exclaimed 'But...but that's a waste' or that's what we translated it too, with all the food falling out of her mouth.

On our way down the vent, Lily was still trying to inhale her sandwich. It was apparent that the vent was leading downwards, into the ground. Appearing in front of us was a junction, it slpit into two directions. WE slid down a bit further when Lily came tumbling down, flinging her sandwich down the other pathway. Again with a mouth full of food, Lily wailed in agony.

'My egg thalad thamich!' We all burst out laughing, imitating her lisp. 'Egg thalad thammich!'

Robyn then turned round and let out a loud 'shhhhh', pointing to an opening in the vent. We were looking down on a room full of suspicious looking objects and a desk. Sat at the desk was professor Okai, Hawk and Albus. I whistled, 'thank you room of requirement.'

We listened closely, hearing the conversation.

'So you're saying you've found nothing? nothing suspicious at all? Not any strange behaviour or conversations?' Professor Okai interrogated.

'No sir, nothing out of the ordinary' Hawk responded

'Apart from the fact that she's got her head so far u.....' Albus didn't finish as Hawk elbowed him in the side. however, Robyn finished his sentence. as always with a particular person in mind.

'Up her own arse, all she talks is bull!' She slowly got louder so i had to clap my hand over her mouth, but it was already to late.

'Shhhhh....' Professor Okai whispered....'Did you here that?'

'Ummmmmm, Sir i think you might be, um hearing things.' Hawk said.

'No, no, defiantly not, I heard something, you can't tell me i didn't.' Okai retorted.

'You're just paranoid, lets get back to discussing serious matters.' Hawk ordered calmly.

We all let out the breaths we didn'know that we were holding. 'That was close' I mouthed. They all nodded in agreement.

'You're mission was simple, track the girls movements across the school and record her behaviour. There's something very wrong about her. Somethings not natural. The ministry knows of our mission, they've had some BP's complain about the way we've investigated and their worried about the safety of the 5. We need to reassure them that their children are safe and Hogwarts can still open normally. I've got a bad feeling, and unless you can investigate more thoroughly, I may have to employ other spies.' Okai concluded.

We all exchanged 'the look' in silent communication. What was 'the 5' and who were they tracking? Our lives just got instantly more awesome, if that is even possible. We're more awesome than Hawk and Albus down there. Hawk is mine and Robyn's older brother. With floppy, light brown hair with a ginger hue, piercing blue eyes and a full muscular build, he had the girls swooning over him instantly. I think he's a minger. (I like the word okay) Albus on the other hand, is Lily's older brother. Now he my friend, is fit. Stunning green eyes, styled brown hair and a cheeky smile, it's a wonder he is still single.

Pulling me out of my musing was the most unexpected, mind-blowing phrase i'd heard yet.

'Go get me Devlin's file.'

DEVLIN! she's the evil one their all worried about. I mean, seriously, i just thought she was a bitch. I dealt with the news quietly inside my head. Robyn however, started ranting to herself, flinging her arms out and knocking Lily out of the vent. Lily grabbed Robyn in an attempt to stay stable but it failed miserably. Robyn then snatched a handful of my t-shirt and pulled me head-first out of the vent. It all happened in slow motion. We fell and crumbled in a heap on the floor. I raised my head and saw the shocked, bug-eyed faces of Proffesor Okai, Albus and Hawk, then i started laughing uncontrollably.

Lily grabbed my hair and pulled me down to where she lay, under Robyn i might add and whispered angrily, ' I don't mean to alarm you but we are making a scene!'

Professor Okai spoke the only words he could think if, 'I told you i told you i heard something. You never listen.' Then to himself he muttered 'the children never lie.'

'Children, what children?' I asked Lily and Robyn.


Tada sorry it is short guys but hey ho there you go.

What do you think? What will happen? ohhhhhh

Anyway look out guys for the 5 symbols being posted soon, and if you can guess who they belong to and why then you will get a dedication in a chapter and possibly be a character

'oohhhhh fancy'

Anyways hope you enjoyed guys

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