Chapter 7 - Are you serious! -

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(Liam's Pov)

'I think we have some explaining to do.' Robyn muttered. I tried to contain my laughter but out of the corner of my eye I could see Lily flicking the pixie. 

'Stop! You will aggravate him.' Raven argued, yet she still continued to wind the annoying creature. Zayn had managed to crawl into the corner, trying to hide away. The pixie flew away out of the window and she let out a sigh.

'I KNEW SOMETHING WAS MYSTERIOUS WITH YOU GIRLS! I KNEW IT. I KNEW IT!' I Screamed, then I started pacing the room muttering to myself. 

'WHAT THE HOLY OVER COOKED MACARONI! WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!' Louis shouted to the room. Zayn was still rocking, whispering to himself that this was all a dream. Niall was rolling around the floor, coating himself in peri peri sauce and then licking himself.

'NIALL STOP EATING YOURSELF!' Robyn ordered, clenching her fists.

'BUT I TASTE SO GOOD!' He retorted. Lily was doing the best she could to pick up every chicken wing that was on the floor, before making herself a little picnic. Every time Raven went to go near her, she just growled at her. This is how protective over her food she is.

'COULD SOMEONE JUST PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS!....PLEASE!' Harry yelled, causing every one to stop what they were doing. Silence grew, waiting for one of us to speak but as usual Robyn broke out a muscle spasm

'JELLY LEGS!' She announced, wobbling around. She fell to the ground and Harry began to slap himself repeatedly. Robyn was quick to regain herself though.


'HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!' Louis asked.


'NO. WE MUST STAY AND EAT CHICKEN WINGS!' He protested, so i hit him round the head. 'OW' I grabbed his ear, dragging him towards the elevator which every one had already piled into. Just as the door was about to legs, a swarm of pixies came charging towards us. 

'AHHHHHHHHHHHH CLOSE THE DOOR HURRY!' Zayn squeaked like a girl. yes like a girl. And he worries about the girls. All of us boys were panicking in the elevator but then the familiar tune of ABC started again when the door finally closed. The girls started to bob their heads singing along but not normally. Oh No!

'Jelly legs....Jelly Jelly Jelly legs, Jelly Jelly Jelly Legs. Jelly Legs. Jelly Legs. Jelly Jelly legs.' They sang and all of the screaming stopped to face them. They really do know how to create a scene. When they stopped another silence grew.

'It's fun to say isn't it. Jelly legs' Lily said. I suppose it is in a way. I let out a small smile which confused the boys but i just shrugged it off. Once the elevator reopened again, the boys ran off to the other  side of the room, away from the girls.

'Oh. So we are back to stage one now are we?' Raven scoffed, crossing her arms. 

'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!' I heard Harry scream and I swivelled to face him. 'HE'S GOT THE CURLS! WHY THE CURLS? HELP!' Some how one the pixies had managed to sneak into the elevator and grab Hazza's curls. Raven whacked him round the head with the frying pan she was still holding. The pixie  dropped to the floor lifeless and Harry fell in pain.

'I've always wanted to do that.' Raven smirked and Harry pounted. 

'Why do you have a frying pan?' Zayn questioned.

'Why don't you have a frying pan?' She replied. Touche. 

'Okay! EXPLAIN. NOW!' I shouted and girls all looked to each other.

Undercover Magic (Harry Potter and 1D fanfic) ~ Watty Awards 2013Where stories live. Discover now