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WARNING: This story contains sexual situations, violence, explicit language, and some parts may be disturbing to others. If you are not comfortable with the topic of physical abuse: PLEASE DO NOT READ! The last thing I want is to make one of my readers uncomfortable. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy.

Trailer is above if your on your phone or on the side if your on your laptop.



I let the cool water from the shower head above run down my body and lather my scalp. I let out a relaxed sigh as I ran my fingers through my wet hair and rubbed my chest. I looked down to see a small bruise on my arm. I licked my lips and rubbed it gently. I kept rubbing it but looked away and back up at the water, closing my eyes. The only sound was the sound of the water hitting the shower floor. It felt so peaceful here. I was alone and away from everyone and everything. Especially him.

Mason Drew Johnson is my boyfriend. We've known each other since freshman year of high school and have been together for 3 years. Mason was my first everything. First guy best friend, first kiss, first date, first valentine, first time. 

It wasn't until I found out he cheated on me with Violet Woodsen, who was supposedly my best friend, and I broke it off. He did everything in his will power to get me back.

I should've took that as a sign to never let him in my life again. I should've listened, but I didn't and I took him back.

We were okay again for a while... or so I thought.

Graduation was right around the corner and I had everything planned. I got a full scholarship to Brown University; more than ready to get my new start. It was everything I ever dreamed of and more. 

Mason had plans to go to Penn State where he would play football.

But that all came to a huge halt when his dad suddenly entered the picture after disappearing for 4 years.

 Mason's dad was nothing but trouble for Mason and his mom. With his dad back in the picture, Mason became attached to him like a magnet and his mother couldn't bare to be around so she left to live with her sister. 

But that also meant things became complicated for me.

Mason convinced me to move in with him. I had told him that I was going to dorm at Brown and everything was going to be alright and we would make long distance work. 

After putting up a fight and not letting me say no anymore, I moved in with him into a rather large house during the summer that his dad was paying for. 

My parents were more than angry. 

Yelling and telling me how I was choosing a boy over my education. But that wasn't entirely true. I was going to take this year off and go next year, but Mason doesn't know that. I can't tell him that I'm leaving because that would cause loads of trouble. And I would not and could not be in trouble when it came to him. 

My parents knew my plan for college but were still nervous to have me move in with him. I was confident and told them it was all going to be okay... but boy was I wrong.

After about 2 months of us living together, Mason changed. He would come home at 3 or 4 in the morning. I didn't know what was up with him at that time but I didn't want to worry about it. But it soon became something to worry about.

We started arguing more often and it would end up with him hurting me physically. Whether it was a push or a slap, it soon escalated. I was too scared to stand up for myself anymore and I just did everything he told me to do.

I soon found out that he was in a gang. His father was the main man behind it, the brains.

 I tried to leave. I tried to get out. I tried to get help. But it felt useless due to how much the pain he caused me whenever I tried to leave him, it made me give up. 

It was only October and the only thing I had to look forward to was leaving in 10 months to go to school. It was my only chance of escape. My only chance to finally get away. I just had to stay strong. I had to fight through this.

The sound of the front door closing quickly withdrew me from my thoughts.

He's home.

I quickly turned off the shower and got out, grabbing my towel. I slowly opened the door, peeking out and seeing he hadn't come upstairs yet. I dashed out the bathroom and to our room, quietly closing the door behind me.

I threw on some panties and a bra, trying to hurry. I grabbed a pair of athletic shorts and a plain white t-shirt. I grabbed the comb and quickly ran it through my damp hair when a voice caught my attention.

"Aubreyyyy... You better be sitting on that bed when I get up there. I'm halfway there." his voice called, hauntingly. I threw the comb on the dresser and quickly sat on the bed. I stared at the wall as I heard his footsteps stop. I looked over and saw his shadow through the bottom of the door and it swung open, making me jump a little.

I stared back at the wall but I could see the smug smirk that he put on as he saw me. He clapped slowly and walked towards me.

"Good girl." he whispered in my ear and kissed the top of my head. I shut my eyes for a moment but opened them back up.

"I have some people coming over for a ... meeting. I don't want you interrupting us, so mind yourself." he threatened and I just nodded. He made a 'awe' sound and pouted his bottom lip.

"So obedient." he moved closer and placed his lips on mine. I felt an aching feeling in my chest.

Those fireworks that used to be there before were now gone. Hatred for him filled up inside of me. It made me sad how quickly I went from being in love with him to despising him. He changed completely and it hurt knowing that this isn't really him. This isn't how he is. I know the real him.

His hands moved towards my waist as he gripped it tightly and hovered above me. I felt his hands slide through my shirt and cup my breasts. I squirmed and wanted to push him off of me right at that moment, but I couldn't.

One of his hands moved down to the waistband of my shorts and started to move his hand inside when I moved my lips away from his and struggled in his grip.


He kissed my neck as my hands went to his shoulders, trying to push him off. I felt his fingers lightly brush against my lower area which was enough.

"STOP MASON!" I yelled and pushed him off me with all of my strength. He clenched his jaw and grabbed me by my shoulders.

"We don't stop until I SAY WE DO!" he yelled in my face. I let out a heavy breath and he pushed me back on the bed roughly and climbed on top of me again.

He went for my shirt as he pulled it over my head. I cried out when suddenly, the sound of the door stopped his hands from doing any more.

He huffed and stared back into my eyes for a few moments.

"You're so fucking lucky. Behave yourself." he said.

He got up, shooting me a glare and walked towards the door. I rubbed my arm and threw my head back.

I sniffed and grabbed my shirt, slowly pulling it on and putting my arms though the short sleeves. I pressed my knees into my chest and hugged them, fighting the urge to cry. But my tears had a mind of their own.

Please God, help me.


(A/N): hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of my new story! This chapter is short because it's more of a fill in to introduce you guys to the background of the story and two of the main characters. You guys are going to love this story so much. I have so much planned, you guys are not ready.

Also, Mason's last name is Johnson not Thompson. It says Thompson in the Cast List but, I can't change it. Mason Drew Johnson is his name!

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