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I sat up after laying on the couch for what seemed like hours, not wanting to get up. I licked my lips and sighed, getting onto my feet and seeing it was 6 in the morning.

Early, but that was good. We needed to get to our destination as quick as possible. I didn't want to slip up, I couldn't.

My head was being jumbled up with determination to get there safe and distraction because of her.

I wanted to hold back. I wanted to try and hold myself together. I didn't want to kiss her for the first time after the traumatizing experience she endured, but I couldn't stand it.

She was fragile and scared and I needed to ensure her that she was okay because I would keep her safe. Also I had been aching to kiss her.

I walked over to the bed and noticed she was still fast asleep.

Fuck, she was so beautiful.

Her brown hair sprawling on the pillow that comforted her head. Her steady breathing as her body moved up and down. Her gentle face, so vulnerable yet innocent.

I tried my best not to kiss her or get to close last night, but her dismay in my response made me feel bad. Which is rare. Then she looked at me. Her big brown eyes shinning in the light of the moon. A strand of hair in the way of her flawless face.

I did everything I could not to. But the moment she kissed me, I felt relieved.

It was a feeling that was stirring inside of me that I felt before. The exact same feeling, if not more. I hadn't felt like this in a long time.

She started to stir and I took this as a cue to wake her up. I sat down on the bed, placing a hand on her shoulder and shook her gently.

"Aubrey, wake up. We gotta start moving." I whispered as she stifled out a soft groan. Her eyes opening, revealing those big brown eyes.

"What time is it?" She mumbled and rubbed her eyes.

"5 past 6. Today we have a longer drive so take a shower and dress comfortably." I simply said. She sat up and ran her fingers through her hair and looked up at me. Her face changed as if she remembered where she was and quickly looked away from me.

"Um, yeah. O-okay." she mumbled softly as she got out of bed and quickly went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

I let out a grunt and pulled at my hair a bit.

That was a real asshole move of me to do last night. I was surprised I even got a hold of myself before something much more happened. Usually I can't stop myself once I start. But this wasn't right for so many reasons.

One, Mason is hers. She was even thinking about him on our way here yesterday. Two, I can't let myself be driven by this attraction I have towards her while we're practically being hunted down. And three, this isn't like me.

I haven't really felt this way for someone in a while. I barely even felt anything in general in a while. There was more to her that I wanted. I just didn't know what.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, indicating I had a text.

From: Ty - the house is still safe. they have no idea where u guys might've gone. keep this low profile. and btw, Mason is coming back in 9 days.

I felt like he gave me the good news first then the bad news.

I had no idea why, but I didn't want to tell Mason, at least until he got back. I had things under control and Aubrey is safe and will be safe.

Save Me // Justin Bieber (Jariana)Where stories live. Discover now