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I ran my fingers through my hair as the events from yesterday replayed in my head.

Aubrey was going to kiss me... and I wanted her to.

Ever since my dirty thoughts, I have been observing her a lot more. Not just how she looks but feeling something, actually feeling. But for some reason, this feeling wasn't a good one.

It was wrong, it was something I haven't felt in years. Just by looking at her I feel like I know her. I want to know her more.

The way she looked at me in the lake. How her hands were soothing my scalp as she ran her fingers through it. Her big brown eyes staring into mine as she got lost. I felt like she was hypnotizing me.

It was so much deeper than just wanting to kiss her because she was hot. And that wasn't a good thing. This sort of thing doesn't happen to me. I'm Justin Bieber, I don't feel this way towards girls. Not since she left. Not since she took everything from me.

I groaned in frustration as memories flashed through my head.

Don't think about her. Stop thinking about her. It's not good for your head. The doctor said not to.

I let out a heavy sigh as I got up from my bed quickly and entered the bathroom. I yanked open the medicine cabinet and popped in my Xanax and then my Prozac. I knew I would be out like a light taking these two together. But I didn't care. I needed to black out for a while.

I held onto the sink tightly as I counted to 10. I needed to breath and do what the doctor told me. This is how I've lived for the past 4 years. Medication after medication, therapy sessions after therapy sessions. It was like a routine for me until I slipped into an unemotional and blank state.

I shook my head and let out a sigh. It would take a little bit for the drugs to kick in. I lazily walked towards my bed until a small knock on the door caused me to stop.

I stared at the door for a moment before walking towards it and opening it, revealing Aubrey. I blankly stared at her as she looked up at me with her big brown orbs. She gave me a small smile.

"Can I come in?" she asked. I nodded.

I opened the door for her as she slipped in and looked around uncomfortably. She turned around to look at me as she played with the bracelet on her wrist. I just looked at her, waiting for her to say something but I didn't mind as she took her time. I liked just looking at her.

"I-I'm so sorry for what happened down there at the lake. I know you and Mason are friends and he's... my boyfriend and all." the words slipping out as if she forced it out. I eyed her carefully as she continued.

"Anyway... I promise nothing like that will happen again. I just got c-caught up in the moment." she mumbled and pursed her lips together, looking down. I moved closer to her, like something was pushing me.

I put my thumb under her chin and titled her head up to look at me. My eyes gravitating towards her lips. I wanted to finish what we started in the lake.

Then, I felt a wave of drowsiness coarse through my body, causing me to stumble back. Her eyebrows furrowed together as she looked at me with a worried look on her face.

"Justin, are you okay?" she asked.

I felt it difficult to stand sturdy on my own two feet as I stumbled over myself. I felt my eye sight slowly becoming blurry only making out Aubrey's figure. I felt her hand on my shoulder and I was on my bed.

The blurriness subsided a bit as I looked up at her face and saw it was replaced by another.

"Jade?" I mumbled in confusion.

"Who's Ja-It's Aubrey, Justin." her voice filling my ears.

I just nodded and laid down.

"Justin. Justin what's happening?" her voice heightened

"I-I took my pills. Th-They make me sleepyyyyyyyy." I dragged the word as I felt my eyelids becoming heavier. Aubrey sighed as if in relief and rubbed my arm.

"I'll be here when you wake up." she said and then I blacked out.


I woke up much later and the room was dark. I looked over at the time and saw it was already 8pm. I knocked out for 8 hours. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes.

I noticed Aubrey wasn't in the room until I saw the door open. I don't know why, but I laid back down pretending I was asleep. My eyes squinting a bit to see her come in and sigh. Her shoulders falling as she closed the door behind her and started walking towards me, making me shut my eyes completely.

I felt the bed go down a little, feeling her presence next to me. It was silent and still. Her hand found her way to my hair as she played with it.

"There's so much I want to tell you... I'm just so scared." she whispered and I felt her moving close. I felt so comfortable under her touch. What was happening to me?

I wondered all the things that she could tell me. She already told me about her parents. And I wanted her to tell me so bad what was wrong. I don't know why I wanted to know so bad.

Her hands travelled down to my face as she caressed it gently. I took a deep breath, causing her to pull away. The touch was so comforting but unfamiliar considering every time I had sex with a girl, it was rushed and to the point.

An image of Mason popped into my head and I felt myself quickly shut down. What am I doing?...

I pretended to wake up, causing her to stand up. I yawned and looked around, seeing her look at me with her bright eyes. She tugged on her bottom lip and stood there uneasy.

"Aubrey..." I whispered and sat up.

"I said I would be here when you woke up." she muttered, making me smile a bit and I nodded.

"Justin." She said, making me look up at her.

"W-what were you gonna do before you knocked out? Were you gonna say something?..." she asked, her voice hopeful. She knew what I was doing but she wanted to know if what I was going to do was true.

I hesitated and just shrugged.

"I don't remember. I just remember you saying sorry about the lake..." I said, obviously lying and looked away from her sad eyes. I saw her nod in the corner of my eye.

"Oh... Okay. Um, I'm gon- bye." She stuttered and walked towards the door, walking out. I let out a discouraged sigh.

I couldn't let myself get close. Getting close was no good for me or her. Our 2nd week was ending and I just had to let the days fly by.


(A/N): hey Guys! Sorry for the short chapters. It's just I have a lot planned for the next few chapters so I don't want too much going on before I write the next few. But I hope you enjoyed!

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