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Mason hasn't been home since last night and I was beyond terrified. After I got the courage to leave the bathroom, I checked the entire house to found out he was gone. I stayed up till 4 in the morning but he still hadn't shown up and I fell asleep.

It was the afternoon already and I had no idea what he was doing or what his mood was. Just in case things would get bad, I had a bag packed. I've tried to sneak out before and it hasn't worked out but I didn't care. I needed to try because this was the first time I ever raised my voice at him even if it was behind a door. I know he won't take it lightly.

I heard the front door, making my neck snap towards the bedroom door. The front door closed and there was some fumbling downstairs. I held my breath and waited for the footsteps.

"Aubrey! Come downstairs! We need to talk!" he shouted. It wasn't a scary or stern shouting though. He just shouted so that I could hear him. He probably drunk himself into a good mood because he sounded fine.

I cleared my dry throat and stood up from the bed and making my way to the door. I walked down the hallway and towards the steps. I stepped downstairs to see Justin and Mason there. Mason smiled and held out his hand for me.

I blinked a few times, hesitating but eventually took it. He helped me down the few steps that were left and walked me into the living room where Justin was getting settled. He had his hands on his lap and looked at me as I came into his vision.

I furrowed my eyebrows in questioning and he just nodded at Mason, meaning 'he'll tell you'.

"Sit. There's something we need to go over." he said and I obeyed, sitting down on a chair as him and Justin sat opposite of me on the couch. Mason rubbed his hands together and stared at me for a moment.

"So... Aubrey, you really acted out on me yesterday." he said and I felt myself getting hot. I glanced over at Justin then quickly back at Mason. Was he gonna hit me in front of Justin? Would Justin stop him? Would Justin even help him beat me? I was nervous and scared as so many conclusions spun around in my head.

"And I don't appreciate it... but, I do care about you." he said and I swear I almost laughed. Him? Care? About me? It was probably the funniest thing I've heard since Justin told me Mason was a good guy.

"So... Go upstairs and back a bag to last you a month. I'm going away on business for my father. But I can't leave you alone knowing that the guy who held you at gun point will come back and won't act alone." he said and my mind blanked. A month? Without Mason?

The moment he said he's going away, everything else sounded muffled. Until a question popped into my head...

"Wait, then where and who am I gonna be staying with?" I asked, being able to speak for the first time since I was first called downstairs.


The voice came from Justin. I looked over at him and widen my eyes. Looks like I won't be vacationing from this.

"You don't know any of the other guys as well as Justin. Plus, his house is in a better hiding zone. They don't know where he lives. Justin is gonna be keeping tabs on you, so it's like I won't be gone. He's gonna tell me everything and anything every night. Just because I won't be here physically doesn't mean I'll be gone completely." he said in a low tone, creating chills down my back.

"When do you leave?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning. So go pack. Now."


Save Me // Justin Bieber (Jariana)Where stories live. Discover now